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Penality for desertors


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when do you add a penality to players who leave warzones ???


At the moment you just penalize those who enter to replace the stupid desertors.


Since last patch, I played +/- 15 warzones and just 2 of them I had the privilege to start from the beginning.



Has something been changed with last patch??

Edited by yapigia
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I have won barely any warzones since being a lvl 50.... once... on Alderaan CivilWar, we had a massive advantage... until the other team took one of the guns.... while this was no big deal as was about to take the Sith's gun in the mid. anyway. Suddenly 3 players quit.... and were not replaced..... we were slaughtered the rest of the time.... I do want a deserter's debuff.... Give them one!
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when do you add a penality to players who leave warzones ???


Hopefully never. There's only 2 possible outcomes of a deserter debuff:

1. If it is severe enough - people will AFK instead of leaving

2. If it is weak - people will still leave


Neither will solve the issue of people not wanting to participate in a stupid or lopsided match due to poor matchmaking. My solution? Fix the matchmaking, so that people won't want to leave!


At the moment you just penalize those who enter to replace the stupid desertors.


Uhh, no they don't! I LOVE joining a game that is 2 mins away from being done. I still get 60+ commendations and full or near full XP. For virtually zero effort.


Has something been changed with last patch??


No. People have just gotten better at spotting morons and realized they don't need to waste their time, instead they can just leave and re-queue.

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While i do agree that there needs to be "some change", I for one do not like the idea of a deserter debuff. and before someone flips out on me again for having my opinion, plz keep reading..


I love huttball. its by FAR my fav game, even as oen person posted earlier, that odds are ur gna be in a 6-0 match, with most of ur team, bailing on u.


HOWEVER. i hate, hate, hate hate, HATE voidstar... and i hate it even more, when people, once again, bail. I for one, see voidstar, and dip out so i can get into another match.


So, do i hate when people bail onthe huttball matches? Dern skippy i do

do i bail on the voidstar matches? yyuupp (and lately its been more alderaan due to the lag)


Why should i be punished, for not wanting to play a map i cant stand?


perhaps a deserter debuff isnt "all" thats required to fix stuff like this. Allowing me to CHOOSE to play the WZ i want, would keep me personally, from dipping out early. I'd never hafta Q for voidstar again (yay!).


as i said, "something" needs to change. but adding a deserter debuff, as a blanket fix, isnt really a fix. id prefer picking my WZ, and then, if folks start dipping for a WZ they obviously picked, and are only leaving because they cant help support the team and do their best to try n win, ok, hammer em.


We also hafta keep in mind, setting "only premades" with other premades, causes a problem as well. My "premade" grp, consists of three people. 3v8 isnt gna work out so well. add us to a PUG, and we typically will win the match for the team.


My point is, if we're gna offer suggestions to the devs, on how to fix some of this stuff, we hafta take into account all types of scenarios, not just the ones we ourselves, typically fit into. a variety, or mixture of suggestions, is whats needed, and in the long run, will work far better than a blanket statement of "do this"


THINK about what it is ur asking for, otherwise, the next time ur ina WZ and the pizza guy drops off ur foodz, and u get kicked cuz he took too long to give u the right receipt, ur own request might bite u in the rear

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17 games played now (since last night), and just 2 started from the beginning.


I dont know what they have changed yesterday, but since the patch I feel like a replacement pvp player....


when a bg finishes and a new game starts, the desertors are in again, I have to wait 5min and than, I have to replace them when the game is started since 5mins...


there must be something wrong.



May be put them at the end of the queue for 30min. SO they will not leave to finish their daily/weekly quests more quickly.

Edited by yapigia
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I understand your gripe and it is a valid one but I find most of the time people will bail after a goal/door/cap has been obtained by the other team, I don't really have an issue with people bailing on start up but leaving because the other team scored a goal 4 mins into Huttball, man that's weak.

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There should be at minimum a 15-minute lockout of warzones if you leave one in progress.


