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1.2 Hybrid


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It is somewhat lame for BW to require players to fully commit to a tree in order to get 2ndary benefits which will highly nerf hybrid builds. I never liked that idea and forces players to limit their builds.

BW is not requiring anything, they're not forcing you to do anything they're just making taking advantage of the full tree more mathematically optimal then a half and half (in terms of intended role which is perfectly fine because being a hybrid means sacrificing focus for utility), which is fine if you want to play a half and half you think is fun go for it just don't expect to min/max. Until you are actually forced to put 31 talents into a tree before you can invest into another tree there's no room to complain here.


A side rant that has nothing to do with the above post. People here whinging about being forced into 'cookie cutter' specs clearly don't know what cookie cutter means; It means the spec everyone uses because it is objectively the best (which is it present a hybrid spec), cookie cutter != a 'pure' spec.

Everyone here using the darkness/madness hybrid in pvp is using a cookie cutter spec and BW is actually taking steps to make each tree viable. That's the opposite of what people are complaining about.

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so sad i am, so sad...


from this:




i am forced into this:


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bIrokbskZhZf0cRr.1 ;)


Nice try, next patch plz!



I must concur with this gentleman.



For Wither and FL (31/0/10) to compete with Death Field and Maul from a simple ease of use/damage potential point of view, Wither would need to have its damage doubled, at least.


I don't find Wither's slow to be at all useful when everyone in huttball has a jump or pull or sprint anyway. Death Field on the other hand does wonderful damage for an aoe and does it from 30m. Honestly, Death Field's range of uses and utility cannot be understated. It's our best button.


I can live with losing Crushing Darkness, but we can't afford to lose DF too.

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Hmm I may have to agree, not necessarily that 3/3 Duplicity is the way to go with 23/3/15 but that I don't want to give up Death Field and Claws of Decay just to get Harnessed Darkness & Wither. In my experience, I agree, Wither damage is lacking and the slow is overated by A LOT of people on here.


Dont get me wrong - getting to pop recklessness and force lightning a guy is a ton of fun and can do a lot of damage but I dont know if it will have the same overall impact as having that 30m AoE Solid Damage from deathfield that is just SO versatile (best skill we have for stopping a cap / bomb plant [i think force pull LoS is a *****] )



IN A NUTSHELL - I'm still gonna try to make a Hybrid build work without Raze and if Harnessed Darkness / Wither turns out to be more damage / less situational than I think I will look at it

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They completely f$@#@ over this class.


Our AoE knockback has the least knockback of any class (I am constantly sent flying by warriors, BH, troopers).


Our AoE damage (lacerate) is pathetic, my level 25 operative hits everyone (at range) for ~450ish, and at level 50 with 5 battlemasters pieces my lacerate only hits for about 600-650.


Our hybrid builds are being destroyed, and yet they are not touching ANY other class or addressing hybrid builds of ANY other class.


They are buffing Marauder damage, where is the assassin PvE damage buff?


Both myself and my duo partner rerolled agents for DPS and a pocket healer.


The assassin is nothing like I had hoped, needs the most attention, and yet BW devs made them even worse with these changes without addressing any of the glaring overpowered builds in ALL range DPS classes, and the other melee DPS classes to boot.


I feel to be effective in PvE I MUST tank, since my DPS is the worst option in hard and nightmare mode encounters and I am carried by my guild and ranged DPS.


So disappointed in all the time I put trying to acquire gear, and still fail. Must be because I am a terrible player, but then me and my partner are now destroying people with our operatives which we could NEVER do at any time leveling/pvping together as assassins. May be the terrible assassin playstyle.


Fix it BW... currently retarted, and post 1.2, its worse than retarted if that is even possible.

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