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PVP as a lowbie no fun


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I think they just need to make huttball 50 only or make more brackets for huttball specifically.


You can certainly get by or even do very well in civil war or void star as a low level, but you really lack the tools to do well in huttball (for example a sith warrior lacks force push or intercede).


Or you can just grab the ball an force leap on some ignorant low level re-spawning for a instant score.

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The one caveat I'd have about playing pvp as lowbie is under lvl 14. Not having sprint hinders the fun in both HutBall and Civil War imho.


Otherwise, just have fun and learn this or that class' pvp as you practice. As a 15 sniper I shot a 41 smuggler who happened to be my friend Rep side. Retelling that feat afterward wasn't my wisest move ever :D.

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I think they just need to make huttball 50 only or make more brackets for huttball specifically.


You can certainly get by or even do very well in civil war or void star as a low level, but you really lack the tools to do well in huttball (for example a sith warrior lacks force push or intercede).


Or you can just grab the ball an force leap on some ignorant low level re-spawning for a instant score.

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yes there is bolster but it can only do so much to help when you have a lack of abilities.


some classes are just better off at a later point then others.


i play a GS and from what i remember it was not to bad. As a GS you really have to rely on a group especially at such a low level. keep your distance and help people focus down targets. you wont survive fights without help from the team


the other way to help lower lvl pvp is to have great gear. bolster works so that if you are lvl 23 and you are wearing lvl 23 gear then you get better stat boost as opposed to being lvl 27 in lvl 23 gear


at low levels it is not very hard to gear up


but really the hinderence is abilities and with a GS you tend to miss alot of what the tree offers without some core abilities.


speed shot is amazing and if you are SS then it gets even better when you get to 40 ish.


so if you pvp just know that it can be harder the lower lvl you are thats all. i had fun pvping on my guardian all the way from 20-47 (so far) i had problems because of lack of abilities but hey its not like its end game its pretty much like practice. Capping your points for when you hit 50 is so easy if you start early.

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haven't PvP'ed with a low level sentinel, but sniper/gunslinger is one of the better low level classes, imo. 4k aimed shots, 2k charged bursts, an early stun, root, aoe knockback, and aoe mez... if you are getting rolled as a level 20 sniper then you would probably get rolled as a level 49 sniper.


Not commenting on your ability, just saying you may be up against bad odds aside from your level.

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You HAVE TO upgrade your gear every lvl to be strong in 10-49 bracket. 40 lvl guy in full lvl 40 pvp will destroy 45lvl in same gear. You are bolstered accordding to your gear. If you are using 5lvl older hilt/barrel you are doing it wrong.


If you have 12lvl purple hilt/barrel as a lvl 12 you will have better dmg than a 49 using 40lvl stuff.

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