Yes, this may make some people just AFK instead of quitting the warzone. This is worse in some ways for those still trying to win (they don't get replacements), but it's not like most of those matches that people are leaving have much chance of being won even with reinforcements. It'll be better overall because you won't have nearly so many people ditching warzones, so won't have nearly as many "join in progress" queues.

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As far as i remember, in Warhammer Online, people were allowed to leave wazones at the very beginning (1 min or so), after that there was penalty for leaving, you cant que for 5-10 minutes, dont remember exact numbers. Also if you are inactive anywhere at the warzone for more than a minute or two you are automatically kicked with penalty.
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There should be at minimum a 15-minute lockout of warzones if you leave one in progress.


Yes, this may make some people just AFK instead of quitting the warzone. This is worse in some ways for those still trying to win (they don't get replacements), but it's not like most of those matches that people are leaving have much chance of being won even with reinforcements. It'll be better overall because you won't have nearly so many people ditching warzones, so won't have nearly as many "join in progress" queues.


You and everyone else who demands a penalty for leaving sound like a 5 year old angry kid who wants to punch someone and it's bound to be the totally unrelated kid next to him.


You are just inn for the loot. Not the fight. Why? Because you stay even when you clearly lose.

But the funny part is when you actually get even more reward for doing even less (joining an half running match). Suddently it's an issue for getting rewarded for losing?


And you know what it makes it even ridiculous? You actually WANT people who are in for the fight to be punished when they leave and so forcing them to leech points like you do.


More even you WANT no replacements who could actually TURN the battle if that is possible.



You are either that ridiculous or just trolling.

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17 warzones yesterday.

4 wins. 3 that counted towards my quest.

14 I was added to late. Only won ONE of those.


Several warzones had over 15 different Rep players in the final score board. That means as many or more players are quitting than playing.


This NEEDS to be fixed.


I'm proposing a insta-fail of both the daily and weekly if someone voluntarily leaves two warzones in an 8 hour period.


I'm proposing a 15 minute llockout for ANY drop fron a warzone.


I'm proposing CS enforce reported players observed afking and dropping with 1 day bans to be increased in severity with repeated behavior.


If people aren't going to play the game and ruin the fun of others in the process then action needs to be taken.


Warzones are a TEAM event. I'm sick of every selfish excuse listed here. If you cannot play with others DO NOT queue warzones.

Edited by thanealpha
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i dont get this nerf talk about my sweets i like pie and cake and ice cream fine and i dont see a reason why i should be penelised because sweets are plainly op compared to corn and beets. its not my fault sweets are so good its the devs fault for makeing the other foods so bland and boring they should buff other foods before nerfing sweets or at least put them on the test server so we can see how it affects the rest of the meal.
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You and everyone else who demands a penalty for leaving sound like a 5 year old angry kid who wants to punch someone and it's bound to be the totally unrelated kid next to him.


You are just inn for the loot. Not the fight. Why? Because you stay even when you clearly lose.

But the funny part is when you actually get even more reward for doing even less (joining an half running match). Suddently it's an issue for getting rewarded for losing?


And you know what it makes it even ridiculous? You actually WANT people who are in for the fight to be punished when they leave and so forcing them to leech points like you do.


More even you WANT no replacements who could actually TURN the battle if that is possible.



You are either that ridiculous or just trolling.


This post makes zero sense. People are sick of quitters on their team. Simple as that.


I don't quit even once the victory/defeat is determined and I expect other players who volentarily join a TEAM queue to play as a team until the clock runs out.


Want to play a single player game? There are LOTS of them out there.

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anyone who complains "I don't want to play huttball/voidstar/alderaan" do not queue into these games please. It will not piss yourself with useles loading, it will not piss others with your quiting.


I know you can't select a game you want to queue, but you can see at least into what game you are queued in (if you don't know how, just leftlick instead right click on that wz icon next to minimap)


Thank you

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First, I do not see a need for a penalty. Just play the game and have fun...you can still do that if you lose or have to fight against tough odds.


Second, there are far too many issues with the game and warzones now to make any sense to penalize people for leaving warzones, crashes, lag booting, no ability to select which warzone to play, etc.


