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Help me choose Sentinal vs. Guardian: which is more pure, PvE fun


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My top 3 priorities are:


- Fun class mechanics (some 'oh wow' powers that look cool)

- Some complexity to the game play to keep me on my toes (no spamming 1 or 2 attacks)

- 100% PvE

- No end game worries


The Sentinal looks cool to me, but is it complex enough or do you just spam a few AoE's? The Guardian looks solid but is it boring or does it have some cool powers later (like Force Thrust, etc.)


I heard Sentinel is 'broken', but if this is just end game max dps crunching or PvP, then I don't care. I also heard Guardian is slow until level 30 - that might kill me if I lose interest.


Heck, maybe I want a Shadow, but I was not thrilled with the story. Hard to play when I cannot stand my Jedi Master and I'm not crazy about the companion from level 1-20 (Qyzen).


I could not care less about being uber. Just want the pure fun :)




PS: For reference, I love both my IA and Gunslinger. Great stories, fun companions, cover mechanic is really cool, the thumping sound of the Gunslinger attacks never get old. The electro stabbity of the IA is way fun.

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I play a DPS Guardian while we have another Sentinel in our raid group.



From a DPS point of view, Sentinels certainly have a lot more going for them.


They have a more complex resource system and much more group-support abilities.


In fact, during a direct comparison my raid was shocked by just how little group-utility a DPS Guardian brings compared to a Sentinel. No run-speed increase, no 15% damage boost to the entire group and no CC worth mentioning.


Without a combat log, it's hard to objectively asses actual performance so I don't know if Sentinels are actually better. But they certainly bring more to the table.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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Thanks! But when I said I do not care about end game, I meant raid :)


Just want to know if a Sentinel is a fun ride 1-50. I am not much of an end game raider and don't really care who beats whom on the DPS meters.


Thank you for the feedback though.

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Thanks! But when I said I do not care about end game, I meant raid :)


Just want to know if a Sentinel is a fun ride 1-50. I am not much of an end game raider and don't really care who beats whom on the DPS meters.


Thank you for the feedback though.


Well if it's only leveling you're talking about, it's a bit of a rough-ride both for Sentinels and Guardians.


Both rely heavily on a healing companion, which is something you don't get until your mid-30s. Since melees are always a lot more exposed, you'll die a lot more compared to any ranged DPS or Healer.


I'd still say Sentinels have an easier time, although as long as you keep your gear up to date and interrupt a lot, you shouldn't have any major hiccups along the way.

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My friend is a Sentinal and he gets saber throw at level 21 which is cool , but I think what you are looking for is more of a Guardian.


The "saber throw" sentinels get is for a different purpose. It's on a longer cooldown, and has a healing debuff. It also deals less damage. For combat spec, it'll also have a short root. The guardian talents reduce the cooldown, and add the armor debuff.

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Sent has more finesse and fancy moves, but you can get ur face punched in if ure careless...

Guardian ain't much behind in moves but can be easier to roam around, raining down hell and not mind much if u get some hits.


Edit: And ofc if you use Focus on either adv.class or sent watchman you can leap around long and short wich is allways cool! :D

Edited by Fazaani
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