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Kira Tank?


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So i've heard a lot of people say that Kira carsen was /or is a Shadow. So, if that's the case how come she can't use a shield gen?


That little question aside, has anyone tried to setup kira as tanky as possible? Can you even do that? I mean i've been stacking her endurance rather than her willpower and she still seems to pump out the dps.

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Kira is NOT a Shadow. Nor is she a Jedi Knight or Jedi Consular. I once tried to give her an orange-grade headpiece that was restricted to Consulars and she couldn't wear it.


Kira is Kira. She's not any of the game classes. She's most like a Consular, but she's not actually one. She can equip double-bladed sabers like a Shadow and a Focus like a Sage and can only wear generic light armor.


She's a DPS companion and does it fairly well, but she's not suited for tanking, not even with her defensive ward skill on. She's fairly squishy.

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So i've heard a lot of people say that Kira carsen was /or is a Shadow. So, if that's the case how come she can't use a shield gen?


That little question aside, has anyone tried to setup kira as tanky as possible? Can you even do that? I mean i've been stacking her endurance rather than her willpower and she still seems to pump out the dps.


Companions don't follow the game class structure. They have unique builds (Some might share similar builds) and only have some talents from similar classes. They are build for specific roles though they may have stances allowing them to serve different purposes.

For instance Lord Scourge is a Melee Tank but also has a DPS stance if you don't want him to tank.


Any toon can benefit from Endurance but Kira should be strong in Willpower because She uses force attacks and will Willpower will increase her DPS like most counsulars.

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