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Carnage Questions and Observations


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All the information on the forums excluding Kiba's awesome Marauder guide is giving me conflicting onions on this tree, not on the class as a whole. I'm currently a 21 Carnage Marauder. I just recently got Ataru form, and haven't PvPed since I got it (trying to get Balmorra over with ASAP). Here's my point. In the "normal" bracket (aka not 50) all I'm doing is pugging. I frequently get in the top 3of overall DPS on any match unless I'm the ball carrier. I'm not really sure why. Am I that good at this class? Have all the matches I've been in been full of just downright horrible players ALL THE TIME!? I don't get it, honestly. And I've only been using Shii-Cho. I can see a few problems in the fact that KBs andand lack of control (low slash helps a lot) and only really having force charge right now. But I'm honestly not seeing how this tree is as weak as people claim it to be. Granted this is coming from a low level. So who should I be listening to honestly?


Also having a Razer Naga really helps with this class. Just my personal advice.

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its not as weak as most people claim ... however, its not as good, overall, at 50 as the other 2 trees


when 1 tree vs another tree topics come up you will find people that swear that 1 tree is hands down better than the rest, or that certain trees are terrible


id bet huge money that the vast majority of people that believe this have never given all the trees an honest, lengthy try, they pick one early on, get used to it, learn to play it well, but dont have the same experience with the other specs


and i should know, i was one of these people once ... it was rage or go home, imo


but i was getting tired of the same old spec so i gave annihilation a good honest try ... lo and behold, the spec is amazing


but carnage still sucks, i thought to myself ... well, another good honest try later ... voila, carnage doesnt suck


most people wont actually take the time to practice a spec, to fiddle with builds, to fiddle with rotations (priority systems, w/e you feel it should be called)


they just play a few games and dont do as well as they do with a spec they know like the back of their hand, so they figure it sucks, the specs are quite different, it takes a little practice to pick up the nuances of each spec


ive played all 3 extensively, ive played with various builds of each spec, they are all good, but i think carnage is the weakest (not by alot)


imo, it looks like this


with a scale system where the best spec is rated a 10, and the other specs are rated relative to the top spec


overall effectiveness ...


Annihilation = 10

Rage = 9.5

Carnage = 8.5


1v1s ...


Annihilation = 10

Carnage = 9

Rage = 8


reasons ...


carnage is a good 1v1 spec, but when fighting in groups it lacks some things that help annihilation shine, namely self heals and crazy fast fury stacking, which are extremely beneficial to annihilation in a group setting


rage is so close due to its awesome burst potential and mobility, mobility is more important in group scenarios than in 1v1s imo


in 1v1s fury buffs dont make as significant an impact for carnage as they do in group settings, the spec has great immobilization potential, and the lack of self healing isnt as impactful


rage in 1v1s telegraphs your abilities too much, knowledgeable players can counter your burst, to an extent, so it fall behind the other specs when 1v1ing people with lots of knowledge of their opponents




if you are trying to put up big numbers on the scoreboard rage will be the best IF you are fighting under optimal circumstances (which is more than just having a premade w/ a pocket healer, it takes into account your opponents and the flow of the game) if you just solo queue warzones annihilation will perform better on a more consistent basis


this is all from a level 50 perspective, marauder as a whole (any spec) doesnt really start to perform to its capabilities until the low 40s


all this is, of course, just my opinion, so do with it what you will


edit: also, some peoples play style is more suited to certain specs, just as its more suited to certain classes, im a brawler, i want to get in your face and bash it in, sorcerer just wouldnt work for me, my instincts, my tendencies, dont mesh very well with a ranged perimeter fighter


find the spec that fits you best and youll likely perform better with that one than with the others

Edited by CrazyAl
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All the information on the forums excluding Kiba's awesome Marauder guide is giving me conflicting onions on this tree, not on the class as a whole.


Kiba's awesome Marauder guide is giving me conflicting onions on this tree, not on the class as a whole.


is giving me conflicting onions on this tree, not on the class as a whole.


giving me conflicting onions on this tree


giving me conflicting onions





I'm currently a 21 Carnage Marauder. I just recently got Ataru form, and haven't PvPed since I got it (trying to get Balmorra over with ASAP). Here's my point. In the "normal" bracket (aka not 50) all I'm doing is pugging. I frequently get in the top 3of overall DPS on any match unless I'm the ball carrier. I'm not really sure why. Am I that good at this class? Have all the matches I've been in been full of just downright horrible players ALL THE TIME!? I don't get it, honestly. And I've only been using Shii-Cho. I can see a few problems in the fact that KBs andand lack of control (low slash helps a lot) and only really having force charge right now. But I'm honestly not seeing how this tree is as weak as people claim it to be. Granted this is coming from a low level. So who should I be listening to honestly?


