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Havent felt this experience in a longgg time....


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Hey there everyone!


So, I have so many found memories of vanilla wow when I was like 14 or 15. Me and my cousin would always find ourselves in the most bazaar situations out in the world of azeroth. I found after the expansion came out those experiences gradually declined. I figured I would never have a crazy, unique game experience again.


ten or say days ago I found myself having so much fun!


Me and my cousin, both republic chars on the Vulknar highway server decided to go to Tatooine to go datacron hunting. We hopped on our speeders and went to the location in which the balloon takes off. We noticed on our way that the balloon was about 20% finished on its route.


I look up and noticed there is a level 30ish sith warrior riding the balloon. My character is a level 45 Jedi Knight and my cousin is a level 35 Shadow. I tried to force leap up to him a few times but couldnt. I did get lucky a few times and managed to force leap to him but it bugged my character and I had to relog.


As we are continuing are chase down of this sith to the datacron, I pull out my ranged companion and he managed to kill the sith a few times. After the warrior re spawned he called a lvel 50 BH who annihilated my cousin and I. I was about to give up at this point and accepted that I would have to go back to the beginning of the balloon ride and wait the long time it takes to get to the datacron.


At this point im ready to give up considering the BH is just destroying us upon respawn. The final time i rezzed I started to chaise after the balloon again and my cousin was keeping an eye on the balloon too given that he can stealth. By the time I catch up to the balloon the sith jumps off onto the sand crawler to claim his prize. I noticed behind me is the BH running up to me but before he can get me I force leap to the top and force push the sith to the ground thus killing him. I grabbed the matrix shard and the datacron.


The sith had to go back and take the balloon all over again.


Not even 15 minutes later me and my cousin are chilling on tattooine when all of a sudden about 25 sith from a guild I cant seem to recall come rolling up on their speeders and just destroy us.


It wast he most fun I had in a game in a long while!

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Yes I agree, However sometimes I feel as if bioware created this huge open game but I hardly see anyone occupy it. The only exception is the fleet.


Seeing an army of sith run after you on a cross faction planet is pretty exhilarating lol.

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