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Companions; Doc or T7?


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After playing through with my Sentinel (Focus spec) I've been with my little T7 this whole time and he got really good with taking everything. Then after Balmorra I now have my healer and I was wondering should I switch my little T7 for Doc?


During my Balmorra bonus missions I've been jumping around a LOT to catch all the damn ranged mobs so that Doc focuses his heals on me and his healing isn't that good when you're up against gold elites :<.



I like both the characters so that's not an issue, I was just wondering if it's something that I should get acclimatised to like I did with T7 tanking or should I switch back to my little T7 tanking :)?



Which companion do you normally use for soloing? I have yet to get Rusk and Scourge, so I can't think about them yet XD.

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Doc, only doc. Though you have to keep his gear up-to-date and u'll have no problems with elite. I really mean this. NO PROBLEMS. Lvl 48 Watchman and I had several problems with strongs? but not with elites ( LOL ). Advice: always take gear from quests for Doc and he'll repay you. Edited by DED_ZAXAP
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I really wish BW would give all companions self heal abilities. It would make any companion viable and not just healers. If I could use T7 all the way to 50 I would, but heals make it just so much less of a headache. Edited by Shivus
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