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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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are you really that stupid



prime time is usually when most people gt home from work, have dinner then go to bed, MIDNIGHT IS NOT PRIME TIME.

im going to have to track some of these people down and tattoo that on their heads



and you guys can take all the screenshots you like it doesn't change the fact that 2am cst is the quietest possible time they can do this.


seriously guys your eroding whats left of my faith in humanity.

2am CST is prime time in asia, ans down south east asia australia. those are the places in the world that 2am cst is prime time.

you do know that prime time is not when 100 people are on its when thousands and thousands are on.

now if they did this like 5pm CST I can understand your constant droning on about prime time a phrase you seem to cling to like its your blankey


No, prime time means one thing and one thing only.


The hours when the server has the highest population. Anything else is meaningless.


This maintenance DOES happen when the server is at the highest population. If not even a bit earlier.

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No, prime time means one thing and one thing only.


The hours when the server has the highest population. Anything else is meaningless.


This maintenance DOES happen when the server is at the highest population. If not even a bit earlier.


Part of the factor for that is Oceanic areas (where the game hasn't even been released officially as far as I know) joining US servers. If you look at local EU and US players this is not prime time.

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No, prime time means one thing and one thing only.


The hours when the server has the highest population. Anything else is meaningless.


This maintenance DOES happen when the server is at the highest population. If not even a bit earlier.


Again, if you're on Swiftsure of Harginger, thats because thats where all the oceanics are where it is actually their prime time. I have about 6 toons on a west coast server that usually gets heavy. Ive checked, at 2am central its still only standard/light so its certainly not that server's prime time. The only time it ever hit heavy at 2am is on weekends.

Edited by Clova
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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


BW does not cater to the minority. I am in a similar situation, but I do not mind. It is for the better.

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Im am really starting to get upset over this Bio.








Im seriously considering unsubbing because of this, and no, im not venting. This is happening all the damn time and enough is enough





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No, prime time means one thing and one thing only.


The hours when the server has the highest population. Anything else is meaningless.


This maintenance DOES happen when the server is at the highest population. If not even a bit earlier.


and you magically have all the log in numbers from through out the day for a few days from bioware. you magically were given the logs.

you don't think bioware have those numbers

you don't think bioware picked it so that OVER ALL not just your small area but around the world. i know that's a big ask for you to think outside your area but there are other places on the planet that this time has on average the least number of people playing SWTOR ACROSS THE BOARD, that there are other servers in the US that might not have magical lots of people playing. or that your server swiftsure i believe may be oceanics filling it up which come march would rather have local servers. and leave totally removing your magical high pop times ?


a few screenshots from when ever there are lots of people on does not make a log of players on make so don't even bother as i wouldn't trust the screenshots anyway.

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BW does not cater to the minority. I am in a similar situation, but I do not mind. It is for the better.




Finally someone with sense, being someone in the EU I would prefer more EU centric maintenance but that isn't going to happen so I put up with it. It's for the best after all is taken in to consideration and I want continued subs to this game so I can enjoy it.

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Im am really starting to get upset over this Bio.








Im seriously considering unsubbing because of this, and no, im not venting. This is happening all the damn time and enough is enough






True dat ;)

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Im am really starting to get upset over this Bio.








Im seriously considering unsubbing because of this, and no, im not venting. This is happening all the damn time and enough is enough






I'm rather happy with how BW has released this game compared to other releases, both MMO's and to mention a catastrophic launch IMO was BF3 which I am still unable to play because it is so bug ridden.

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These threads in a nutshell



OP "Downtimes affect me; I'm sick of it"


Poster 1 "They don't affect me; Deal with it"


Poster 2 "They affect me; I'm sick of it"


Poster 3 " The don't affect me; Deal with it"


Ad infinatum.


Poster 5 and 6: "They affect me, but I deal with it"

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Im am really starting to get upset over this Bio.








Im seriously considering unsubbing because of this, and no, im not venting. This is happening all the damn time and enough is enough






So the subscription's running you what, $15 per month?

Working out to about 50c per day?

We could round that out to maybe 5c per hour?

Netting you a 10c refund for the two hours during which you couldn't play tonight?

