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Mercenary/sniper soloing


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I've decided that I will stick to the ranged class I usually play but this time will avoid force/magic users.


I'm torn between mercenary and sniper. Both are great from an rp point of view (though I dislike the bounty hunter's voice and even though excited by the secret agent concept don't like to be a lackey for sith lords).


Regarding play style I like the option to heal but in the end I'll play as a dpser. I don't mind the cover system, admittedly I've only played up to lvl10, although it bugs me when I get knocked back and have to reenter cover. Does this get worse?


What will make me decide, and this is where I want some opinions, are the soloing capabilities of each class. I mostly play solo and really enjoy the challenge of completing heroics and bringing down tougher mobs on my own.


So, between those two, who has the better potential on solo game play?



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From my playtime I would say the Merc.


I have a level 22 sniper and level 23 Merc. The self healing is an obvious + but the extra movement is all so a god send. My Merc also seem to do more damage than the sniper. Plus you get heavy armor instead of Medium.


Also note that you get a healing companion much quicker with the Merc.


Let me put it this way. I can solo the black talon FP with my Merc but can't with my Sniper and i did it with the Merc 3 levels below what my sniper is.


Or maybe I just suck as a sniper :eek:

Edited by menacegb
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I would say merc. Self-heals are GREAT and having the first companion be a healer is nice too. Plus it seems like the merc has way more AOE options than the sniper, maybe that changes later on my Sniper is only 20. This allows you to blaze through trash mob groups as you work your way to the actual target. I have found that to be a big time saver over the sniper's 1 target at a time game play. Again that could change over time but I wouldn’t think so.


You mentioned RP too. The story for both is cool but I really love the BH story and the characters that you meet up with. That said there is no reason for your Sniper to be a Sith lackey. In fact I think your first companion gets kind of bent when you do play that way. She likes the flout authority types.


That’s my thoughts. Good luck.


Also don't just pass over the Sorc they do crazy DPS.

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If I were you I'd make a sorc, just play some warzones and you will see sorcs/sages dominate every other class. They are best dps and best healers, in both PvE and PvP. I'm just sad I rolled a merc and don't have the patience to level up another char to 50, but if given the option I would trade my merc for a sorc in a heartbeat. Edited by oldshatterhand
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