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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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The issue that was blocking progression with Kira has been resolved. If you are wondering why Kira is not talking to you please see the spoilers below. Please note, the second spoiler deals with events that occur very far into her storyline, so fair warning.



You can not talk to Kira until you meet her brother on the mining facility story area that occurs after Nar Shaddaa. A lot of people are asking why they can't talk to her BEFORE meeting her 'brother'. There is a very good reason for this. The first quest she gives starts by assuming you know about her past, therefore proves that you MUST complete Nar Shaddaa before you get anything from her.



Above spoiler courtesy of Cadan



Why isn't Kira talking to me after the Voss mission to save her friend who was also a Child of the Emperor?


The Voss mission is near the end of her available story, as such you may only have one or two conversations afterwards and the her currently available personal story will be completed. Once this occurs, you will receive three mails from her with companion gifts in them. This may take a couple days.


Edited by Blev
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  • 1 month later...

Greetings everyone!


Since the previous thread has reached past our 1k posting threshold, we have closed the thread and recreated it here.


As a reminder, please keep the following in mind when replying:


  • Insults - Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
  • Trolling - Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
  • Agree to Disagree - Be respectful of others' viewpoints even if they are opposite of your own. Discuss disagreements constructively.
  • Flag, Don't Fight - Utilize the Flag Post feature to report possible rules violations, rather than responding to or fighting them.
  • Ignoring - If you feel you simply cannot get along with another community member, please place them on your ignore list.


We would like to refer you to the responses made thus far in this thread by Senior Online Community Manager, Stephen Reid:


Hello everyone,


I wanted to give you a quick update on this issue. We know it's been very frustrating and we appreciate your patience while we've worked to fix it.


Our next major patch should deploy to the Public Test Server pretty soon, and amongst other things, that patch should completely fix the Kira Carsen issue. After that patch has been thoroughly tested and verified we'll be deploying to the live servers; we'll announce an ETA on that when we have a confirmed date.


Again, thank you for your patience on this issue.


Finally a response (and not 15 minutes after I post the same issue on the General Discussion board).

You won't believe me, but that's coincidental. :)


What constitutes a "major patch"? Is it simply the big down-time every Tuesday evening? So this Tuesday we should see a fix?

A major patch would be a patch that introduces a decent amount of content to the game. :)


A patch would be deployed during a regular maintenance period, but this Tuesday is unlikely - the patch isn't on our Public Test Server yet. When it is, we'll want to give it time to be thoroughly tested as there's a lot more in this patch than just this fix. The ETA for the patch to move to the live servers isn't 'weeks' though, and we'll update you (probably mid next-week) with more accurate timing.


You're the man, Rockjaw! Like I said, "Next Patch" is more than good enough for me.

Just to be clear here... we will be rolling out minor patches before this major patch.


But, it's in the major patch. :) More will be revealed next week.


We know that the community is always looking for developer input on issues and one of the best ways to keep up-to-date on developer posts is through the Developer Tracker.


Thank you! :)

Edited by Ellvaan
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The issue that was blocking progression with Kira has been resolved. If you are wondering why Kira is not talking to you please see the spoilers below. Please note, the second spoiler deals with events that occur very far into her storyline, so fair warning.



You can not talk to Kira until you meet her brother on the mining facility story area that occurs after Nar Shaddaa. A lot of people are asking why they can't talk to her BEFORE meeting her 'brother'. There is a very good reason for this. The first quest she gives starts by assuming you know about her past, therefore proves that you MUST complete Nar Shaddaa before you get anything from her.



Above spoiler courtesy of Cadan


This is almost, but not quite true. Kira does have a single dialog mission when she first joins your ship. It's called "Ground Rules".


To unlock "Ground Rules", you must first advance your class plot to the point where you own a ship.


To unlock all future dialogs, you must first advance your class plot beyond the point where they become relevant. This is the case in the above spoiler. It also also the case for future dialogs. Some simply will not happen if your plotline is not sufficiently advanced.


This is not unique to Kira, it applies to all of your companions.


There are two gating factors to unlocking companion dialog:

  • Class plot progression
  • Companion's affection


Either one being insufficient may block additional companion quests.


If your companion has a "let's talk" icon on their portrait but does not say "let's talk" when you click on him/her, the companion has no dialog for you. The bug is graphical in nature and is not related to companion progression. It is in no way related to Kira's original bug. It can happen with any companion.