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What you are actually paying monthly for is not just content, it's the maintenance of said content. If this bothers you, you are more than welcome to buy a single player game where nothing needs maintaining except your own system and enjoy yourself. Otherwise, expect to be inconvenienced once in a while. You are not a share holder, you are not special, you are a single player within the community. And while you may think that to a company every single person should matter the truth is if it were treated like that the servers would fail because maintenance would never get done. Get off your high horse, get real with yourself and realize YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL! Everyone else is experiencing this at the same time. Get over it or get out.


Thank you.

Have a nice day and may the Schwartz be with you!



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What you are actually paying monthly for is not just content, it's the maintenance of said content. If this bothers you, you are more than welcome to buy a single player game where nothing needs maintaining except your own system and enjoy yourself. Otherwise, expect to be inconvenienced once in a while. You are not a share holder, you are not special, you are a single player within the community. And while you may think that to a company every single person should matter the truth is if it were treated like that the servers would fail because maintenance would never get done. Get off your high horse, get real with yourself and realize YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL! Everyone else is experiencing this at the same time. Get over it or get out.


Thank you.

Have a nice day and may the Schwartz be with you!




I think i love you


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Naw, I am 5 and 6 - I usually don't bother posting in these threads.


As am I, but i try to both explain and understand at the same time without letting the trolls get to me.


Not that Im calling people that oppose my views trolls, but the people that essentially said "You play during day? GO OUTSIDE / JOB / GYM" certainly are.

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As am I, but i try to both explain and understand at the same time without letting the trolls get to me.


Not that Im calling people that oppose my views trolls, but the people that essentially said "You play during day? GO OUTSIDE / JOB / GYM" certainly are.


Really? and I was told to go to bed because I am up playing at 2AM...even though I work until 12am CST.


Like I said before, if you get off work at 5PM, how would you like your precious server being taken down at 7PM every tuesday and randomly every other day?

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What you are actually paying monthly for is not just content, it's the maintenance of said content. If this bothers you, you are more than welcome to buy a single player game where nothing needs maintaining except your own system and enjoy yourself. Otherwise, expect to be inconvenienced once in a while. You are not a share holder, you are not special, you are a single player within the community. And while you may think that to a company every single person should matter the truth is if it were treated like that the servers would fail because maintenance would never get done. Get off your high horse, get real with yourself and realize YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL! Everyone else is experiencing this at the same time. Get over it or get out.


Thank you.

Have a nice day and may the Schwartz be with you!



Well it sounds too me you need to get off the high horse. :rolleyes:


You sit there preaching out your nonsense to us when in fact that not how a company operates. Most companies care for their customers opinions, unlike Bioware.. :rolleyes: Just get out of this thread no one wants to hear another word from you. ;)

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Really? and I was told to go to bed because I am up playing at 2AM...even though I work until 12am CST.


Like I said before, if you get off work at 5PM, how would you like your precious server being taken down at 7PM every tuesday and randomly every other day?


I dont think i personally told you that. I said "I asusme most 9-5ers go to bed by midnight". Or something like that.


Yeah, I'd be annoyed, but as long as the reason was an emergency I'd deal with it by jumping to either WoW or Aion. Or spend time with my bf. Or watch tv, or even get some schoolwork done.


Actually, it going down during my prime time owuld probably be beneficial :p

Edited by Clova
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Really? and I was told to go to bed because I am up playing at 2AM...even though I work until 12am CST.


Like I said before, if you get off work at 5PM, how would you like your precious server being taken down at 7PM every tuesday and randomly every other day?


that happened to me with every single MMO ever made

I do something else because SWTOR is not the only thing i have, there are other games i enjoy. hell this past Tuesday i had wow and swtor unavailable to be from 7ish onward. and i did something else. i read a bit i then played halo and some other games which i also possess.


and then when i was ready went to bed.

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dude not everyone get's home at 12 from work, there are gonna be people online at all times, and in this case you seem to be the victim... why not sleep early and wake up early to play?


Again, because the servers are WAY more populated at 2AM than they are between 7am-10am. Its not even fair to compare the two time slots.

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I agree!!! I am from CST, and 2am is very early. I feel bad for the PST people since its at 12am for them!


And people of European server should have their servers reset closer to early morning for them. I understand that MMO's launch and require lots of patches, but weekend patches at 2am, and patches every other day are getting tiresome. Saturday 2am, Tuesday 2am, Thursday 2am....

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