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Vannila WoW vs SWTOR


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I find it funny that the Wow fanboys forget the cluster **** that game was when it released.


Ya its because most of these WoW fanboys didnt start playing until a while after it released. So then they say , o its close enough to launch so there must not have been bugs. Every person playing this game that is complaining hardcore is either playing a game that simply isnt for them or very naive. Not saying this game doesnt have bugs that need to be fixed but in due time things will work out. Bioware is actually doing quite a good job with everything

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I know, I just did that, and I'm pretty astonished, since I played WoW at release and neither was in at the time. I can see what WoWWiki says. It's mistaken.


I recall them being added shortly after release, as well. Memory may be a bit fuzzy, though. It was many (Blue) moons ago.

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It required 40 people. It was in a dungeon. It was a raid.


By that logic, any heroic quest in SWTOR that involves walking through an instance portal is a dungeon.


Meaning that SWTOR has an absolute buttload of dungeons, more than WoW has even now.


It requires a group, it's in an instance, it's a dungeon.

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All of that is your opinion, many people couldn't care less about day/night and weather differences and it really doesn't make the quality of the game.


I don't really get what you mean by sloppy this, sloppy that, could you please include reasons you think they are sloppy? Instead of just saying they are with no evidence.


Correction, its all the little things that make the quality of the game, especially when it comes to making it feel alive...

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By that logic, any heroic quest in SWTOR that involves walking through an instance portal is a dungeon.


Meaning that SWTOR has an absolute buttload of dungeons, more than WoW has even now.


It requires a group, it's in an instance, it's a dungeon.


Yes, let's change the meaning to suit the argument! I said it required 40 people. 40 people is a raid. Try to stay with it.

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Correction, its all the little things that make the quality of the game, especially when it comes to making it feel alive...


I'd be almost willing to bet that if you asked 100 people "Does the lack of a day/night cycle in SWTOR bug you?" the most common answer would be "there's no day/night cycle in SWTOR? Weird, never noticed."

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It's a pointless discussion because everyone, even the fans boys knows WoW is light years ahead of SWTOR as far as MMOness goes. It's not a better RPG and it has worse quests but the whole game world is like comparing a rusty three wheeler with a ferrari.


WOW oozed atmosphere, it had a vibrant and open world to explore that was teaming with life. SWTOR is a linear, static graveyard. I have a level 46 Jedi and a 41 trooper, neither of them have been close to getting ganked. In WOW I could not get past lvl 19 without having about 20 pvp encounters.


WOW may suck now but for 5 years it was immense, the best game I ever played. SWTOR will all be forgotten in 6 months time and you all know it, so do EA and bioware. Am not gloating, I am gutted, i so wanted this game to be great, I was ready to sink 5 years into it, but, it's not going to happen, it's too crap.

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Please dont post like you played Vanilla because you obviously did not as many poster have already proven


How about a 37 hour down time in the first month

how about when you grouped with someone else in the first 3 days you both crashed to desktop

How about haveing the tradeskill skinning but there was no way to get a skinning knife in the first week. (yes it took them a week to add a skinning knife)


No pvp, no raids, some of the most unstable servers

And I could list way more

And I LOVED Vanilla wow


So yea sorry bro no comparison

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Yes, let's change the meaning to suit the argument! I said it required 40 people. 40 people is a raid. Try to stay with it.


I didnt't say it had more raids, I said it had more dungeons.


I changed no definition, I just used a different example that used the same logic.


If Onyxia is a raid, then SWTOR has over 100 dungeons at launch.

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And you know what, fine, let's assume that it's true. That would still put Vanilla WoW vs SWTOR where?


We have more than one raid and one instanced boss. There's more than three max level instances. By a long shot.


So it's pretty moot. The content here still dwarfs vanilla WoW by a wide margin.


A game's "content" isn't limited to its number of instances. From what I've seen, SW:ToR has far less content than WoW had at launch... but I would also say that it is more engaging than WoW's was at launch.

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No MMO can be worse then Vanilla WoW...


