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Pyrotech: Merc vs PT


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Hey all,


I am starting up a bounty hunter and I am very curious about the pyrotech action. I like the mobile playstyle and I am fine with a char that can play in range or in close combat. I've browsed the skill trees and so on but I am uncertain as to what would be the more advantageous path. I've played for about 3 weeks on the Rep side and this will be my first Imp. I've got a good grasp on the basics of how things work as far as most classes go. IE...energy, ammo, force, etc. I understand the regen at various levels and so on.


Can anyone give me some insight on the differences and strengths/weaknesses of the 2 different types of pyros? It's my understanding that the Merc Pyro is a bit softer but has a heal to help things along and some additional ranged components that the PT doesn't have. However, it's also my understanding that the PT is a bit more durable and has more tools for up close and personal play as well as having a legit interupt. What I don't know is the relative value of those things compared with each other.


I'm basically looking for some give and take commentary from folks playing one or the other or even if someone has played both and wants to chip in.


Let me give thanks in advance for any and all who provide useful commentary and opinion. There are no wrong answers here, just people giving voicing their experience...so again, thank you.



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I would post this in the bounty hunter section not the mercenary section because something tells me there may be a bit of biasness over here. However from my experiences playing both merc and pt and from reading other threads and posts in my opinion if your going Pyrotech go Powertech it's just....better. Arsenal > AP. Pyro PT > Merc Pyro.
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Hey Z,


I posted this in both the Merc and PT sections as I am looking for peoples experience and opinion. So bias is fine with me. In all honesty it's exactly what I am looking for.


I know from experience that people value higher and defend harder their own stance. That's perfectly fine in my book. If most of the responses hold bias it gives me an evenly balanced scale to view things from. I expect the commentary from folks who are able to step back and view things more neutrally to be minimal.


Having played both as you say what would you miss most playing one type and not the other?




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Hey Z,


I posted this in both the Merc and PT sections as I am looking for peoples experience and opinion. So bias is fine with me. In all honesty it's exactly what I am looking for.


I know from experience that people value higher and defend harder their own stance. That's perfectly fine in my book. If most of the responses hold bias it gives me an evenly balanced scale to view things from. I expect the commentary from folks who are able to step back and view things more neutrally to be minimal.


Having played both as you say what would you miss most playing one type and not the other?





Oh, My bad that's a good way to get a collection of view points ;). What would i miss from my Merc? Being able to stand on the fringe of battle picking people out and destroying them with ranged attacks and also the AOE damage was very nice. What would i miss from being a PT? Being able to get right into the nitty gritty of the battlefield and destroying anyone that gets in my way. Also grappling people who run away into the fire or acid pit in huttball is very satisfying. And i would miss guard as a pt as i get at least 3 defense medals by using it. Overall They both do near enough equal DPS But a Very talented merc would probably do a bit more than a very talented Powertech. There was a thread somewhere on the merc page saying why Pt pyro was better than merc pyro but that was a while ago so i cant really remember the reasons. From what i've heard as a Merc Arsenal is the way to go DPS wise. Also as a merc pyro you would miss out on tracer missile. The Pyrotech tree for Powertechs is amazing for me, It's all about flame burst and rocket punch and then rail shot whenever it procs which does awesome damage. Carbonize and electro dart for the stuns, Quell for the interrupt and grapple for the gap closer. It''s down to playstyle really but i've said it once and i'll say it again if you really want to go pyrotech Powertech is the way for you.

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Yeah I figured a post in each individual forum would allow for me to get more "specialized" responses.


I appreciate the input. I haven't seen the post you are talking about regarding PT pyro over merc, but I may see if I can dig back through the forums and find it.


Regardless, big round of thanks so far. You gave me just the sort of info I was looking for.



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