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Cold War


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Probably has been said before but how the heck is what we experience in ToR a Cold War? According to the lore there is a treaty that maintains a peace between Republic and Empire, however the amount of open conflict between the two is staggering.


I understand that they're always trying to be sneaky sneaky, but I feel like every planet has multiple quest givers who complain that their ENTIRE unit was wiped out by the opposing faction


I'm not a history buff but I feel like a report that an American squad of troops were wiped out by the Russians it would have...strained attempts at maintaining peace during 50's-70's.


Aren't they openly fighting each other on Illum?

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For what character do they say this? I've only played SI all the way and I never got that sense.


Pretty much on all character stories....you probably just never payed too much attention since it was 1 or 2 lines it was mentioned in...The war restarts imbetween act 2/3

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