Balmorra is one of my favorite planets! D:


If you haven't yet PvP'd with Ataru form you're really missing out; if you're following the spec in my guide having the extra movement speed is god-like to catching up to people.


The thing about Carnage that makes it lackluster to other specs in general is that, while its damage/burst is phenomenal, it takes a much sharper mind to play it strategically than Annihilation or Rage. It's very easy to figure out Massacre -> Gore -> Ravage -> Scream but more difficult to figure out the best time to engage. The bleed heals/passive damage present in the other two specs gives a big room for judgement error and, overall, make them much stronger specs.


You can jump into a group fight as Annihilation or Rage and, depending on you/your team's gear/skill//their gear/skill you may live. As Carnage, without the innate defenses, you're going to be a much easier target to kill and, therefore, it becomes much less desirable to play it.


You can't make the mistake, for instance, of jumping into a group of two Shadows as Carnage. You may get one down but you're going to die. As Annihilation or Rage you're probably going to either kill both or get one down very low - possibly have DoTs kill them - but in the end you'll last a lot longer.


Also having a Razer Naga really helps with this class. Just my personal advice.


I honestly can't imagine playing a Marauder without a Naga myself.

Edited by Kibaken
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Ah. I see. And very good explanations to both of you. I appreciate the time and effort for the responses. I guess in trying to figure out the superior spec, or which one is the most overall effective I was getting frustrated in how everyone who swears by their tree always brings out these obnoxious and numerous x-factors that of course determine your efficiency regardless of class. But it's all very good to know.


Also I apologize to the guy I went off on. I'm posting this from my phone. Auto-correct is a *****. I was in the wrong on that one.

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i cant imagine playing this game at all without a naga


soooo many damn buttons :eek:


Very true; personally don't use 1-6 on them because I like main buttons being on the keyboard still but after playing my Rogue with one I can never get another mouse.


Also, stop posting before me D:

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Ah. I see. And very good explanations to both of you. I appreciate the time and effort for the responses. I guess in trying to figure out the superior spec, or which one is the most overall effective I was getting frustrated in how everyone who swears by their tree always brings out these obnoxious and numerous x-factors that of course determine your efficiency regardless of class. But it's all very good to know.


Also I apologize to the guy I went off on. I'm posting this from my phone. Auto-correct is a *****. I was in the wrong on that one.


I just thought I was missing out on some cool new slang.


There are people that swear by Annihilation and those that think people that spec Rage are god's chosen people.


I, for one, find Carnage the most fun to play and haven't had a problem with it so far. It just comes down to knowing exactly how to play your chosen spec. Sticking with one and bouncing in-between the others to test them out one day doesn't really give you the time to become completely proficient at it.

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Very true; personally don't use 1-6 on them because I like main buttons being on the keyboard still but after playing my Rogue with one I can never get another mouse.


Also, stop posting before me D:




i use all 12 thumb buttons, my "main" attacks are 1-5 shift+1-5 and F1-F4 on my keyboard, anything else is too much of a reach for my comfort, so i thumb button anything pretty much everything else, defenseive CDs, fury buffs, throw the huttball, medpacs, etc

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Very true; personally don't use 1-6 on them because I like main buttons being on the keyboard still but after playing my Rogue with one I can never get another mouse.


Also, stop posting before me D:


Set the mouse to numberpad mode and make sure numlock isn't binded to anything and you just got yourself 12 free buttons. I use 1-5, F1-F5, and all 12 on the Naga giving me 22conflicting keybindings all within easy reach :) Now if I can just make those profs bigger I'm set

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Set the mouse to numberpad mode and make sure numlock isn't binded to anything and you just got yourself 12 free buttons. I use 1-5, F1-F5, and all 12 on the Naga giving me 22conflicting keybindings all within easy reach :) Now if I can just make those profs bigger I'm set


Aware, however personally I prefer to still bind most of my abilities to the keyboard and only really need 7-12 on the Naga for certain skills; with the way I prefer my hand on the mouse it's most comfortable to only use those.

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