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Ten things EA needs to borrow from Warhammer to make PVP a winner.


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1. Weekend rotating Scenarios and bonuses


Great idea to keep the scenario rotation fresh and exciting. By adding a few more warfronts and rotating them around with bonuses and daily quests, you give people a reason to login during prime time hours over the weekends.


2. Seige equipment that is useful.


Mind you warhammer seige equipment was largely useless for quite awhile it was still far better than that ion particle cannon outside the fortresses in ILUM. Allow each player to spend MERC commendations on seige weaponry, then allow the number of active seige weapons to scale with the population balance in the zone at the time. Republic pushed up against the fortress ? Republic can setup more cannons along the upper walls to push the imps back.


3. Valor rewards that scales with the valor rank of the player killed and number of group members.


Give players a better valor gain for performing better against better geared opponents and encourages solo play, not that seeing a big empire ball in ILUM isn't fun...


4. Gradual diminishing returns.


It makes no sense to gain 200 valor for killing a player than 0 valor for a subsequent kill. The valor reward should scale down like it did in warhammer.


5. Horde mode based warzone.


When i quit warhammer this idea was being played with by developers, not sure if it was ever implemented but i loved the idea. Killing the NPC's faster would allow you to upgrade your own defenses and increase the speed and/or power of the npc's the opposing team was forced to fight. Think of it like tower defense from SC2 or warcraft 3.


6. Item drops from world pvp


Sure trying to get 50 or so kings crests to buy a piece of sovereign gear was frustrating, it was a nice little surprise when it happened. Doesn't need to be anything huge, why not award MERC commendations for OPVP player kills.


7. Campaign based OPVP.


The PVP in ilum should feel like an actual war. You take an objective and push forward, slowly securing objectives. The objectives need to also harder to take and easier to defend. When securing a battlefield objectives it should "lock" for x amount of minutes.


8. Underdog


No reason it should take 2-3 years to give the underdog faction a fair shake in OPVP. A scalable buff for the underdog side in coin gain and valor gain would be enough to encourage people to venture into ILUM solo or with a group.


9. Server bonuses for the underdog faction


20% exp/valor bonus to the underpopulated side. Encourages people to re-roll on different factions.


10. Minor tweaks to pvp play


Such as customizable UI, improving the pvp rewards (most of which is being done)

Edited by Iite
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You'd think that when they scavenged up the WAR team to help with SWTOR they would have taken more than just the people there, such as some of the ideas. But, yes these are all good ideas that I hope make it into the game in some way. Unfortunately for the OP, most people are going to see "WAR" and say something like "lol that game failed why would we want anything from that here?" without realizing that there are a lot of good ideas that can be learned from that game.
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Warhammer at it's core was a very fun pvp game.


What broke the camels back was


1. Horrid Class imbalance (Bright wizards and sorcs)


2. Semi Mirrored Classes (Squig herder was supposed to mirror the shadow warrior, but we saw how well that worked out)


3. Too little too late in regards to fixing faction imbalance (On dark crag during the first year of release order was in our city constantly, during those times war zones and ORVR zones were locked, so essentially we could not play the game most of the time)


4. Waffling by developers.


5. Adding half polished content like city sieges that didn't work for nearly a year after release.


Other than this i found pvp quite enjoyable.

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I'd like to see most if not all of these things make it into SWTOR too.


It would end up being pretty funny/ironic/surprising (in a good way) if a game mainly considered to be a "story-based" PvE MMO ends up with some of the best and most interesting PvP combat around.

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