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My thoughts on sentinel PVP


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After going 30 and 0 in a warzone yesterday with top 3 in damage (we are a damage/damage/damage class, that's about all we can best contribute) I realized that my success was not due to any buff to the class or nerf of others but a change in play style.


Normally I'm a fairly reckless PVP player and normally I play heavy style classes which run in and smash face either winning or dying in the process. In this regard the sentinel is a horrible and under powered class.


After getting face rolled all the time I decided to change it up and play my sentinel a little differently and it seemed to work out very well. Seeing as the class is terribly squishy but does decent damage I decided to pick only fights I was 99% sure I would win and where I was in little danger. for example..


1. Attacking lone players with no chance of backup in sight

2. Attacking low health players separated from the main body

3. Attacking players who were too focused on other tasks or players


Essentially I played like a shark, moving around the outskirts of the main fight picking off the weak or the solo players. If at any point I felt I was in danger or could not win a fight I would fall back attempting to LoS or get to a point where chasing would not be worth their time. After all even if they are chasing me I have essentially taken those chasers out of the fight and away from objectives as majority of players seem to want a kill more than a cap or a bomb plant so it works quite well. If no opportunity presented itself I would play defense, staying back watching and waiting for an opportunity to present itself and never doing anything reckless. I think this lone wolf fighting style can be very difficult to master because it requires patience and caution at all times. At the moment though it appears to be the best way IMO to conduct ourselves in war zones to provide the maximum death and destruction.


Just my experiences on the subject.

Edited by ForlornHope
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I tend to agree with just about everything you've said, but I would like to add a few other points.


-on Disengaging

When I realize things are looking bad, but I still have time to disengage, I will try to look on the map to see where my teams respawns are. Usually its smart to try to move back towards your guys, but sometimes, if say, you are playing civil war and its you against six of them the right move is to attack them, use your cool-downs and hold them there as long as you can.


-on Healers

Know who the healers are on your team and keep track of where they are. This guy is your best friend, so take care of him, and I promise he will take care of you. A sentinel with a good healer is a scary thing, so if you have one protect him, and play aggressively.


As a sent in PVP you have to be sometimes a fox, and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of the class is knowing when to be one and when to be the other.

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I agree with both of you.


Its seriously all about killing healers and squishies. use your cc's to play the objective and kill people. we are a pure dps class and thats our job.


Its a fun class to play. just wish we had one more cc. thats it.


BTW: sometimes you have to go stealth and not do damage, to survive and help interupt. and cc for your team to have time to respawn.

Edited by Prolite
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It really is a class about picking your battles and working with your teammates.


For example if there is a large group of enemies running with the huttball it would be pointless to try to slow them down by jumping in and attacking the carrier. A Guardian or Vangaurd might be able to pull it off ok but you would just get stunned and killed in seconds. I will generally wait until my teammates arrive and distract before making my moves.


It is a very challenging class to play as opposed to some classes which can stand in one place and spam the same ability but if done right can be very rewarding.


I have much more fun playing my Sentinel than my Commando.

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I am in full agreement with this post 10/10...


but seriously these are the types of things that players can do to really highlight the ability of the Sent. I pull 200-400k in WZ respective to warzone, group comps on either side, and my personal objective for helping us win (i.e. defending a single base all game, float between bases, blocking objective and switching targets stoping the next person from capping instead of killing who i am on ect..)


But overwhealmingly the feeling is, you need to not only be smart about how you use your class abilities, but you need to smartly pick engagements. It is at least half the of the battle in PvP engagement. Because picking a correct engagement is going to lead to a lot of enemy deaths (we are killing machines) and picking the wrong one is going to lead to your own and your team being down a player til you respawn.


On the subject of playing sents and enjoying them, the kick train that Watchman can run is incredible regardless of how the lockout system on kicks is. If you have the choice of a caster BH/Sorc or another melee and your choosing the melee your gonna feel weak. but that first time you kick 4 tracers missles and destroy a BH before he ever does more than 15% of your hp, or you stop a healer from getting a heal off for 20 seconds you will start ot feel how powerful we can be.


I agree some more CC wouldn't hurt, but I enjoy the interrupt chain ability more so than if we had a knock back. Sents can easily turn the tide of battle with smart decision making and they can do a crap ton of damage to back it up... Great post hopefully people struggling with the class read the OP's comments.

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Glad to see other people are feeling the same way about sentinel play style. I hear so much hate about the class but I think with some adjustments to tactics it can be very powerful.


The sentinel really is the scoundrel of the jedi. You always have to play on your terms and pick fights where you have the element of surprise and the upper hand.


This class is not for fights of attrition.

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I'm sometimes on voice with a scoundrel and I play exactly like you do by coordinating with him to get insta kills on their squishies. In random WZ though no matter what you do, most people don't focus the important targets so you contribute very little.
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What I've found to be both fun and helps winning in Alderaan (situational ofcourse.) is to run Right turret once the game starts.


Barely anyone runs there because they're focused on mid, and instead of playing "like a shark" as you mentioned, I go head on to the right turret. Usually, there are only 2 people running there which is no problem for me unless they're both healers.



(Reason for this post is to show that there are more uses for us than just sharking around. :p)

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