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Could I possibly get a Top Hat?


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Dear Bioware;


My character's name is Abrahamlincoln, a level 50 Sith Juggernaut already deep into endgame content. I want to start off by saying that TOR is impressive with the quality of the game so soon after launch. However, I feel as if something is lacking in my experience, something very aesthetic that could make my gameplay exponentially enjoyable.


You see, my character looks exactly like his namesake; the beard, the hair, and the eyes. He behaves as Honest Abe did; in fact, he's Light Side V, and has never told a lie. However, he is missing his trademark top hat.


So I was wondering; as a little present and an inside joke, I was wondering if I could possibly get a top hat for Mr. Lincoln. I would love to be able to wear it into battle with Soa or Karagga, and think of all the fun I could have while I'm fighting off Republic players. A specification that would make this work best would be if it's a moddable heavy armor piece, preferably with Columi/Champion stats so as not to detract from my already geared Juggernaut.


If this feat is too much for one person to ask for, I understand entirely. I just can't think of any headpiece more appropriate for such a character, and it'd simply be amazing to walk around the fleet in.


Thank you for reading this thread. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to the content you're currently developing


Abrahamlincoln, 16th President of the United States, 24th President of the Sith Empire

-Mask of Nihilus-


ENCLOSED: A picture of Mr. Lincoln. All other characters have been blotted out.


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The minute they even consider this is the minute everyone asks for something that they specifically want.



Great idea, but this game has over 1 million subs and Bio Ware won't do anything for just one character that happened to have the name of a President which I'm fairly sure violates the naming laws the game has.

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and I would really love pants for my sage! He is a city bred boy and cannot for his life understand why he is forced to wear things that he keeps tripping over while healing. Think of the lives he could save if he could get a pair of pants!
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and I would really love pants for my sage! He is a city bred boy and cannot for his life understand why he is forced to wear things that he keeps tripping over while healing. Think of the lives he could save if he could get a pair of pants!

Hear, hear. Mine wants the same. Besides, he's got a cute caboose. One pair of decent clothy pants that are Orange gear, please?

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  • 1 year later...
Dear Bioware;


My character's name is Abrahamlincoln, a level 50 Sith Juggernaut already deep into endgame content. IYou see, my character looks exactly like his namesake; the beard, the hair, and the eyes. He behaves as Honest Abe did; in fact, he's Light Side V, and has never told a lie. However, he is missing his trademark top hat.



First if you get a Top Hat, it needs to be armoured appropriately for a Jugg, secondly you need to find some lore to back up your request (find a picture of a star wars character with a Top Hat or something Similiar), Thirdly he needs a lightsaber that looks like a walking stick (it looks like hes hitting the enemy with a walking stick, but the game treats it as a lightsaber).


Fourthly, Abraham Lincoln was antislavery, the Sith empire runs on slaves, bit of a logical disconnect here.

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  • 9 years later...

With EA selling off SWTOR to Broadsword Online Games 11 years later in 2023, looks like the permanent answer is "no." Ah well. It was a good run while it lasted.


I'm just thankful I was able to cobble together pieces of adaptive armor to make a pretty realistic Spartan II armor suit for my "Master Chief" character.

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6 minutes ago, SSBragancia said:

With EA selling off SWTOR to Broadsword Online Games

They didn't sell it to Broadsword, they hired Broadsword to administer it. The game and the Star Wars license for it still belong to EA (they just don't have an exclusive license any more).

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