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Need option to change GUI


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The GUI of this game is rly terribad:

-no option to scale the huge bars filling nearly half of the screen - should be scaleable AND - moveable

-quest tracking is so annoying, i turn it off, but every time you go/leave warzone/flashpoint/new area/any other stuff it turns on again! and it fills the whole right side of screen

-camera: you look back, go towards and the camera returns back behind character, why? there should rly bee option for camera to stay where you leave it(good when you want to target someone behind you while running - now? its inpossible)

-camera again: this issue ill mention now is the worst of all especially for PVP - when anything is behind you, camera goes nearer to your character - thats ok - BUT, afterwards it should return back where it was, immideatly, not in half an hour, **** i spend whole warzones just scrololing camera back because i just always have it on my sith´s back and cant see anything:do something with it!!!!


and many more, please reply whether you agree or not!

Edited by JonyTheFirst
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We could write dissertations about the UI.


Honestly, I hope they just open it up to addons and get on with fixing bugs and designing the game. I want a customizable UI also, but the last thing I want is for TOR devs to try to design one for me.


customizable UI is in the works, you would know if you actually looked around the site.....
'scalable', not custom whatsoever. :( Edited by Gerrard_Ennui
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Just for your information, in case you somehow missed it:

rescale and move elements are on the way, scheduled to the next real update in march.


Quick fix for the quest tracker: go into the questlog and untrack your quests. Simply as that. :eek:


I can't comment the camera issues, for me it works exactly than any other game I tried.

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Just for your information, in case you somehow missed it:

rescale and move elements are on the way, scheduled to the next real update in march.


Quick fix for the quest tracker: go into the questlog and untrack your quests. Simply as that. :eek:


I can't comment the camera issues, for me it works exactly than any other game I tried.


Think twice talk once guy, maybe i dont want to untrack it, it wont be shown on map afterwards, i just dont want to have those texts all over my screen, thats why i was trolling??

about the camera: you are a pver just standing on one place then, try goin a warzone once maybe youll figure out... other games do definitely have those things allright(at least wow does)

Edited by JonyTheFirst
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