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Thats the noise I hear quite often now in the level 50 PvP bracket. Lots of nothing. At peak hours of play time the best queue I can hope for is 30 minutes. If you are an unlucky soul who logs on during off-hours, you can run into queues that go for hours and hours.


As everyone knows, game content takes months and months to develop and test before it is ready for use. This same content engaged by players for only a couple of months before they find it "old game content," and move on to the next level of content you guys spent months and months developing and testing.


PvP, however, is the aspect of the game that will last. Each warzone map will be played by the same player dozens of times a week. It never becomes old game content and therefore, once developed, will keep players engaged and entertained....fun. And you guys did not need to spend months and months of making new code to deliver it. THIS IS WHY PVP IS SO IMPORTANT! It keeps players engaged in your game while you guys develop new content while at the same time giving players a new aspect of the game to enjoy/master.


Unfortunatly, Bioware, all you have acomplished with your PvP system is frustrate your players ot the point where they avoid it. When you seperated the 50s from the rest of the levels, its killed warzone PvP for level 50s. Most of the people I have spoken to on my server, the ones that were the regular names I saw day in and day out in warzones, have found almost every other aspect of the game more enjoyable than your PvP content. These are players who PvP'ed day after day for many many hours before you segragated them into their own little world.


I am sure these words fall on deaf ears, but my hope is you guys will stop treading down this path that is destroying your PvP. Put the level 50s back in the bracket with everyone else and get rid of expertice. Those other things need fixing in PvP, this will be a solid start to acomplishing the goal of making PvP engaging and fun.


However, at the least I can use this post as an "I told you so" reference when you announce you are free2play in a year or two because the huge playerbase you HAD decided that anything and everything was better than what was being offered in SWTOR, and the souls left paying the monthly subscription are unable to keep the game afloat.

Edited by Clege
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It's your server. Ilum is active during throughout the first few days of the weekly reset and my longest warfront queue time midday on a weekday is 10 minutes on Shii-Cho. 2 minutes during Primetime and weekends.


That said, I agree they need to work on more content, but there are some very active servers out there. It's unfortunate for those stuck on worse ones, admittedly.

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So it seems your specific complaint is that the 'people you have spoken to' don't get to own level 12s anymore and therefore now find pve content more entertaining. The maps are still the same, they would now just be facing opponents of the same level. Is it really that off putting to 'them'?


I could understand if you said you were from a low population server and there are simply not enough level 50s to go round but the real gripe for you and your friends appears to be that you can't 2 shot lowbies anymore.

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So it seems your specific complaint is that the 'people you have spoken to' don't get to own level 12s anymore and therefore now find pve content more entertaining. The maps are still the same, they would now just be facing opponents of the same level. Is it really that off putting to 'them'?


I could understand if you said you were from a low population server and there are simply not enough level 50s to go round but the real gripe for you and your friends appears to be that you can't 2 shot lowbies anymore.


Your skills at summerizing need improvement.


I'll TLDR it for those who have ADHD or lack the vocabulary to read the whole thing without struggling to understand the meaning.


Expertice is not needed. Keeping it in game, as it is now, is killing end game PvP (Ilum is an entirely different monster). By removing expertice, levels 50s can PvP with all other levels again on a level playing field with the stat bolstering that occurs when you enter a warzone. Without expertice, there is little difference between a level 49 and a level 50.


Once the majority of the population is level 50, then seperate the brackets again and continue to keep expertice out of PvP.

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Finding it hard to care about lvl 50 woes.


I understand that many have the same concerns as you, however, to make an MMO work, you need people. If players who make level 50 leave, the game will never grow. Once you reach level 50, Im sure you will be that level longer than any other, so what benifits us now will benifit you later.


However, if people wanna be selfish and not give a damn about anyone but themselves, then the community that every MMO needs to have to survive will suffer greatly here. In the end, it will cost the selfish the game.

Edited by Clege
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