1. No PvP system (No Battleground, no ranking and etc.)

Even the pvp was terrible, everyone was ganking at the Tauren Mill and when someone aggro'd a guard you would get the infamouse "Guard Train," where 100's of guards would zerg after you when the civlian screamed for help."


2. Heavily unbalanced classes.

Warlock were /godmode and couldn't be killed cause of their leech ability.

Paladin and Druid was a damn joke...

It took Blizzard 1 year to finaly fix the paladin.


3. 24/7 Server Crashes.

My server Burning Legion was down almost a month on the launch day.

We even got 3 months of free play time cause the server was down so damn often...

Wondering why? It's cause crashing the server was very easy to do, and 50% of the players on my server found out how to crash the server.

This is how you crashed the a WoW server:

- Mailing a certian way.

- Typing a command.

- Raiding Crossroad.

- Buying your own item in the AH.

- Killing certain allied or horde NPC.

and many more.

The CM even posted a warning message that anyone that crashed the server on purpose would get banned for 24hours.


4. Mobs doesn't reset.

Yup... love exploiting those, i think there are still vids on youtube where people kited world bosses to the Stormwind and killed everything in there.

Even this was posted on the forum by the CM and said that anyone that kited the world bosses to the towns would get banned.

Even tho it was damn was kiting those to the town and killing everything, it even took 8+ hours before a GM did a /kill on him. xD


5. Crash, crash and more crash.

Yup... lots of client crashes..


6. Only 1 raiding instance.

Only Onyxia was open on the launch day, Molten core came later.


7. Duping

Yup there were lots of those...

There were always someone that duped the items and sold over 200 epics on AH.


8. Hacks

Lol remember when a kid managed to take over the GM account? Hahahah that was *********** insane fun. xD

He spawned lots of world bossed in the main town.

They had to shut down the server to fix it.

And yeah, that was only one of many hacks people used.


9. Wall climbing!!!

You could easily climb up to the World Tree.


10. Can't enter the other factions camp, town or village.

Cause if you did so would the civilian NPC scream "HELP!!!" and **** lots of NPC guards would spam out and zerg over you.


11. Fallllllliiiinnngggg

Many times you would fall thru the ground...


12. **** high latency

Many times the latency would go sky high high on my server, someone even took time and recorded that it took up to 29min before he could throw a spell.

The highest latency i got was around 90k ~ 12min to use an ability.


13. The first batteground was very unbalanced..

I don't understand how the devs can have so mutch fail on this BG....

the horde had over 148 guards while the alliance had 22 guards at their base (Not joking, it's true.)


14. Shield + Heartstone!!!

Sorry but i had to, it way to dumb. :)


15. Bugs!!!!

So.. many.. bugs.. <-<


16. Endgame instances

It was only Stratholm.


17. Don't get stuck...

Cause there were no /unstuck command

You had to send a message to a GM to tell him to move you to a safe spot.



There are ofc more, but it takes wayyy to mutch time to type all of them down.

Edited by Naduronx
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A 40-person PvP group to attack Stormwind was also considered a "raid"


Am I with it?


I guess if you want to. I and the other person were talking about raiding content in the context of players vs. environment. I guess if you want to include major city raids than that is other content that WoW has that SWTOR doesn't. Since you can't go to the other factions fleet.

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Ofc not... idnt had pvp.


people just raided towns by the dozens and hundreds of people fighting with no honor system even. Was fun and people did it.


There was a world, towns and people moved around and organized world pvp.


Much better than this **** 3 warzones with worse coded combat system ever.


And felt like a game.. with IMMERSION. Swtor got ZERO immersion


Immersion is what this game got right. You like reading logs of quests rather than hearing NPCs talking? The environments are greater than WoW's could ever hope to be in terms of aesthetics.


And I hated, hated, hated walking around in WoW.


Thank God for a ship, albeit, the need to go to a hangar and a orbital station, and THEN the planet is absolutely annoying.