Many players believe that it is evidence your affection is high enough for another dialog, but your plot progression is not.


I am posting this to answer hundreds of posts resembling these complaints:


  1. I have 10k affection on Taris and Kira won't talk to me! She is still bugged!
  2. I have beaten the game and Kira won't talk to me! She is still bugged!
  3. After I did MISSION X for Kira, she hasn't talked to me again!


Companion missions are designed to appear gradually. If you just left Coruscant and are expecting Kira to abruptly offer ALL of her dialogs, you'll be disappointed. Likewise for ANY companion. It doesn't mean you're bugged.


I do not have a master list of combined plot/affection requirements for Kira (or any companion), which would be spoiler heavy besides. Suffice to say that you should not panic until you have completely advanced the storyline AND maxed your affection.


There is another important fact to realize:


Kira does not have endless dialogs.


At some point, you're finished, just as with the class quests. It doesn't mean you're bugged. I have seen this question frequently asked also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't mind seeing a reset or something introduced to Kira's quest line. For new users she seems almost the way she was designed to be or so i've been told. For myself and from reading various threads she isnt fix at all. I have recieved missins from her but...and a big but the ones pertaining to her love interest will not appear or are not avancing her interest. I've been level 50 for sometime now and her quests are complete and she is at maxed affection.


I would greatly appreciate a reset on her or something. As for most i am sure she is by far a favorite companion. I preferr her over Jaessa personally.

Edited by Sinedan
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  • 3 weeks later...
Well even if the bug is fixed overall, there are still a possibilities of it resurfacing, from what I seen before on other MMO games, so I can ssee why people are still having difficulties with Kira companion progression. I myself could possibly be having this issue but for now I just going to wait and see if I have a bug or not, mainly due to there's a lot of info and theories about the Kira bug so till I have a better clue I just gonna wait and see
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Well even if the bug is fixed overall, there are still a possibilities of it resurfacing, from what I seen before on other MMO games, so I can ssee why people are still having difficulties with Kira companion progression. I myself could possibly be having this issue but for now I just going to wait and see if I have a bug or not, mainly due to there's a lot of info and theories about the Kira bug so till I have a better clue I just gonna wait and see
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Just started a JK and got Kira... does that mean im good? No more Bugs with her?


Pretty good so far, just hope and pray you don't get the bug then lol. Idk where you get teh bug at (people have said it starts at other places) but you should check the forums and see what you can dig up so you better prepared, thats my suggestion.

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This is almost, but not quite true. Kira does have a single dialog mission when she first joins your ship. It's called "Ground Rules".


To unlock "Ground Rules", you must first advance your class plot to the point where you own a ship.


To unlock all future dialogs, you must first advance your class plot beyond the point where they become relevant. This is the case in the above spoiler. It also also the case for future dialogs. Some simply will not happen if your plotline is not sufficiently advanced.


This is not unique to Kira, it applies to all of your companions.


There are two gating factors to unlocking companion dialog:

  • Class plot progression
  • Companion's affection


Either one being insufficient may block additional companion quests.


If your companion has a "let's talk" icon on their portrait but does not say "let's talk" when you click on him/her, the companion has no dialog for you. The bug is graphical in nature and is not related to companion progression. It is in no way related to Kira's original bug. It can happen with any companion.


Many players believe that it is evidence your affection is high enough for another dialog, but your plot progression is not.


I am posting this to answer hundreds of posts resembling these complaints:


  1. I have 10k affection on Taris and Kira won't talk to me! She is still bugged!
  2. I have beaten the game and Kira won't talk to me! She is still bugged!
  3. After I did MISSION X for Kira, she hasn't talked to me again!


Companion missions are designed to appear gradually. If you just left Coruscant and are expecting Kira to abruptly offer ALL of her dialogs, you'll be disappointed. Likewise for ANY companion. It doesn't mean you're bugged.


I do not have a master list of combined plot/affection requirements for Kira (or any companion), which would be spoiler heavy besides. Suffice to say that you should not panic until you have completely advanced the storyline AND maxed your affection.


There is another important fact to realize:


Kira does not have endless dialogs.


