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Yeah.. its not stuck in 1 world which is great.. they can be as creative as they want (with in the sw: universe) and make plenty of planets for us :) the possibilities are endless!


PvP will be fixed, and more war-zones will be created... everything takes time.. but knowing bio-ware this game is going places!

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I love this game and everything about it , but then again I grew up with star wars, I was amazed in 1977 and I am still amazed with the lucas films and imagination. Bioware is to be applauded in allowing us to feel like a jedi or what ever class you play. I love it.
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I do agree that this is an excellent game.


What I really appreciate is how much effort Bioware is putting in to update and maintain it. And no, this is not sarcasm. The regular updates, patches, maintenance is, if you really think about it, incredible, and demonstrates a commitment to the game.




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I love this game and everything about it , but then again I grew up with star wars, I was amazed in 1977 and I am still amazed with the lucas films and imagination. Bioware is to be applauded in allowing us to feel like a jedi or what ever class you play. I love it.


I really couldn't have said it better. 100% agreed.

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I just hope they overhaul PvP completely.

Change Ilum into a Wintergrasp type of thing (with Operation to match).

Change the way PvP gear is acquired. (I mean really, I farm commendations to buy bags and I get nothing out of them? How am I supposed to do anything in PvP if I don't have the gear and get 3-shotted?)

Faction imbalance.

Optimalization patch.


And I love the game, they just have so much to change, fix and implement that I am considering waiting out for 3 months till they fix all this crap.

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Fanboi :)


It has it's bugs... but what software doesn't.


I can see this game evolving into something truly amazing! .. OOO and think of the expansions! so much fun.


I haven't read the responses, but I just want to say good on you.


I'll gladly admit that the game could have used another couple of months of development time (I blame EA for forcing it out for the holidays), but there's a lot to build on and lots of ideas to explore. Just gotta give it time.

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I love this game and everything about it , but then again I grew up with star wars, I was amazed in 1977 and I am still amazed with the lucas films and imagination. Bioware is to be applauded in allowing us to feel like a jedi or what ever class you play. I love it.


And I love the feeling of shooting purple-colored lightning from the tips of your fingers :D. It's like you're part of the history... the saga...

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I like SWTOR but I will say it's hardly an MMO. You talk to NPC's more than players. Where the hell is the social community that SWG had? Great game bioware but i should be able to play this offline as well.


I certainly see your point, but the story driven questing has made me really want to have a leveling buddy, for the first time in an MMO.

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I certainly see your point, but the story driven questing has made me really want to have a leveling buddy, for the first time in an MMO.


I understand your pain , but I have a wife that likes to play also, other wise ithe game becomes extremly hard to solo. One solution I have found that works pretty well is if you notice somebody else in the area that appears to be on same quest or similiar quest I send them an invite :cool:

Edited by eldisper
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*puffs on whatever the op is having*


/dons rosetinted glasses


What, this game has bugs, long traveling distances with generic orbital stations and terminals?




Never seen them, darn this game is alot of fun!


Serious, I like the optimism and I hope it boldly goes where no MMO has gone before, no wait wrong Star *****!


I agree the game is awesome at times, heres to a long life with good patches, tweaks and things!

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My first MMO and I am enjoying the heck out of it. Play between 2-4 hours most days, and am only at 43--there is just too much to see and do. Just played a flashpoint last night (War Games) that was an absolute scream.


However, orbital platforms and shuttles and airlocks have to go. And I remember on Taris my wife commenting to me "do you do anything other than run around?" So, there is that. (And no, now I can ride my speeder all around)

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