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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Agro level seems busted and Chaff


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Does Chaff actually do anything? I personally think it is broken, actually I think the whole agro thing is broken.


Last night in a HM Boarding Party our Jugg tank jumped into a 4 spawn of 1 elite, 1 silver and 2 reg’s. The silver was near the end and a melee and as soon as our tank jumped in he immediately b-lined to me. I had not clicked a single heal or had Kolto Shell up and all rapid shots were done in the previous room, nothing…I just stood there. I then clicked Chaff and it did absolutely nothing, I basically had to CC him as he would not leave me alone.


Some may say it’s a hp thing, I have 17k hp’s which in our group was the second highest. With the 10% talent for threat reduction, guard and chaff that silver should have been nowhere near me.

Edited by Brakner
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it is so hit or miss no way to say really. some tanks keep agro some don't. Based on that i put the blame on the tank and understanding taunts and their mechanics.


Thats my point, he shouldn't have to taunt something that nobody else has even engaged. If player A jumps into combat and player B is standing 30 feet way with 3 agro reducers, shouldnt the mobs attack the closest witht he +agro?

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Thats my point, he shouldn't have to taunt something that nobody else has even engaged. If player A jumps into combat and player B is standing 30 feet way with 3 agro reducers, shouldnt the mobs attack the closest witht he +agro?


If a group becomes engaged they seem to randomly pick people if they have not been damaged and there have been no heals... as soon as there are heals that agro takes the cake til they are damaged/taunted... fyi shields give healer agro


are you healing? building up the cylinders to give them a shield will cause agro issues with groups of mobs.

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If a group becomes engaged they seem to randomly pick people if they have not been damaged and there have been no heals... as soon as there are heals that agro takes the cake til they are damaged/taunted... fyi shields give healer agro


are you healing? building up the cylinders to give them a shield will cause agro issues with groups of mobs.


Please read first post :)


As stated, I have not healed once, no Kolto Shell, no rapid shots at all in the room and I have Guard on me. The melee mob charges me, I then Chaff. With no heals + Guard + Chaff it should not be attacking me. In some case it happens right after the 6 seconds are up on the AOE taunt. In some case the tank has attacked it after the taunt and it still attacks me yet I have done absolutely nothing other than Chaff and backup.



I am not trying to "fix" this with a play style change, we have done all the hard modes with ease and we also come from 6 years of WoW (same guild) so we know how to play together. Plus we have already adjusted for the fact you cannot rely on agro abilities.


These are just observations I have seen after 30+ Hard Modes, something is weird with the agro tables. I guess unless we can get some sort of threat meter we will never truly know.

Edited by Brakner
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aggro in this game is pretty odd sometimes. in my experience, chaff flare does nothing. its aggro drop is not nearly as significant as any other class's.


instead of using chaff flare, i always jet boost the mob closer to the tank and electro dart him. if hes still on you, bring the mob to your tank.


you could even cc him with concussion if need be.

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This is what I can figure out about aggro (I notice this more with my sorc since the idea is to STAY away from battle)


Who gets aggro?

When a tank open an attack (usually single target with leap or a pull) everyone else WITHIN range of the mob could get aggro if the target is weaker than the tank (i.e. dps or healers) the only way tanks get ALL the aggro if the tank is the only target within their range of attack (i.e. don't have to run over)


Does chaff work?

Yes. But in your case it won't work cause the only person on the "aggro table" is YOU. If the tank did aoe opening attack (which they should) then when you hit chaff it will go to the NEXT available aggro person which is the tank (the aggro table is YOU first and tank 2nd or whoever damage it etc etc)


How does Sash know this?


I usually send Khem to attack. His initial is to "hit" someone then use AoE (sometimes a little late) I am usually kinda close so I can use my Death field and guess what? a lot of the time BEFORE khem use his aoe attack MOST of the mobs makes a b-line to ME!


then Khem does his aoe and they TURN around and attack him. Kinda interesting.

Note: this is my personal observation.

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Chaff is <3


Don't dare unloading my errm.. load! with relic+adrenal in raids in the start without using chaff directly after or incase the boss starts turning towards me :p


So for my purpose, it works.


If the tank can't pick up a few mobs and keep them on him.. then yeah might as well find another group :) :)


I bet you even had the healing charges and/or hots on him too ^^

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Chaff is <3


Don't dare unloading my errm.. load! with relic+adrenal in raids in the start without using chaff directly after or incase the boss starts turning towards me :p


So for my purpose, it works.


If the tank can't pick up a few mobs and keep them on him.. then yeah might as well find another group :) :)


I bet you even had the healing charges and/or hots on him too ^^


Sorry not trying to be rude, but you dont actually read threads before you post do you? If you need a thread for your epeen wagging please go somewhere else.


As stated not once but twice in the this very small thread (sigh). No Kolto Shell or Rapid Shots on tank, or heals within 30 seconds before engaging the room. I DONT NEED A FIX as our tank can pick up agro fine, we have adjusted our gameplay accordingly.


I WAS stating OBSERVATIONS on Chaff and asking questions about it, that is all.


Friggen epeen trolls.


From the game code on torhead.com all the threat dumps only dump .25% of threat where as the only one function-able is the sorc. extracation that drops your threat a full 25%.


Thanks that is very usefull and explains a lot. Instead of an "oh crap" I have started using it whenever it is up.

Edited by Brakner
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