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Darth Jadus Bugged - Spoilers


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sad part is lightsrping didnt need adjusting as it was not bugged, people just refused to use any form of tactics


I totally realize that and I loved The Lightspring as it was, because it really taught you how to use your character to control a fight. You learned how to draw a boss away from the main fight. When to use your interupts to prevent him from healing.


I thought The Lightspring was absolutely brilliant and it was one of the highlights of the entire Smuggler questline and it needed absolutely nothing done to it at all. So it totally baffles me why they even considered fiddling with it and also shows me that Bioware really has no idea at all what they are doing to their own game, its sad when I see things like this because Bioware thinks they have "fixed" something...:(

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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Just got to this tonight and it's and absolute garbage effort on the quality control (same with tanks and elemental damage on Voss). Insane damage output combined with the targeting glitch makes this damn near impossible.


Seriously, we need a 1.1.2a or whatever to fix this issue. The game should focus on eliminating bugs first and formost.

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I killed the guy very easy.. Ya he is bugged and I could not attack it, but my companion can.. So use her/him...

Attack with him and then retrieve your companion to you.. Dark Jadus them come and everything is easy..

An I am sniper.. just for information, so ya he hits very hard :).

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I killed the guy very easy.. Ya he is bugged and I could not attack it, but my companion can.. So use her/him...

Attack with him and then retrieve your companion to you.. Dark Jadus them come and everything is easy..

An I am sniper.. just for information, so ya he hits very hard :).




Ctrl-1 is your friend.

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I am sniper spec and I completed this quest by standing on the far away stairs(not the stairs that lead up to him but the far away one) and sending in my companion to attack. The second my Companion started to attack I set it to passive and it would either run back to me or teleport back to me. Jadus would run to the stairs and I could shoot him without getting the bug. I did it 3 times in a row and it worked like a charm everytime.
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I am sniper spec and I completed this quest by standing on the far away stairs(not the stairs that lead up to him but the far away one) and sending in my companion to attack. The second my Companion started to attack I set it to passive and it would either run back to me or teleport back to me. Jadus would run to the stairs and I could shoot him without getting the bug. I did it 3 times in a row and it worked like a charm everytime.


This was great advice and I used this strat to beat him at level 31.


Safe Pull (written for sniper but same concept for op):


- Goto the top of the steps furthest away from him (it's beyond max range but he will run to you if done right)

- Get into sniper mode

- Send companion in to attack (I used Kaliyo)

- Wait for Jadus to cast - You should see a little red flash on his chest which I think is a self buff he uses

- Press the Passive key for your companion to call them to return to your side


At this point he usually has cast a CC on your companion. Since you are out of range your companion teleports to your location which also breaks the CC. Now Jadus is running to attack your companion which is now beside you. Do not panic as you have plenty of time for casting.


- Press the Passive key so your companion will attack

- Go into your normal rotation (I suggest lots of Dots)


The place at the top of the far steps has lots of good kiting options as the terminals at the bottom on the stairs is pretty easy to jump over for line of sight. Remember to disrupt his lightning cast and you should get it after a few tries.

Edited by Jebei
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Well, good for all you Snipers out there. Glad to hear its so "easy" for you all.

I am an Operative. (toilet class of SWTOR)

Spent the last hour and god knows how many creds to fix my gear trying to finish this. Now I know why there are so few level 50 Operatives in the game, they (like myself) cannot get past this point.


Why do I feel so screwed over? :confused:

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I saw as a sniper at the level 28 that the last class quest before the final was already tough (the one in Hutta, the last boss was bugged as well.


There was a room with an arch door, I had to get in to be able to shoot at him, Kaliyo died and I had to reset the quest because if I was getting in for the fight, Kaliyo won't attack at all. I'm glad I didn't have to redo it a third time.


The quest at the Cortes's house was bugged too, but not that bad, only the two first guards in the house at the door are bugged. But same I had to kill them in two step because Kaliyo won't get in.


Now about that final quest, the big fight against Darth Jadus, I had to wait my fresh level 29 to tempt it because at four level of difference I missed too many shots.


The quest is still bugged, so I found this topic and managed to try many things, but I was keeping dying, sometimes bringing him near 10%.


I was reviving at the medical center to fix my armor each time before any attempts, and it cost me around 10 000 credits so I died many times.


Then an other bug happened, you know the one that keeps you in combat, so as usual I let kaliyo going her way to the fight and waited for her to repop near me, but the things didn't happend that way, Jadus was after her, I put her on passive and here comes the hell of a boss /gasp. I thought at that moment, well I'll die close to the medic, that could be worst.


I engage, as some other said I use interrupt, crowd control skills to alternate, ambush's catapult, doting him and playing with the line of sight around the corner of the medical room keeping shooting and get him.

Many times he swapped between me and Kaliyo and that let me enter in cover for bigger damage, I used a 24 health potion the one that heals also your companion.


No need to say that for the next steps, I send Kaliyo to Jadus and pulled her back and ran to the same place where I have been lucky, and win!