At some point, you're finished, just as with the class quests. It doesn't mean you're bugged. I have seen this question frequently asked also.



I've actually Noticed The opposite, kira has Been VERY active Sine Right after Taris, Like 3 conversations in one shot, Then another Two back to back, Then a few more then the nar shaddar mission convo, and one last convo right after getting back on the ship.... and I'm only lvl 34, and Just Finished chapter 1.... ,I Hope I don't burn through them too quickly, I'd like them to last until(or at least close to) lvl 50.


I haven't noticed any issues with her conversations, However I've Gotten NONE from t7 except for his Intro conversation. and my affection with him isn't all that low. maybe t7 jus doesn't have as much of a story as her.

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Man, I am totally confused......i have a 30 male jedi Knight who had always wanted to romance Kira but since I made this toon at launch, I was always told if i did ever try to romance her it would ruin all future storyline/chat/romance possibilities.......so i never did flirt with her........Some of the posts seem to indicate this bug is now fixed, some seem to say only newly rolled toons are "ok"........so my question is-------has the bug been fixed for original gamelaunch rolled toons and it is NOW safe for one to "flirt/romance" Kira......or NOT????? Would someone please clarify? Thank you.
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Only created my JK a few days ago, did everything correctly storywise, but just got the bug. Try to start the 'talk to the council' part, and it just hangs there. Can not progress :confused:


Edit: Had to reset and redo the mission a couple of times, but got it working. Try that if you get stuck.

Edited by mmsock
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
So has the Kira bug been totally fixed or is it still on going? Please someone answer.


I had the quest bug out last night with Kira. So my character is stuck as this is part of the class mission. Got the usual nonsense answer from customer 'service' as well.... "watch the patch notes. Sorry but it's absurd that the bug is still in the game or is back. You guys really fail here.

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So has the Kira bug been totally fixed or is it still on going? Please someone answer.


I finally got the quest done with the flirt option. I filed a ticket over the bug shut down for the night and came back the next afternoon and everything worked fine. Take that for whatever it's worth.

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I finally got the quest done with the flirt option. I filed a ticket over the bug shut down for the night and came back the next afternoon and everything worked fine. Take that for whatever it's worth.


Kk thanks a lot but what do you mean with the filling a ticket over the bug? hahaha sorry, I just need to know a way of redoing the quest incase i get the bug after the DS flirt option.

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Whether BW believes they fixed the bug or not is irrelevant. Kira still has issues. I took the DS option to flirt and everything was fine. Chose not to take her before the council and the quest lines flowed... for a while.


While completing Tattooine she said she wanted to talk. I finished up the quests and headed to the spaceport, once on board she has nothing to say. Same outside the spaceport, or in Cantina. I've dragged her sorry butt from one end of the galaxy to the other and she still won't talk to me.


At 7400+ affection is seems like a real waste of time, effort and credits.

Edited by Psorrf
Can't spell.
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I've run through this twice (once in Beta). First time, I took the DS flirt option after Nar Shadda. I got the graphical bug, and she never talked after that. I didn't make it out of Chapter 1 though.


This time, I skipped the DS flirt, and everything opened up after Chapter 1 ended. Haven't finished yet, but it's been smooth sailing so far.

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I did the romance part, kissed her and have not had a conversation with her since. I have over 6k affection, does this mean she is bugged out? Other characters seem to have dialogue every 500 or so points.


Her missions seem to open up after each chapter ends. Keep advancing your story missions, and see what happens after Chapter 1.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On Corellia, Level 50, Kira at max Affection: Still no Legacy Unlock for her.


It did seem that I had her final conversation with her,

the one about her becoming a master and having a padawan of her own.



But I have not received a Voss mission request from her at any time. Is Chapter 3 end the trigger for that one?

Edited by Ellvaan
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  • 3 months later...

Ok can someone please clear something for me:

Im in Act 2, the beginning of Hoth, i have 10k Affection with Kira and the last conversation i had with her was on Balmorra and it was about the Jedi marriage that was some time ago ... i still haven't gotten the one about the more fighting as a Jedi. I even did her bonus mission on Nar Shaddaa so im getting a bit worried. Am i bugged, is this how it is and will come up later in the act or did i finnish the act two Kira content (probably not this one). I really don't wanna miss something so thank you in advance.

PS i did the dark side flirt option :(:(

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