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Questions about Anakin and Obi-Wan


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To start with I've only watched the movies and the animated series so far and have a bit of Wookiepedia information, meaning no books or anything.



1)So in the animated series which cover a couple years back of the Revenge of the Sith, Anakin seems like a very lovable character.I mean he loves his master and padawan to the death.He always keeps others' live in a higher regard.He always tries to help people.I don't think we see the same Anakin in the movies.In the movies (thanks to Hayden Christensen) he seems like an arrongant and troubled young boy which in fact he is.You look at the loveable Anakin in the series and then you see a Sith Lord killing youngling in the Jedi Temple.I mean how can someone change like that in the blink of an eye when he turns to the dark side.What does it mean to fall to the dark side ?



2)When does Obi-Wan finds out that Anakin is still alive after their duel on Mustafar ? I would love to see some info on his reaction or even Yoda's. And why did he not try to assasinate him again when he finds out he's alive ?


Thanks in advance for the answers.

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To start with I've only watched the movies and the animated series so far and have a bit of Wookiepedia information, meaning no books or anything.



1)So in the animated series which cover a couple years back of the Revenge of the Sith, Anakin seems like a very lovable character.I mean he loves his master and padawan to the death.He always keeps others' live in a higher regard.He always tries to help people.I don't think we see the same Anakin in the movies.In the movies (thanks to Hayden Christensen) he seems like an arrongant and troubled young boy which in fact he is.You look at the loveable Anakin in the series and then you see a Sith Lord killing youngling in the Jedi Temple.I mean how can someone change like that in the blink of an eye when he turns to the dark side.What does it mean to fall to the dark side ?




2)When does Obi-Wan finds out that Anakin is still alive after their duel on Mustafar ? I would love to see some info on his reaction or even Yoda's. And why did he not try to assasinate him again when he finds out he's alive ?




Thanks in advance for the answers.


1. His fall didn't happen in "a blink of an eye" people seem to overlook vastly at the start when introduced to him in EP 1 that he was having emotional problems, that Yoda sensed that his future was clouded, that he was frightened and too old to be trained. Moving on to EP 2, he is arrogant and rash which isn't very jedi like plus he goes against the rules and falls in love and then he takes revenge on the Sand People for torturing/killing his mother. Ok EP 3, at this point Anakin has been struggling with himself(he also struggles in TCW series sometimes being very dark) you see this before he kills Dooku he knows its wrong but he does it anyway and then sometime later he has visions of Padme dying. He founds out from Palpatine that he cannot learn what he needs to save the one that he loves from the jedi, further to that he is denied the rank of master which he has deserved and in skill is a jedi master anyway.


That shows to Anakin that the jedi don't want to help him, and are indeed holding him back because they are afraid of what he could become. Moving forward to the fight between Palpatine and Mace, near the end they both try to convince Anakin about how they are evil and such blah blah. Anakin pleads with Mace not to kill Palpatine, that it isn't the jedi way and as he is about to strike Anakin strikes back sealing his fate as he helps kill one of the jedi order's greatest warriors. Realizing after that he done something he shouldn't have, he pledges himself to Palpatine and the ways of the darkside seeing as the jedi order wouldn't take him back after this action. (In this case in myth Anakin a broken/confused man, sold his soul to the devil(Palpatine) in order to gain power.)


So no...his fall to the darkside wasn't instant, it happened over the course of 3 movies if people paid any attention to the character.



2. He finds out sometime during his exile on Tatooine, as for not trying to find him and kill him. A jedi during the GCW were branded as traitors, plus he knew that if he left there would be no one around to teach Luke the ways of the force and to become a jedi.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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