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Server Maintenance - Same players constantly suffering


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You could go to sleepy early, then wake up early in the morning. I don't understand why you aussies complain about this so much. Every mmorpg made in usa will always have downtime during your peak hours. I would though you would be used to it by now. I know I would. Edited by Knockerz
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I'm not normally one to complain, however : this continual patching at exactly the same time (which happens to be the exact time I'm usually able to log on) is starting to get quite old.


I understand that an effort was made to pick a time that was the least populated, however by doing it at the same time every week, the same day every week, when added with the all too common additional time the servers are brought down (so now my chance to enjoy the game is negatively effected twice for every week) is beginning to get to the point where the service level is unacceptable.


If it is a two hour patch, why not move it back by two hours. Server populations are still on the decline (anecdotally speaking) until 4-5AM Central. If you were to move it back on occasion, or move it forward on occasion, you would avoid negatively impacting the same players over and over.


Some type of rotation or variation for hot-patches would be appreciated. I realize the weekly 8 hour downtime probably has to be somewhat regimented as there is a lot of logistics that goes into it. But losing a full day every week, in addition to the additional 2nd lost day begins to get old.


As it stands with a weekly 8 hour patch you're already at ~95% uptime, which is below industry standard, have some understanding for the players who bear the brunt of this.



Actually they are not taking the servers down when they have the lowest populations. If they did they would be taking them down @4-5am CST. It's midnight and MTN and PST is still standard and heavy and not surprisingly the East coast has a couple of servers that are heavy right now as well.


They lied to us about maintenance times would only happen during low population times.

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I'm getting abit sick and tired of games nowadays that think its okay to just hit there release date with unfinished products.


"Don't worry boss, our team will just patch it up over 6-12months - we will hit the date"


Not that anyone cares about my play-time but I wake up at 7gmt and get my daughter ready for school etc, Im ready to play about 8:30gmt and I'm use to seeing that I can't play untill 4pm GMT (today 10am though). More times than not I have to look at stupid little patches that stop me playing. You should really invest in a Europe maintenance team so we can get some better downtimes on the server. I'm also tired of paying for a beta game... I miss days where I brought a finished product.

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me and my 2 friends suffered from this as well... almost every time a patch comes out it hits us. and we work during the day so this is becoming a waste of my money. infact this week I had tuesday and thursday off... sure enough patches bring down the game within hours after I get home when I would normally just not sleep and play it till I gotta sleep for work the next day.


since I do this it wouldnt matter too much when the servers went down but my friends however normally sleep about 2 or 3 hours into the patch time. so thus our night is halted.


I really hope they push patches back about 3 hours so ppl can start enjoying there evenings. thanks.

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I actually have to agree with what is being said here. Between work, classes and a daily side job, the time I normally get to sit down and start playing isn't until about 11pm CST, which only leaves me about an hour to play with these down times.


I completely understand needing to address and fix bugs. I get it, I really do. But it almost seems like they are trying so hard to impress everyone with how often they are monitoring and addressing issues that they are alienating themselves and pushing players further away. I enjoy this game, but not being able to play it when I've worked all day long and finally have a break is a little aggravating. Most I can do is turn the computer off and hope that I might have a chance to play the next day.


I appreciate the attention they are giving the game, but in all honesty, I have not encountered 95% of the bugs they are supposedly fixing. That's not to say that they don't exist, I'm sure they do, but it does make a statement that those bugs are not game breaking, and while they should be addressed, they can be through the weekly patch and not a near daily patch.

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And the servers are down again... What a surprise. :rolleyes:


Maybe it's their new tactic to stop people from running out of content - just prevent them from being able to do the content half the time and you have twice as long to release something new..


And the maintenance team probably gets bonus points for sneaking maintenances in unexpectedly at the most awkward moments so people get booted off the server halfway during a FP or Op.

Edited by Amarinth
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WAIT I KNOW THE SOLUTION. If you don't like it, don't pay for it or play it? Really all this crying just gets drowned out anyways.


Well, I'm on a 60 day gamecard. I'm not sure I'll pony up another EUR 27 for the next 40 days of gameplay (spread over a 60 day period) for a game with bad endgame. Let's see what my sign.other says, though. As a co-op singleplayer, levelling is still fun.

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I agree with the OP. I'm on the west coast and 12am is too early to bring servers down and the servers have been down 3x in a week. That's too much.


I couldn't agree more! I too am west coast, playing on a west coast server. Midnight is WAY too early for a shut down. especially for us night owls. 2 am PST I could understand, but midnight? That's a little unfair for the west coast. The EST and CST are barely affected by this in my opinion.


