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Why Lucas Films Should Collaborate With Bioware To Produce A New Star Wars Saga


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I strongly strongly believe that Bioware should collaborate with Lucasfilms to produce a new star wars saga. Bioware has proved through its games that it can produced strong story based Star Wars scripts to make a long series of films for years. It is my personal belief that the first films should cover the Force Wars, so that everybody will understand how it all began and then continue into the Treaty of Corucsant. This has the potential to be the best Sci fi collaboration in history and I believe everyone would agree with that.
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There doesn't need to be anymore movies. With all the books, comics, video games, and television shows (since a second one is being worked on), there is plenty of Star Wars to go around. If Lucas happened to make another Star Wars movie, it would be about the Skywalkers in some form. The movies have always focused on that central cast of characters and it should continue to focus on them. The expanded universe exists to tell other stories.
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George Lucas shouldn't write, direct, produce a damn thing. Why? If you notice, the movies he so openly hated, aka the original theatrical cuts of the original trilogy, he had very little creative control once he scribbled down some bizarre notes he called a script. The whole reason the prequels failed so epically is because George was allowed to control everything. He can't direct worth a damn, his script writing skills suck, and he thinks fans should embrace every idiotic, drug induced idea he comes up with. Please, for the love of god, don't even suggest anything more. Let it ride off into the sunset, hope that George kills over at some point and someone younger and more eager to actually please the audience take over the direction of the movies.
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