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Commando PVP healing inefficient?


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I'm currently a lvl 30 commando healer, recently joined a pvp guild, only to notice my healing seems quite underpowered compared to what a fellow sage can get. I crank out about 100k healing average per warzone while he cranks out 200-250k average at level 25.


I have some experience with PVP healing, having been holy paladin in WoW, where I was doing quite good and thus do not feel that my ability comes from lack of skill or understanding of my class. I might not be playing optimally due to lack of experience with this particular class, but I dont feel this would imply doing less than half of what another class can do.


I have come to the conclusion that this is because the class doesnt have enough mobility. In pvp you have to run around a lot while healing with a commando requires to be standing in place for long times. In addition, a lot of your healing power will come from popping your stack of supercharge cells, and getting ccd or having to run around once it is popped reduces your healing drastically. The commando just doesnt seem to be an efficient.


Anyone else share these thoughts? Is commando pvp healing viable?

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You're going to call commandos underpowered based on level 30 pvp? lol


Get to 50, get geared, then come back.


Commando healing is fine.


Does it suck getting CCd during supercharged? Yeah it does, but that's life.

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Don't only look at healing done. Sages can (if they're allowed to) utilize their AOE heal in a way that shoots them to the top of the scoreboard as if it was nothing. However, that all changes if they're targeted by more than one member of the opponents team. To survive a Sage must often kite and use CC and in all of that time he/she cannot heal effectively. I do believe a Commando can take some hits and "tank" the opponents better.


This is how I view it, I might be wrong.

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You're going to call commandos underpowered based on level 30 pvp? lol


Get to 50, get geared, then come back.


Commando healing is fine.


Does it suck getting CCd during supercharged? Yeah it does, but that's life.


Im comparing the performance of two classes before 50, where one does up to 2.5 times as much healing as the other.

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Im comparing the performance of two classes before 50, where one does up to 2.5 times as much healing as the other.


Maybe the sage is higher level and has the aoe heal already? IDK


Nevertheless comparing classes in PvP before geared level 50 PvP is dumb. There's huge imbalances at lower levels.

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Don't only look at healing done. Sages can (if they're allowed to) utilize their AOE heal in a way that shoots them to the top of the scoreboard as if it was nothing. However, that all changes if they're targeted by more than one member of the opponents team. To survive a Sage must often kite and use CC and in all of that time he/she cannot heal effectively. I do believe a Commando can take some hits and "tank" the opponents better.


This is how I view it, I might be wrong.


That seems like a valid point, thanks

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Maybe the sage is higher level and has the aoe heal already? IDK


Nevertheless comparing classes in PvP before geared level 50 PvP is dumb. There's huge imbalances at lower levels.


As I said in my first post, he is 5 levels under me.


I understand the standard to judge a class is lvl 50 and geared. My post is based on first impressions, and I was asking for other viewpoints, because if the healing spec isnt designed for pvp as I suspect I will drop it and go dps.

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Having played all three healers in this game, and gotten my Seer Sage up to Battlemaster gear, I can say they all have their own pros and cons.


Sage- Slightly susceptible to interrupts, but we have a bubble and an instant-cast that ticks for around 300-400 and gives a unique buff to the next healing cast. We're very mobile and CC heavy, but that's because we drop like flies when focused.


Commando- A literal healer tank. Their healing spec can be used as a DPS spec too, as Supercharge lets you cast charged bolts with no ammo cost. Charged bolts hits for around 3k-4k in battlemaster gear. Their healing is actually great, and with Tech Override and Supercharge you can get someone from 10% health back up to 90% health in two global cooldowns, then start spamming charged bolts to assist in the kill.


Smuggler- While i wholeheartedly believe their casted-time up-front healing leaves something to be desired, once you get Emergent Emergencies you can seriously abuse the hell out of Emergency Medpac. I believe Smugglers are least viable PvP healers, but they have a unique advantage of having almost all of their heals being completely invisible or so unnoticeable that it's unpractical to look for healing spells to see what's going on. Outside of their 3-second avoidance cooldown, they're really squishy.


Just my 2 creds. :)

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Having played all three healers in this game, and gotten my Seer Sage up to Battlemaster gear, I can say they all have their own pros and cons.


Sage- Slightly susceptible to interrupts, but we have a bubble and an instant-cast that ticks for around 300-400 and gives a unique buff to the next healing cast. We're very mobile and CC heavy, but that's because we drop like flies when focused.


Commando- A literal healer tank. Their healing spec can be used as a DPS spec too, as Supercharge lets you cast charged bolts with no ammo cost. Charged bolts hits for around 3k-4k in battlemaster gear. Their healing is actually great, and with Tech Override and Supercharge you can get someone from 10% health back up to 90% health in two global cooldowns, then start spamming charged bolts to assist in the kill.


Smuggler- While i wholeheartedly believe their casted-time up-front healing leaves something to be desired, once you get Emergent Emergencies you can seriously abuse the hell out of Emergency Medpac. I believe Smugglers are least viable PvP healers, but they have a unique advantage of having almost all of their heals being completely invisible or so unnoticeable that it's unpractical to look for healing spells to see what's going on. Outside of their 3-second avoidance cooldown, they're really squishy.


Just my 2 creds. :)



Except for sages being susceptible to interrupts I'll agree with everything you've said. If anything the other 2 healers get hurt more from interrupts since both healers only have one non-CD casted heal. And I have the same sentiment about the smuggler casted heal, it's way too long of a cast but as you said with all their instants they're very hard to pick out as healers.


I leveled my Operative->Sorc->Trooper.


Out of those three I prefer my trooper, but that's mainly because I love my 24/17 spec. It has all the heals except Bacta and has the amazing utility of the gunnery tree. Sorc hybrids are also a lot of fun to play. I've yet to get a 300k/300k game on my trooper but have seen it a couple times on my sorc through abusing death field. Trooper has much stronger single-target burst though.

Edited by Jooji
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