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Were the Sith created specifically to be the villians?


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I just want to know, did bioware intend and specifically make the sith to be the classic evil villian? Do they exist soley to do bad deeds? I don't care what western society philiosphical nonsense can be used to throw me off, I want to know what you think Bioware intended for the sith to be.


If I continue to level my sith warrior, am I going to get to a point where I go "I get it all now, its all about self empowerment and breaking my chains, freedom through the force!" Or, am I going to sit there and continue to go "haha, thats funny, he killed that guy" for the rest of my gaming experiance?



A few months ago, Daniel Erickson stated:

"The Sith don't wake up in the morning and have their evil pancakes and evil coffee." But it is extremely important that when you are playing on the Imperial side that you notice that this is a real place and that these are people with a different philosophical view.


We always laugh at some of the old Star Wars products where you'd play the Dark Side and someone says "Dark greetings!" to you. Yay evil! You couldn't play a game and have a community and have friends if that's how you saw yourself. People don't want to be a cartoon."


Recently, He seems to have changed his mind on this, stating:

"Sith are evil. The Sith philosophy is evil and encourages evil in its participants. We can get into endless philosophical discussions about whether anything is actually evil or actually good but if we are speaking from our modern, western view on the concept of evil then the Sith clearly qualify."



1. http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/15792-interview-story-in-depth-with-daniel-erickson

2. http://massively.joystiq.com/2011/02/08/swtor-fans-ask-whether-sith-are-evil-and-how-crew-skills-work/

3. http://torwars.com/2011/02/08/erickson-sith-are-evil/

Edited by Tgirgis
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Those two aren't mutually exclusive. Break down what he says.


"The Sith don't wake up in the morning and have their evil pancakes and evil coffee." But it is extremely important that when you are playing on the Imperial side that you notice that this is a real place and that these are people with a different philosophical view.


What he's saying here is that the Sith don't run around saying "I am an evil bad guy villain!" That they have a philosophical view on the world that explains how they justify what they do what they do.


And here he says:


"Sith are evil. The Sith philosophy is evil and encourages evil in its participants. We can get into endless philosophical discussions about whether anything is actually evil or actually good but if we are speaking from our modern, western view on the concept of evil then the Sith clearly qualify."


Emphasis mine.


From the point of view of the dominant culture in most of the world today, the Sith philosophy engenders evil. This does not contradict the previous statement, which was basically just saying "nobody goes around think of themselves as evil. They always have a justification for what they do."


So yes, the Sith were created to be villains. The Sith philosophy lends itself to that, because it pretty much says "Doing whatever you want will make you strong, and that will enable you to do whatever you want to anybody." The thing is, they call it "gaining freedom through passion and the Force" because they need to justify doing whatever act of spite or manipulation they see as necessary for personal advancement.


Like most villains that are at least decently thought-out, they have a philosophy that justifies what we see as evil, in their eyes. That's what he's saying, not that there is some secret hidden positive to embracing a code that espouses absolute selfishness.

Edited by CaesarSteiner
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