Just keep it the way it is and let people have some freedom.

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when do you add a penality to players who leave warzones ???


At the moment you just penalize those who enter to replace the stupid desertors.


Since last patch, I played +/- 15 warzones and just 2 of them I had the privilege to start from the beginning.



Has something been changed with last patch??


Deserter debuff IS NOT A SOLUTION.


Bioware has to handle the main problem - why ppl deserting?



Kill expertise and separete pvp gear.


People don't like to be farmed but in most warzones imperials with better gear are just farming republic... just to acquire better gear to better farming. That just nonsense. A lot of players enter warzones - and after a few minutes they are just leaving because fighting with battlemasters are pointless. The players want to have some fun - if pvp is not fun they are leaving. And it is absolutely right.



Nerf the overpowered classes and skills like snipers, operatives, tracer missiles.


Entering a warzone where the enemy has lots of overpowered classes / skills is definitely not fun. Respawn -> tracer missile -> tracer missile -> respawn -> tracer missile -> tracer missile -> respawn = NOT FUN.



Do not start a warzone without even teams.


At the morning I entered to Voidstar: me and another random republic guy against 8 imperials. Awesome. So if I leave a hopeless WZ I should be penalized? Should I allow imperials to farm me instead of leaving?


OK, 2 vs 8 is an extreme and hopefully rare occasion. But imbalance is an issue in countless times where warzone starts 6 vs 8, 7 vs 8 teams - and ALWAYS favors the imperial side.


If all of these issues are solved maybe we can ask for desertion penalties. But in these situations this will lead to more issues.

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This post makes zero sense. People are sick of quitters on their team. Simple as that.


I don't quit even once the victory/defeat is determined and I expect other players who volentarily join a TEAM queue to play as a team until the clock runs out.


Want to play a single player game? There are LOTS of them out there.


Your post does make zero sense either. People are sick of broken matchmaking. Simple as that.


People volentarily queue for a fight, aka PVP. And i expect exactly that. I and they don't care for selfish loot grabbers who play for the reward. You just want people to stay so you can grab a few more medals.


Just for starters, TEAM works both ways.;)


Want to play just for loot? I hear you don't have to put up with other people who might spoil your fun in single player games.

Edited by -sasori
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Deserter debuff IS NOT A SOLUTION.


Bioware has to handle the main problem - why ppl deserting?



Kill expertise and separete pvp gear.


People don't like to be farmed but in most warzones imperials with better gear are just farming republic... just to acquire better gear to better farming. That just nonsense. A lot of players enter warzones - and after a few minutes they are just leaving because fighting with battlemasters are pointless. The players want to have some fun - if pvp is not fun they are leaving. And it is absolutely right.



Nerf the overpowered classes and skills like snipers, operatives, tracer missiles.


Entering a warzone where the enemy has lots of overpowered classes / skills is definitely not fun. Respawn -> tracer missile -> tracer missile -> respawn -> tracer missile -> tracer missile -> respawn = NOT FUN.



Do not start a warzone without even teams.


At the morning I entered to Voidstar: me and another random republic guy against 8 imperials. Awesome. So if I leave a hopeless WZ I should be penalized? Should I allow imperials to farm me instead of leaving?


OK, 2 vs 8 is an extreme and hopefully rare occasion. But imbalance is an issue in countless times where warzone starts 6 vs 8, 7 vs 8 teams - and ALWAYS favors the imperial side.


If all of these issues are solved maybe we can ask for desertion penalties. But in these situations this will lead to more issues.



I couldn't disagree more. People will always want the easy win over a challenge.

Penalties are the only way to prevent cherry picking warzones and screwing over the rest of your team.


15 minutes of competition is not too much to ask for. Suck it up or don't queue in the first place.

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No deserter debuff until the game is stable. I get booted from wz's about 1 in 5.

Only happens in WZ's, the rest of the game is fine. SO nothing to do with connection, hardware, drovers etc.


Sort the stability first.

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