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Why the Ecceles FP is Hard for me to Go Through

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Dark side option is faster, which helps when you're doing speed runs of all 7 hard mode FPs. *** would you want


1) watch the cutscenes again after the first time

2) run around hitting buttons just so you get boyscout points

3) really care about a few engineers when, if you're taking it seriously, the whole ship could be blown apart at any moment and your life is in danger


If you sleep better at night knowing you own some light side pixels in a star wars game, that's great. I just like getting the FPs done without making them more difficult for myself.


Now, if it was an irreversible decision in Mass Effect 3, I would have an entirely different philosophy, and would probably cry and chew on my hat trying to decide what to do.

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Can I just say that not all the empire is all that bad. I look at the empire like the Germans in the second world war. You had your Wermarkt (sp?) [Wehrmacht - not be grammar, nomen omen, nazi but since you asked... :) , the everyday soldier. And then you had your SS, the true evil gits. The normal german soldier usualy did not like the SS but they had a job to do, just like the allied forces.

What people can barely realise - the so called "enemies" are just normal, everyday people, just from the different part of the world. They do not have more aggressive nature than you, the "good-guys", do... nor the less.


What makes us believe so, is warfare (politic) propaganda, system of beliefs, emotions and many other factors, encouraging own egocentrism to flourish and consider ourselves "the better ones". Not that it is something unsusal among history cards. I'd rather say that this tribal behaviour of "my tribe/group/country/nation/continent/whatever is better than yours" is the most basic instinct, which humanity still haven't grown up from yet. It's sad and natural at the same time, that we are not so far from the cavemans and first hominoidea, half-animal ancestors. We still use the same brains and its mechanics to perceive and reason.


Ok, smart-*** mode off :)

Edited by dadamowsky
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What people can barely realise - the so called "enemies" are just normal, everyday people, just from the different part of the world. They do not have more aggressive nature than you, the "good-guys", do... nor the less.


What makes us believe so, is warfare (politic) propaganda, system of beliefs, emotions and many other factors, encouraging own egocentrism to flourish and consider ourselves "the better ones". Not that it is something unsusal among history cards. I'd rather say that this tribal behaviour of "my tribe/group/country/nation/continent/whatever is better than yours" is the most basic instinct, which humanity still haven't grown up from yet. It's sad and natural at the same time, that we are not so far from the cavemans and first hominoidea, half-animal ancestors. We still use the same brains and its mechanics to perceive and reason.


Ok, smart-*** mode off :)


No, be smart. I could not have said it better myself. All I am saying though is play Empire. They are not all evil as some make them out to be. Evil is on both sides.

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If you all remember in episode III, during a conversation between anakin and palpatine, the point was made that "evil is a point of view". This much is true. What may seem wrong to one person could be perfectly acceptable to someone else. Edited by imperetor
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