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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Guardian DPS


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I wanted to be the classic jedi. One single saber, Force push, Force leap and saber throw.


I LOVE my guardian.....I just don't want to tank. I want to DPS. Are we EXPECTED to tank just because we are guardians? If so, why did bioware even bother with a dps tree?


thanks in advance!

Edited by ormond
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Given my frustration and displeasure with Guardian tanking, I'd venture to say that vigilance is the strongest skill tree available to Guardians at the moment. HOWEVER: Vigilance is highly gear dependent. I did not start to shine until I got nearly full epics. I think that it somewhat under performs while leveling up, but it is nice and shiny in the endgame.
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I have been wondering about this question quite a bit. Why would the jedi knight have two choices: Guardian and Sentinal, one of which cannot tank, while the guardian can dps anyways? It seems unfair to the sentinal. At the same time, it seems to be unfair to the Guardian if they have two damage trees that create a sub-par character. Why would bioware invent a play style that ends up being broken or insufficient?


Here's what I understand:


I have a guardian in the high 30s and went up the focus tree. Leveling seems to be comfortable and I can take out elites pretty decently. In pvp I can sometimes, not often, but sometimes top the damage list if I am backed by a decent healer or just get lucky. For doing these two things, a dps guard seems like a pretty decent choice. Moreover, I have played a dps/offtank role in flashpoints and it has worked out so far given the right composition. It's flashpoints and raids in the endgame which I am worried about. I'm pretty sure the attitude is "Better to get a sentinal than have your dps guard tag along and do mediocre damage" That would be something of a letdown, but I honestly don't know how the numbers add up.

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I believe the damage aspect of the Guardian was only added later into development, the same as the tanking aspect to Consular/Inquisitor, so I believe tank talents were spread too far between the two trees. If you notice a LOT of Guardian tanks put more points into Vigilance than Defense for that reason. A little shuffling is definitely in order for this class.
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Guardian DPS that are well prepped are scary to the sith. I saw one do 7k with an aoe and then turn right around and slaughter a fully geared inquisitor like a thin wall of bacon between him and victory.


I have a vanguard DPS, I wanted to be a demolitions specialist that focuses with dots on pve. Problem being:


1. Idiots think Jks/vanguards are automatically tanks 2. I can't summon a companion for some reason, I just owned the gauntlet and I know

Elara is unconcious

, but I can barely if at all kill strongs on my own :/ 3. I'm not the best at vanguard DPSing yet, so I can't actually determine if I just suck or if it's partially a class imbalance.

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I see two problems for Guardian DPS at the momenent



They are useless at range, but all ranged classes can do 100% damage in melee range.



Shorten the Cd on Heroic Leap and Pull and give it a % chance to work through cover and we are in much better shape.


oops.. other problem is one dps tree is built around a channeled back loaded attack.


Give masterstrike a root and that is fixed.

Edited by mandaboo
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