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Marauder Trees vs Others


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So my main is a marauder (currently full anni after being full carnage since release), and I have two alts: an assassin and a merc. I just went AC with the merc last night so I really started looking at the skill trees and I got kinda mad.


I haven't looked into Bodyguard as being a healer is not my thing, but Arsenal and Pyrotech blow me away. It made me think of my assassin and her trees and how lackluster all the marauder trees really are. Almost every skill in the inquisitor and 2/3 of the bounty hunter trees are useful and have a direct benefit to the tree they're in. Marauder trees, on the other hand, are loaded with possibilities based on lucky rolls. Combos are a requirement for us, whereas they're merely a plus for the other two classes.


Don't get me wrong, my marauder is still my favorite toon. I have a lot more fun chopping people up than shocking and/or shooting them from afar (with the occasional nice melee move of course). I'm just saying that I finally get what people have been crying about. No, the marauder is not weak. No it doesn't suck. Yes our skills are crap. It says a lot about the class that it's so good with such janky talents. I'd imagine the reason they're so janky is for balance, but really, they could still use some work.



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