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Newbie - Social Question regarding Rep. vs Emp.


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Hello there! :)


I'm going to roll my very first character in just about 1 hour. I haven't decided upon going republic or empire. If it matters I've decided on the server Bloodworthy.


I get the feeling that more morally obliged people rather choose to play republic over empire, that is, the really nice people tend to roll republic. I realize everyone isn't the same and there are a bunch of different reasons for choosing side (friends/guilds/looks/story/etc.). Is the whole idea not applicable in reality or is this something that is noticeable in-game? If so, could you give me a rough estimate of how much?


The whole Goody-goody thing is a big deal for me since (yea wow) I played wow on the server burning legion... I did good, got into the best raiding guild there. Did hardcore PvE and topped DPS in my group. But hell, that server was so *********** messed up community-wise (as alliance). I then rerolled on another server, Outland (and as a horde), it was like night and day. Awesome community, they talked and helped out, didn't bash people who were new, but rather helped them become good. I loved that mentality.


Any answer is love, man :D even if it's just a one-sided experience. Any info is better then no info :p. Oh, and sorry about grammatical errors and whatnot, english is not my main-language.





Does the republic tend to have a better community then the Empire? (Helps out and so on). If so, how?

Edited by Anders_Swe
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A lot of people I have played with on my bounty hunter have been very friendly. I rolled Republic just because I wanted a bounty hunter... and my friend's first character was a sorcerer so I wanted to join him.


I don't really think people temperament in real life would apply to what side the pick, especially because you're allow to make light and dark side choices.

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A lot of people I have played with on my bounty hunter have been very friendly. I rolled Republic just because I wanted a bounty hunter... and my friend's first character was a sorcerer so I wanted to join him.


I don't really think people temperament in real life would apply to what side the pick, especially because you're allow to make light and dark side choices.


Thanks for the answer :) and I'm glad to hear that, I was hoping this would be the case.

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In my limited experience, I've met more friendly people on the Republic side, but really, I've only carried a handful of characters to level 10, just to get a feel for how the stories begin to take shape. So take everything I say with a grain of salt.


I would suspect you'll find "cooler" people playing the non-force using classes and find more "dumb fan-tards" playing jedi/sith. That's a gross generalization with no basis in fact, however.


In the end, I recommend giving both sides a try to at least getting beyond the first couple of planets. Your mileage may vary. It may depend on the day, time, or server.

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A lot of people I have played with on my bounty hunter have been very friendly. I rolled Republic just because I wanted a bounty hunter... and my friend's first character was a sorcerer so I wanted to join him.


I don't really think people temperament in real life would apply to what side the pick, especially because you're allow to make light and dark side choices.


He's talking about the Empire. Sith Sorceror and Bounty Hunter aren't the Republic types. ;)


As for the orginal topic: When I (Bounty Hunter) waited on Tattooine on sunday for the goddamn Jawa balloon, I've met a couple of very nice Jedi waiting there, too. Since I'm on a PVE-Rp-Server, we didn't blast each other to smithereens but actually had a nice chat and some good fun while waiting and eventually flying with the balloon.


I think you should probably separate IC and OOC. The majority of all Empire players I've met so far are a friendly and helping bunch. But so are the Reps on the same server I met with my alt.


Go for what class you can identify with best, then roll a Bounty Hunter because, honestly, they've got the kick-*** story.

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In my limited experience, I've met more friendly people on the Republic side, but really, I've only carried a handful of characters to level 10, just to get a feel for how the stories begin to take shape. So take everything I say with a grain of salt.


I would suspect you'll find "cooler" people playing the non-force using classes and find more "dumb fan-tards" playing jedi/sith. That's a gross generalization with no basis in fact, however.


In the end, I recommend giving both sides a try to at least getting beyond the first couple of planets. Your mileage may vary. It may depend on the day, time, or server.


Thanks for the input bro :D. I too realize I have made a gross generalization, but I wanted to see if there's some truth to it.





He's talking about the Empire. Sith Sorceror and Bounty Hunter aren't the Republic types. ;)


Hah, yea I figured :p I've been forum-nerding this game for a while and immediately realized that he was talking about the empire, I didn't want to be a... in lack of a better word -> "Grammar-nazi" :D


As for the orginal topic: When I (Bounty Hunter) waited on Tattooine on sunday for the gosh darn Jawa balloon, I've met a couple of very nice Jedi waiting there, too. Since I'm on a PVE-Rp-Server, we didn't blast each other to smithereens but actually had a nice chat and some good fun while waiting and eventually flying with the balloon.


I think you should probably separate IC and OOC. The majority of all Empire players I've met so far are a friendly and helping bunch. But so are the Reps on the same server I met with my alt.


Go for what class you can identify with best, then roll a Bounty Hunter because, honestly, they've got the kick-*** story.


