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PVP marauder help


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I have a lvl 45 assassin and a BH tracer missile guy lvl 15 now.

A friend of mine started playing with me and we started pvping together, we know that since we were lvl 13 we are probably not gonna change the match that much. But my friend was complaining about all those ranged DPS ( i guess tracer missile spammers and sorceres). Because although he can force jump, everyone of them has a ***** knockback and that freakin sucks.

So do you have any advie ? what should he spec? How should he play? Is Marauder better later on (lvl 30/40+ ) or should he just reroll ? Ty for answers

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Well if you are in huttball and leap onto a precarious ledge you certainly deserve to be knocked off.


Even my 43 operative is coy about taking on the solitary targets above.


On the rage spec you get a second leap so you should be able to own anyone on the ground and there are usually plenty of ground targets.


If you do attack someone high run up to them and save your 30m leap for when you get knocked off - that usually scares the crap out of them.


Marauders come into their own as long as you can keybind and multitask well. I know as an operative they were the only class I ever had problems killing.

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Well if you are in huttball and leap onto a precarious ledge you certainly deserve to be knocked off.


Even my 43 operative is coy about taking on the solitary targets above.


On the rage spec you get a second leap so you should be able to own anyone on the ground and there are usually plenty of ground targets.


If you do attack someone high run up to them and save your 30m leap for when you get knocked off - that usually scares the crap out of them.


Marauders come into their own as long as you can keybind and multitask well. I know as an operative they were the only class I ever had problems killing.




You know what would be useful advice? How to use the Marauder to WIN Huttball, not to KILL in Huttball.


You use the Charge when you're the ball carrier to get into a more ideal position - to gain ground, basically, but you need to be mindful of where it will leave you for the inevitable follow-up (the knock-back). So, try coming in from an angle so that instead of open air there's more platform behind you, and similar tricks.


When going after the ball carrier, you want to make good use of your slows (and Choke, for that matter) to make it harder for them to reach and to give you more time to take them down. Without a knockback, this is your best way to keep them from gaining ground.


When assisting the ball carrier, you do largely the same - with the goal being to make it harder for the other side to keep on him such that the carrier's not harassed as much. Alternatively, you want to plant yourself in a good position to receive a pass - being in range to take the ball and charge to get right up by the goal line is a good trick.

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