I do understand patching, and I would rather see frequent patches than a wicked buggy game. However, could we re-evaluate the times for these frequent patches. The long ones every Tuesday, that I can deal with, fine, I can work around that, but when you have short 2-4 hour ones I see no reason to not back those off by a couple hours. Seriously, if you want to have the servers up by a specific time in the morning CST, then just count backward from there. There has to be a much better middle ground that would still affect the least amount of players. I really feel sorry for the Aussies and Kiwis (no offense meant to NZ) - they get humped either way because it's early evening for them.

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Ya I gotta agree that the down time do really suck and this is from a person that rarely gets affected from them expect for the fact that i wake up at 4 am every day and on some like today its down but when it is you gotta understand that at least there working on it, because they could just be doing nothing.


When I do wake up and the servers are down I'm not one to sit around and be mad/complain about it ill just go my marry way and play another game like I got a friend I play with that lives in japan and another that is an Aussie ya it sucks for them to be affected by this a lot but we just wait it out play when we can and yes that is just paying for beta but if you really didn't wanna play you wouldn't be playing.


We all bought this game knowing its not gonna be a finished product right away yet we still got it and of course there is still a lot of people who refuse to buy it because they don't wanna buy a game they wont like so they are waiting on a free trial of some sort. So if you were really worried about it not being finished and having a lot of patches you would be sitting with the rest of the people waiting for fixes or some sort of trial.

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Well, I'm on a 60 day gamecard. I'm not sure I'll pony up another EUR 27 for the next 40 days of gameplay (spread over a 60 day period) for a game with bad endgame. Let's see what my sign.other says, though. As a co-op singleplayer, levelling is still fun.


i must agree with you the end game needs alot of work like the pve is great for the most part but pvp is whats needing some attention

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The OP and others that back his view, make very valid points. As a Non-American, I find the constant EU daytime patching very frustrating.


However what makes it substantially worse are the comments in these forums from I'm assuming the US based player base, taking the p*** out of perfectly legitimate posts about this problem. All it achieves is to demonstrate the complete lack of awareness and ignorance of hopefully a small minority of US based players about what goes on throughout the rest of the world.


Yes there really are countries that exist outside the US...... honest. Try Google Earth and zoom out a bit so you can see the Earth is not really flat.......


Have a lovely day and play nicely.


I'm off to play my banjo, sitting on the beam in my barn.... ;)

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Funny thing is you click on the link on the game client to find out when the maintenance is going to finish and you get taken to the forums which is also usually down as well. Genius! Quite often I would like to browse the forums while there's server downtime.
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I understand you think it's funny, and it is a bit ridiculous to expect the servers to be taken down in the middle of the afternoon, but for people who only get to play at the exact time they decide to take the servers down every week get a horrible experience.


EDIT - Not the scheduled patches, that's something that we're going to have to live with, the extras are the ones that really start to chap my hide.


Not really a stupid expectation given that it is actualy happening already anyway. Servers going down 14:00 till 16:00 happens so i dont see why his request is silly.


I couldn't agree more! I too am west coast, playing on a west coast server. Midnight is WAY too early for a shut down. especially for us night owls. 2 am PST I could understand, but midnight? That's a little unfair for the west coast. The EST and CST are barely affected by this in my opinion.


Just be glad it isnt a saturnday afternoon or a weekday you are losing.

You cant play after midnight 1 day of the week some cant even play from 10:00 till 18:00 1 day of the week. Yet when we EU players complain US players always say it isnt a big deal.


Move downtime to 6am EST.


And then when folks complain we can tell them to "get a job!"

Better still move them to 4am GMT or CET ( see im even nice enough to give them a choice ).


Or better 4AM Server time so GMT or CET for EU and then 1 or 2 times for the US.

Edited by LightShad
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Funny thing is you click on the link on the game client to find out when the maintenance is going to finish and you get taken to the forums which is also usually down as well. Genius! Quite often I would like to browse the forums while there's server downtime.


But even if you can view the forums they usually lock them so you can't post anyway...

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The OP and others that back his view, make very valid points. As a Non-American, I find the constant EU daytime patching very frustrating.


However what makes it substantially worse are the comments in these forums from I'm assuming the US based player base, taking the p*** out of perfectly legitimate posts about this problem. All it achieves is to demonstrate the complete lack of awareness and ignorance of hopefully a small minority of US based players about what goes on throughout the rest of the world.


Yes there really are countries that exist outside the US...... honest. Try Google Earth and zoom out a bit so you can see the Earth is not really flat.......


Have a lovely day and play nicely.


I'm off to play my banjo, sitting on the beam in my barn.... ;)


well said!

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