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Encountering Pre-Hyperdrive Cultures


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What would the Republic, or the galaxy at large do if they came across a planet/system of primitive life? Let's say they discovered a planet with the technology level of Earth with many different nations all vying for control. Would they leave that planet alone, invade it, help advance the tech?


I know Voss is set up to be like this but it seemed like the Voss were technologically superior to the Gormak. It also seemed like the cold war prevented a lot interaction with the rest of the galaxy because the Voss were forced to remain neutral. So how would a primitive planet be integrated into the galactic community if there was no threat of war?

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Interesting question! Haven't been on Voss yet but as you explain it, it seems to be different from Earth. Earth has 193 nations all hell-bent on their own sovereignty. Perhaps the Republic would rule over an Earth-like planet like a supragovernmental organisation comparable to the UN, leaving a great amount of autonomy to all the countries, yet deciding a common set of laws for all the countries, comparable to the UN Human Rights Constitution?


The Empire, I could imagine, would just sweep all of the nations aside, or ally with a powerful country (Say, China) and try to make all the minor nations subordinate.


Perhaps the Republic would have to ally itself to a major power on the planet as well, because not all of the nations would allign themselves out free will that easily. I can see the Republic allying with America :p Then with both the Empire and Republic on surface, the minor nations would ally themselves with either camp comparable to, 1st WW or Cold War.

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The Republic may have a policy similar to Star Trek's Prime Directive. This means that any pre-technological civilizations discovered by Republic explorers must not be contacted or influenced anyway. And yet, it has happened according to the lore.


The policy may be to avoid contact with preindustrial cultures, and only observe them. As for cultures that have at least achieved industrialization, but have no hyperdrive, such as ours, contact may be made, but I'm not sure as to what extent...

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Haha, Prime Directive has no place in the Star Wars EU. I'd site Audmar, as a world similar in nature perhaps to Earth, and what might happen should both Empire and Republic become aware of a resource rich, well populated planet. Considering we are on the outer rim, it would be difficult to hold governance for either side, so I expect there'd be a rather long tussle back and forth for domination that would consume all of our current nations under two or three banners. Edited by Karaiblis
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