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Darkness Assassins whats your new build with the raze change???


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Does one of you guys know if the chain schock procc adds a HD ?


It does not.


Someone care to link this 31/0/10 spec for me? I am currently using the 23/0/18 spec. I just wanna see what points have been switched around and dropped for others. Please and thanks.


31/0/10 or there abouts. The points you can move around are only those in Shroud of Darkness and Swelling Shadows. They both suck. Taking 2/3 Nerve Wracking instead can be useful for PvP.

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maybe something wrong with me, or it will be only implemented, but at this moment wither didn`t stuck HD.

So i have a bug, or i need to wait a patch?



It doesn't stack HD. If you read this discussion you will see that there are some thoughts on that. Basically everyone believes what he wants about that. But to me it seems like it is a implemented tooltip change prior to the actual change to spell itself. Some say the spell stacks HD on the testrealms for the upcoming patch. Even thogh I can't verify that, this seems pretty legit. Maybe this was sheduled this way because of the way their patching works, maybe someone ****ed something up.


The only thing I hate about the direction BW takes filtering all the hybrid skills is, that I will see more and more people running around with "my" specc. Guarding someone somewhere they are not close to and blocking it this way with no idea what they are doing. On my server I felt pretty unique with my playstyle and since the first Wither change there are more and more I see with it. And this will go even further. Great, every single Assassin will be using 31 in darkness and since it doesn't go well with deception will go 31/0/10. Way to keep variety out of the game. :(

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