Here is a pic.


The emote you can see in the chat was /rude of course ( in french).


PS: I realise, looking at the chat, it took me two hours to achieve this :eek:

Edited by Saint-Ange
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Well, good for all you Snipers out there. Glad to hear its so "easy" for you all.

I am an Operative. (toilet class of SWTOR)

Spent the last hour and god knows how many creds to fix my gear trying to finish this. Now I know why there are so few level 50 Operatives in the game, they (like myself) cannot get past this point.


Why do I feel so screwed over? :confused:


My other toon is a concealment operative and as I recall I did it at level 30 with a similar strat on the pull. For the rest I relied on dots, interrupts, and heals and let Kaliyo tank it. His big damage comes from that lightning/thundering blast and you have to interrupt it or she will die. There's a dot he casts as well that can be cleansed but you may not have time for it. The key is interrupts.


No doubt it is a real pain and too hard for most casual players to solo without a lot of death. Probably not a good design idea in a MMORPG is mostly a single player experience 1-49.

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As other people have said, it's actually fairly easy to work around it, but still a bug that should not be there.


I'm baffled at people saying they died more than 10 times to this...I mean like, I died once due to panic, but then I just stabbed him, ran down the stairs, Jadus followed, and then it was just a normal fight from then after I got into cover...

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The thing is though Bioware has known about this bug going way back into beta and they have yet to do anything about it, which leads me to believe that the targeting issues are all about the flaws in the Hero Game Engine and if that is the case then it may not ever be fixed properly and he will just be made a lot easier to kill which is just wrong!
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I'm baffled at people saying they died more than 10 times to this...


In my case it is easy to understand why I died so many times.


I went there at the level 29 because I wanted to get the Heritage name.

29 against Jadus 32, yes for me that was tough because of missing shots, because he hits hard, doesn't care at all with your cover because he fight from far as much as in melee and probably because of me as I am not an hardcore gamer.


Now I don't complain by any mean, I just say that is possible to go there at 29 that's it.


The only one problem that's a bug that wouldn't have to be there, especially for the final of an epic chain of quests, it leaves a very negative feeling for an apotheosis. And the 3 last quests of that chain are more or less bugged.

Edited by Saint-Ange
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So this bug has been here since release... it's FEBRUARY now and STILL ain't been fixed. I'm starting to think this ain't a bug and is just the way they wanted it to be (which is really messed up). Like everyone else, I put in a ticket as well, but I have yet to see anyone say they got a response... I'll give them 2 days (they have a maintenance scheduled within that time) before I say screw it and go back to WoW. Blizzard may have somewhat poor support too but at least they try to fix these kinds of problems fast instead of just saying "well it's possible to do it this ridiculously hard way or by getting a level capped person to come do it for you" so we will just let it be and not do anything about it... Just sayin, get it together - this is one of those things that turns a supposed WoW killer into a flop...


BTW, ty to all those who have posted alternative methods to this quest and congrats to those who have succeeded!

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I think Bioware is onto something...


Jadus is second in power to the Emperor himself. He probably has a dark side power that affects the IA, us and our computers thereby causing us to believe we "cannot see the target".


One of those Jedi mind trick things...



Or EA/Bioware is just testing everyone's patience. Why else put a MAJOR obstacle to advancing the main storyline of one of the least(if not the least) popular classes?!


I'm telling you! This was all planned! We're in good hands!

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My 33 Sniper ran into this bugged nightmare of a mission back in early January. After multiple attempts I gave up and parked my Sniper. Instead I levelled a Sorcerer to 50 and got my legacy that way. Then levelled a Powertech to 47


So tonight I thought I would return to my Sniper and see if they fixed this after 2 months of release. LOL, of course not. Such a huge bug causing a major roadblock in a class storyline would receive priority attention wouldn't you think? Seemingly not. They have managed to find the time to nerf Operatives into the ground though.


I did eventually get through it, by standing right on top of Jadus and using my melee attack Shiv and interupts. None of my ranged attacks seemed to work. It was a really unpleasant fight and I hated not being able to complete it properly as a Sniper should. But at least I got past it.


I am stunned that this problem still persists, it is nothing short of embarassing for Bioware that they haven't fixed it yet.

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Posted this in the other thread...




I found this guy extremely easy.


1) Just send your companion to attack the guy, once your companion successfully lands an attack then you will be able to attack.


2) I noticed he never actually attacks your companion, he only stuns them. in between Jadus stunning your companion they can get some decent hits in ( I used Vector.)


3) All you really have to worry about is that lighting ability of his. Whenever he is charging it up, LOS the son of a gun and it wont hit you.


4) Keep your DOTs on the guy at all time.


5) every once in a while he will perform a knock back which will stun you for a but, but not long enough for him to charge up his lighting ability before you can get behind cover.



Pretty easy boss battle, the only irritating part was that you had to kill the guy what seemed like 8 times.

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Im a 32 IA and your title is a spoiler The story at the beginning tells us that darth Jadus is dead but you post a title about the darth jadus fight.