Good post :p I like it, and thanks for the answer! I lul'd when I read the last sentence :D. I'll certainly try the **** out of Bounty Hunters (BH is one of my favourites, and no, I haven't decided on a class just yet).

Edited by Anders_Swe
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I've mostly found that the republic/empire preference seems more of a generational thing than people's personal attitudes.


Those who grew up with the original movies (i.e. those of us in the 30+ range) seem to have a general trend towards the republic and the jedi, whilst those who are under 30 and were still in their teens (or younger) when the newer trilogy came out seem to prefer the empire side - not necessarily full out evil, but more free to persue their own choice of morality.


As someone on the edge of the two (episode 1 came out during my first year at university, but I grew up with the originals), I have a slight preference for republic but am playing both...



These trends may or may not be true in the larger community, I'm just going from the pool of IRL friends I know who play and what the split seems to be, and noting that out of game attitude doesn't seem to cross over much into which side people prefer.

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Good post :p I like it, and thanks for the answer! I lul'd when I read the last sentence :D. I'll certainly try the **** out of Bounty Hunters (BH is one of my favourites, and no, I haven't decided on a class just yet).


We played I Spy With My Little Eye. Turns out, there's only so many shades of "sand" you can guess.

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Speaking as someone who has both Republic and Imperial characters, I'd say it's more a question of what server you play on than what faction you play as, which determines whether or not the people you end up with are going to be friendly/helpful/etc.


I'm on a roleplaying server, myself, and while Empire players may play their characters as evil, puppy-kicking jerks, the players themselves tend to be a nice bunch. :)


So, no, I don't think what faction you play really has anything to do with it.

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cant talk for all people but i usually try to help out lower lvl players if i got the time. im playing a lightside sith marauder, and i am satisfied with my class choice. but what really matters is that you get in a good guild, im officer of a guild that was made day 1 of release (not early acces **** -.-) and were all having fun here :D and no i dont play on your server sorry.
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It's easier for me to play the nice role I guess, so I started Republic, but I just made a couple of Empire toons this week. I found I can be a nice BH, lol. But my Sith Warrior needs to get meaner apparently. I have to force myself to pick the opposite of what I think. All in all though, everyone has been nice in-game. And give both sides a try. I love each story line personally.
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It all depends on your server. I play on a RP PVP server and the republic side for the most part are helpful and make silly jokes, like the BRO episode that lasted a good 40 minutes in general chat.


Empire side... different story. Now this is not everyone, but a good number of ******tery and rude folks in general chat.


Now let me throw this in.... What I could have experienced were Sith people playing Republic when I found them being amiable. And the Republic people on the Empire side when they were being *****s. Or vice versa.


Who knows. Just remember you can swap sides, or judging empire and republic size, capability and maturity is just a snapshot at that moment. At anytime, things can shift quite easily.

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I've mostly found that the republic/empire preference seems more of a generational thing than people's personal attitudes.


Those who grew up with the original movies (i.e. those of us in the 30+ range) seem to have a general trend towards the republic and the jedi, whilst those who are under 30 and were still in their teens (or younger) when the newer trilogy came out seem to prefer the empire side - not necessarily full out evil, but more free to persue their own choice of morality.


As someone on the edge of the two (episode 1 came out during my first year at university, but I grew up with the originals), I have a slight preference for republic but am playing both...



These trends may or may not be true in the larger community, I'm just going from the pool of IRL friends I know who play and what the split seems to be, and noting that out of game attitude doesn't seem to cross over much into which side people prefer.


Good post,im very similar to you. I would also like to add that when it comes to the Empire and the Sith particularly,the original KOTOR games could influence choice of faction aswell.


I personally grew up on the original SW films..loved them,hate lucas for continually tampering with them and i didnt particularly enjoy the more recent EP1/2/3 except for certain characters like Qui Gon and Darth Maul in EP1.


However,i found Biowares exploration of Sith culture in the KOTOR games fascinating and that greatly influenced my decision to primarily play Empire in SWTOR,though i also have a Jedi character aswell,for good measure =) Actually,i have two high level representations of the same class,a Jedi Shadow and a Sith Assassin,both with the same specs. Yeah,i love that AC lol =)


To the OP,in my experience the differences between Empire and Republic side socially is that Empire side tends to be more populated whereas Republic tends to be the underdog with less players. The actual social vibe of each faction depends on the server.


On my server the republic side is less populated then empire so the PvE/PvP scene is more consolidated,giving the impression of a tighter community. On the empire side its hugely populated making it more diverse,but less personal. However,there are douchebags and meme spouting kids to be found on both sides.


You just have a higher chance of running into such folk empire side due to the higher population^^ But in return you get higher chances for entertaining conversations,random world raids and other suchs things. In essence though,helpful people and skilled mature minded players can be found on both sides.


I dont think that SWTOR has the same faction vs faction hostility that other MMO's have due to the heavy single player story component of each class. Most likely,in time,everyone will have a level 50 of each class on each faction lol.

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