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So, i've launched SWTOR again.


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270 PEOPLE!! all sitting in the Fleet not doing anything... LOL...



Eve currently has over 30k logged into to the ONE world.. and its hulkageddon 2012.. SO LOTS TO DO eve after 5 years of playing!


I might need to check Eve out. Played it once a long time ago and wasn't able to get into it, but it may have been that I just couldnt' figure out what I was doing.

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There are a ton of reasons to be on the fleet, and because those reasons are the same for both factions it's a good point of comparison. I could also have quoted the fact there were only 7 people on hoth, or 6 on Belsavis this morning.


Granted, this is not peak times, but I shouldn't have to wait for peak times to play with other people. The Maw isn't even one of the "less populated" servers... it sits about in the middle on the PvP server charts. The population density of the servers needs to go up as a whole.

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i have had ZERO problems find groups for anything... either pvp, 4man heroics, HM's or OPs...


it almost sounds like you guys are playing on servers for a timezone that is way off of your own...


in any case... come to Rakata Mind Prison

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What i find kinda funny is that BW advised people to (re)roll on light servers during the first week because of the queue times and such.....


But tell me that i am wrong if i say that the joke is on the people that actually took the advise of BW and are now on a underpopulated server because of it...


Seems like the OP is now faced with that, wether its because he followed the advise of BW or decided on his own to move to a light server. Its natural that people select the most busy servers for alot this even means waiting in line for a hour.

Edited by Garton
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