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Marauder PVE armor sets design is vomit-inducing


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The pvp set is fine they just need to allow the helmet and hood at the same time.


The pve set is just a jugger clone. Bioware took no thought in designing armor to suit each AC. The sets seem to be oriented toward one AC and just copied. The inquisitor gear is another good example of this. The only assassin looking set is that revan looking armor set. Most of the other gear is designed for the sorc look.


It's almost like Maras wore HEAVY ARMOR IN BETA, then it got switched last minute.

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I agree with everyone here. I'm wondering if the Marauder armor design team lost an in-office bet or something... I'm on the band wagon about the whole skirt thing. It's the reason I wore moddable Imperial Agent gear and rocked the Athiss chest and pants for soo many levels...
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wasnt a last minute change at all. And even if it was, surely there where easier ways of going about it than trying to create a billion medium armour items for a class which previously had non and had to launch.


If you think about it, all they had to do is add to our duel wield sabre skill:

"Allows duel wielding of light sabres, whilst duel wielding, armour is dropped by %% and damage is increased by %%" Considering all of our attacks worth mentioning require 2 sabres, it would never be better to be a mara with 1 weapon, and if they actually engaged with customers instead of hiding behind this forum all they'd have to say is:


"Marauders where going to be nerfed to medium armour as we felt heavy armour makes the class too strong, this is still a path we will wish to pursue in the future, however for now changes to "dual wield" have had the necessary effect. This is to make the needed changes whilst ensuring that players do not struggle to correctly gear their character whilst levelling. Thankyou for your patience"


Would this be perfect? no, not at all.

Would it calm all the screaming children who would whine about our "nerf"? no.

Would it atleast give us a large array of armour to choose from even if non of it was unique to us? Yes.

Would it then mean all BW's "creative" work could be focused into making PvP/columi/rakata gear which looked epic and completely unique? Yes, and thats all that matters because that is what EVERYONE will end up wearing.


I looked like part of the Imperial Guard when i hit 50, and it was epic. I deliberately went and got 2 huge FFVII swords from voss and proceded to run around looking completely awesome, even if the stats took some modding to get them up to spec. Getting consistantly told by everyone i grouped with "nice swords/armour"

Now marauders are 10 a penny and the look is standard, as there isnt any alternatives, but i'd rather they didnt go too mad with orange gear and just fixed the sets which where designed for us, as it should be a lot quicker fix than doing loads of different orange gear, you know, so we dont all look the same, again.

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Try playing a Sith Inquisitor and then get back to me.


At least you don't have to look like Darth Big Bird. :o


TOR desperately needs a Transmogrification system.


Yeah my Assassin looks like he was rolling around in road kill. The whole tribal thing doesn't say Sith to me.

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This is why I love my guild for giving me a 58 armoring, a 58 mod and a 58 enhancement from our boss drops so I can have a cool looking chest and not lack stats (Actually with my current gear being better than rakata). Sucks for pvpers though...
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LOLWTFROBOT. I have no idea how thats supposed to resemble a marauder.


but really the pvp chest/hands are cool. the fact that the helmet doesnt drop the hood makes it look dumb if you wear it(not that i'd wear it anyway), and the boots are a bit much imo. the only decent looking pieces of gear in the whole game are chest pieces. I wish they'd add some skins like in Aion, sucks i can't really look whorish without a security key.

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The pvp set is fine they just need to allow the helmet and hood at the same time.


The pve set is just a jugger clone. Bioware took no thought in designing armor to suit each AC. The sets seem to be oriented toward one AC and just copied. The inquisitor gear is another good example of this. The only assassin looking set is that revan looking armor set. Most of the other gear is designed for the sorc look.


^^^^^^^ This.


PvP is pretty good, I wasn't crazy about it at first (spikes on shoulders?) but its growing on me. Compared to how bad most PvP armor looks, its pretty good. (JG pvp set is aaaaaaawful. On the other hand, Agent is the best. Cyberninja!)


PvE however, is a reskin of the Juggernaut armor with a different helm on top. Doesn't seem appropriate at all. Looks the definition of heavy armor.


How about our PvE set looks like the Xenotech Weaponmaster's or the Entropic Assault set, proper sith robes over some small armor? Seems like the perfect medium armor set, fits the image of a sith warrior, looks more like medium than heavy, and is just plain COOL.


We're not ROBOCOP, we're Sith. We should have robes on.


If you don't want robes, thats fine, there's plenty of alternatives. But the MAIN look, our main tier sets, should be iconic. And they're totally off. FFXI got this right, if everybody is going to be running around wearing the same set of the best armor, then that armor should look ICONIC to the class.


PLEASE, Bioware?! <3





Most of this will be resolved when they make end-sets mod-able and make it so we can move the set bonuses around.


We still need a proper robe and better set bonuses, though.

Edited by miliways
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PvE Armor


Because when I think Sith Marauder, I also think Optimus Prime.


Notice the Marauders in the opening sequence? Or any other Sith in the cinematics? I'd much rather have a black robe with hood that covers all the goofy armor I'm wearing than look like my armor was made by a trash compactor at an automotive junk yard

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Ok this is relaly only the first tiers of raid/pvp items. Take a look at wow(I know people hate making the comparisson) not all of the wow gear was awesome looking for each class.


So suck it up for this go around, hopefully the next operation which introduces the next tier gear proves to be abit more diverse and aesthetically pleasing for warriors and not just marauders

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What is sad is that the Imperial Agent lvl 50 PVE armor looks more like proper Sith armor than Sith armor does. I would love to get Agent armor and replace all the mods for Mara but I guess they made only the mod and enhancement changeable strictly to keep other classes from doing exactly that.


I would wear the Imp Agent armor in a minute if I could make it useable. The knee length robe/fabric look is what I'm used to seeing on force users and what I invision in my mind of Sith and Jedi in general.


I love BW's work on this game but Mara armor in total leaves me scratching my head. I can find no justification for any of their design ideas given 6 movies + canon writings worth of examples of what force users have worn through galactic history.


Bioware in all courtesy....what the...

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I am currently wearing Tionese chest and a helmet from EV normal... and yes, its not Sith, it looks more like some cyborg or at least tech user. What were they thinking...:eek:

I saw Marauders in Champion set it looks cool. Alas comparing to PvE gear it gives a way less Strenght...

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I personnaly use vindicator pvp armoring bonus as anni mara, so I skipped the whole "robot-rocketbear" look of tionese


For looks, I went with the taris set. Under that its ugly (bird with a skirt until NS, then batman to the rescue on tat...) and after that you get massive shoulder pad I don't like. It has a skirt, but imo its decent looking enough. You actually look like you hold a rank more than apprentice.


I agree tough, before xenotech that jug robes >>> mara.

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