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1st Annual Super User Award COPYWRITE


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Hello everyone!


You all know me from my activity on behalf of the community. I'm really settling in here and also really knowledgeable about the game (if you need any help :cool:)


Now, one would like to extent the level of the community LEVEL UP haha so lets have the "1st Annual Super User Award" (i've copywrited this phrase, so please credit back here)



Nominate a user whos really enhances you're expeirence on the game and the forum. I wil ltally up the results and im sure BIOWARE will award the winner with a free months play! *


I nominate myself. Other enties, list 'em below, you wamprats!



* I have not asked them but probably :cool: lets see how it goes 1st!

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This thread must be the most arrogant and narcissistic thing I've ever read.

Helping people should be done for helping's sake, not in order to achieve some title or status. That's ... weird.


You;re misinformed, man! This is giving back to the community I've worked ao hard to achieve. Its a really cool place, once you get to know the players :cool:. I'm mostly here to assist new players and younger more inixperienced players.


If you ever need help, just ask, kiddo!


Now, get 'em votes it, you buzzsaws!

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You neither created, nor built, this community. I think you need to ask The Google what 'community' means.

Shhh... he will report you. He's basically the mod here, who built the community... after Dec 11, 2011 :D


....going with "troll" atm. Nobody real can be this pathetic.

Edited by kokosak
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