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light/dark compnaions and you


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I noticed that there are light and dark companions for each class. What happens to the relationship between yourself and a "light" companion when you continue to increase your dark side? will this cause the companion to do less amage in a fight or have an effect if you send them on missions?
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The choices you make in dialogue is what influences your relationship.

So if you make choices they don't like, you loose affection. Affection should have an influence on mission (time to complete) AFAIK.


But you can always 'buy' it back with gifts ;)

Edited by xandax
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I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but I believe companion affection has an effect on crafting crit rates. They won't be wrecked for you in combat, though. Make sure to read a companion's entry under Codex -> Persons of Note to get a clue for how they tick, in terms of what they'll like seeing you do and not.
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They dont do less damage, but some have said that if you get to much negative they may leave, but I have never heard of anyone doing it. It is easy to gain faction with them outside the LS DS stuff by giving them gifts, as well as talking to them for there side quest dialog onboard ships or in the canteena.
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They dont do less damage, but some have said that if you get to much negative they may leave, but I have never heard of anyone doing it. It is easy to gain faction with them outside the LS DS stuff by giving them gifts, as well as talking to them for there side quest dialog onboard ships or in the canteena.


They won't leave AFAIK. It was the intention 'in the old days' when they also wanted you to be able to kill them or them attack you.

It was removed in some beta cycle.

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