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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Twas the morning before Nov access and all through the house..


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No gaming rigs were powered, not even a mouse.

The cables were tied and bundled with care

In hopes the my access code soon would be here


Not a wink of sleep though i went early to bed

With visions of lightsabers dancing in my head

Gpu's are the ready, dew bottle tightened at the cap

Cant get away from the forums, even though i gotta ****


Streaming video feeds do cause such a clatter

Where is my **** access code. What could be the matter?

Wave one then two then three by with a flash

If i'm not in wave four, my head i will bash


Streaming feed just ended, all i'm geetin is snow

He only played four hours why'd he have to go?

When what to my bloodshot eyes should appear?

A miniature speeder and and eight droid reindeer


With a little old Jedi, he's green, is he sick?

I knew in a moment this wasn't St. Nick

Waddle he did, toward me he came.

"Ready is this one, to play our little game"


Close his eyes, he did. Medidtate he would

This one is strong. "Email his code, we should"

A wave of his hand so subtle so bold

Check your email is what I was told


I flew to my PC. Cound it be true?

Opened my email. There's something new!

My access code! HERE!!! Finally ready!

Must enter it quick. Can't keep my hand steady.


I turned back in a flash to thank my green friend

For bringing my agonizing wait to an end.

But we was gone with a flash, far out of sight,

"Happy launch to you all, and to all a good fight"

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