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And to those saying people ran out of things to do in Vanilla wow after a month...yea, let's get a bit more creative in the lies. WoW had so much do to not only in gaming content (quests, dungeons, crafting, exploration), but it had an unbelievable amount of Wold PvP. Little note - it was because there was so much PvP going on that hampered many people's leveling experience that led to blizzard creating honor system, then soon after dishonor, and then battlegrounds. SWTOR doesn't even come close. Not even close enough to see with a binocular.



If you wish to talk about lies get your facts straight, WoW was not released with a PvP System... it came way later... and the only reason world PvP even happned was because of their honor system that was released months later in the game. At the time world pvp was the only way to gain High Warlord Status and the gear associated with it until BGs were released.


If you were not in a good guild at release there was no way you could do much of the end game content at all... getting 40 people together to run MC was a nightmare.. Heck for a lot of us the only raids we got to do were UBRS before it was nerfed. People seem to think that all of these things were with WoW at launch... almost all of the things people look back on did not come until later.

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I guess if you want to. I and the other person were talking about raiding content in the context of players vs. environment. I guess if you want to include major city raids than that is other content that WoW has that SWTOR doesn't. Since you can't go to the other factions fleet.


Actually my point was that Onyxia was not like MC, just as raids on Stormwind were not like Onyxia. Try to stay with it.

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me too.. i have a lot of immersion in this game.


No music no weather and night and day. Cloned NPC's that dont move. No wild life and no reason to come back to the world once you hit lvl 50.


I got so much immersion that my fingers freeze cause the Fleet is so cold... dammit.


No music? I beg to differ, I find myself wondering at times how they made so much new music to stuff in with all the original Star Wars music they jam packed into everything.


World of Warcraft, especially in vanilla, had many same-looking NPC's that didn't do anything but stand there and say the same lines every time over and over.


What do you mean wildlife? Little squirrels and rabbits? Is that really such a immersion breaking effect?


WoW had absolutely no reason to go back to old zones you out leveled other than to farm materials, or help friends with low level quests. same with this game. In fact this game even makes you go back several times for class missions and bonus series missions, your point is destroyed.


All your points are tinted with rose colored glasses and I'm beginning to think if you have put any thought into your argument at all

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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I didnt't say it had more raids, I said it had more dungeons.


I changed no definition, I just used a different example that used the same logic.


If Onyxia is a raid, then SWTOR has over 100 dungeons at launch.


You directly responded to my post about raids. I didn't say anything about dungeons. You didn't use an example with the same logic. You didn't use logic at all.

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Immersion is what this game got right. You like reading logs of quests rather than hearing NPCs talking? The environments are greater than WoW's could ever hope to be in terms of aesthetics.


And I hated, hated, hated walking around in WoW.


Thank God for a ship, albeit, the need to go to a hangar and a orbital station, and THEN the planet is absolutely annoying.


This game has no immersion for me, at no point have I ever flet like I was on a planet. It's lifeless and deserted and boring. Voice overs mean nothing, yes it's great not having to read the wall of text but tbh since level 30 I have space barred all voices except class quests, they are irritation, boring and am sick of hearing my guy say the same reply.


Yes it looks better than WOW but the world of Azeroth is much more atmospheric than all the SWTOR planets put together.

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WoW also shipped with entire player-accessible areas empty and unfinished.


Look, I loved WoW, played it up until the decided to make almost every class work on a combo point system, but to say its launch was smoother or more polished than SWTOR is out and out lying to yourself, or having missed the experience completely.

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I find it funny that the Wow fanboys forget the cluster **** that game was when it released.


Mainly because ABSOLUTELY NOBODY that whines about SWTOR with a WoW comparison has played Vanilla.


The beta was so boring I didn't even bother playing Vanilla until BC was announced.

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Reading this thread brings back great memories.


It's friday night and when I played vanilla WOW I had no idea what would be happening when I logged in. Would the Alliance be raiding Org, would we be organising a raid on Stormwind. Would a guildie be getting camped and need help, would TM v SS be kicking off. Would we be raiding or would we be questing.


I would play the AH for about 2 hours a night as the market and crafting were awesome. Planning gear was also great, farming mats, trading with other players, enchanting stuff....what a game that was, what a game.


When I read people posting stuff like SWTOR is better I do laugh, it's amusing.

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