Why not post the title "vader is Luke's dad - spoiler" in the star wars lore section.



Oh, please. Let's pretend that it wasn't blatantly obvious from the second that he 'died' that he was actually alive and behind it all.


Edited by Mezla
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I have started another thread on this issue.. I have tried this fight 30-40 times with only two levels on him. My gear is not the best and my internet connection could.. be better.


I spent a bunch of cash to gear up Vector, but it is pointless. I cant get him to respond smoothly to Attack/Passive commands so he eats the lightning more than he should.


I am a healing operative.. I dont have a ton of interupts and for the most part, my healing is a long cast.. Once he hits with that instant cast force knockback.. lol.. There is no way I can get the interupt off in time. This all adds up to an unwinnable fight for me.


Congrats to the folks that were able to pull it off. You are a better player than I am.. I don't feel like I can do it at my current level.. Period. And this quest is coded as "GREEN"!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I guess I can outlevel him and try again. That is just so unexciting.. Why would anyone want to play a game if you feel completely inept?

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I have started another thread on this issue.. I have tried this fight 30-40 times with only two levels on him. My gear is not the best and my internet connection could.. be better.


I spent a bunch of cash to gear up Vector, but it is pointless. I cant get him to respond smoothly to Attack/Passive commands so he eats the lightning more than he should.


I am a healing operative.. I dont have a ton of interupts and for the most part, my healing is a long cast.. Once he hits with that instant cast force knockback.. lol.. There is no way I can get the interupt off in time. This all adds up to an unwinnable fight for me.


Congrats to the folks that were able to pull it off. You are a better player than I am.. I don't feel like I can do it at my current level.. Period. And this quest is coded as "GREEN"!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I guess I can outlevel him and try again. That is just so unexciting.. Why would anyone want to play a game if you feel completely inept?


Do not take this fight as a measure of your ability. Anyone who posts a 'it was so easy...' probably overleveled it, overgeared it, and / or brought friends while probably experiencing less of the bugs than you have.


I did get past it but it was a pain in the rear trying to find a spot where I could melee him (speced concealment) without him insta-gibbing my companion (happened several times, not always) or Jadus resetting (again happened several times, not always) once I got him off the untargetable spot.


My advice would be to grab a friend. It is possible to beat this fight, but it will be frustrating as no combination of abilities or skills you use will prevent the various bugs from occurring.


You should not feel inept. Bioware is the one that is inept having left this buggy fight unfixed months after launch. They should be ashamed and embarrassed at this piece of crap.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Just did it as a 34 Sniper. It is not as bad as everyone says it is.


For those having a hard time, you HAVE to get into you heads to use all your interrupts. If you are NOT using your interrupts you will die and die and die and complain at how hard it is.

I died about 6 - 8 times through it all. Hang back, send in kaliyo (or whatever her name is), as soon as you what looks like a heart show up on him, put her on passive, she will teleport back to you. As others have said, when it looks like he is going to cast something purple, use your interrupt! if you can keep him from casting anything/everything, good on ya.


Yes, it will take a few times, but it is doable.


If you do not want to use interrupts and want a tank and spank, go play some other game.

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Do not take this fight as a measure of your ability. Anyone who posts a 'it was so easy...' probably overleveled it, overgeared it, and / or brought friends while probably experiencing less of the bugs than you have.
I could see Snipers or certain builds struggling with the fight but not everyone has difficulties. I just soloed it at level 32, no deaths and going in the fight blind. It could be my build (Heals/concealment hybrid built for PvP) but I didn't really find it that difficult. First thing I noticed was his extremely low HP, so I just tried out DPSing him, interrupting where I can and heals if needed. LOS bug was annoying but experience in PvP makes me move around a lot anyway so I just adjusted my position until it connected.


If you're just trying to have Kaliyo tank while you heal her then yeah I could see why people would struggle with it - he does too much damage to your companions, CCs them constantly and it's difficult concentrating on healing while interrupting his stuff. But each time you fight him he only has 14k hp, last time is 18k. That's barely any health for you to burn through.

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I can see now that this is a known bug, and that its been around for quite some time. It is now the 26th of February and it is still impossible for me to to finish the Imperial Agent storyline.


I do not mean to be rude, but how in the name of all that is holy have you managed to avoid dealing with this particular issue for so long? One whould think that the completion of a class-storyline is a high-priority issue...


And yes, i can see the admin posting some "righ on top of our to-do list"-nonsense.




It is the 26th of February and it still hasnt been fixed.


This is the kind of bug that cancels subscriptions. So please, for the love of Yoda, just fix it.

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Just completed the quest after 10-15 attempts with my lvl 31 sniper. It's not impossible, but it's incredibly hard even using all the tips from all the players here. The fact that you have to do the same thing 3 times is completely sadistic and frustrating. Cost me over 10,000 credits for repairs.


I didn't mind any of the minor bugs up until now, but this one is just ridiculous. It's one of the most important points in the story so it's incredible that it hasn't been fixed at release, let alone 2 months in...

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