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Focus build question


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So I guess my real question here is about Blade storm and slash currently I'm ignoring BS due to slash having such a high crit rate from the talent in the focus tree.


I'm level 38 right now so I'm still far away from 50. I just switched to the spec on a whim the other night an am busy trying to play catch up on it. Granted at this point playing focus I shoulda been a guardian but I'm trying to make the best of it =D


At the moment since I don't have force exhaustion I'm leaping in stasising follwing it up with sweep. after the opening while sweep is down I leap with the short leap>zealous strike>slash slash strike slash or somethign of that nature till sweep is back up.


I toss Master strike in there post opener on mobs and somtimes in PVP if the guy is just going to stand there.


Do I need to use blade storm I know it's base hit is harder but the crit chance is much lower... or am I wrong in assuming the damage on slash is that much lower while dualweilding?

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If I'm not mistaken using blade storm is a DPS increase and considering it's a cooldown you can slash while while Blade Storm is on CD (in fact Slash should be used when everything is on CD).

Besides there are plenty of talents in Focus that helps Blade Storm (Insight, Blade Focus, Zephyr, Shii-Cho Mastery, Focused Resonance) so not using it seems counter productive ;)

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As a level 38, I would stay Watchmen until 50 and you have gear. Once you hit 50 you can easily respec to Focus, read the sticky at the top of the forum for the Focus damage rotations.


As a side note: I have respec'ed to Watchmen/Combat/Focus with full Champion gear all in the last 2 days to test out each one since I finished the set and Focus by far pumps out the most damage in PvP, it's just harder to land Force Sweep if you get knocked back while in mid cast. Definitely use Bladestorm over Slash though, Slash should be a last resort skill.

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