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rupture ticks


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i was wondering about rupture why everyone sais that we should w8 until the effect is off before reapllying in annihilation spec it but i rly dont understand..i tried to see the dmg diffrence on some mobs of last tick but i think it wasnt diffrent from the others anyone can pls explain me? And sry for my bad english:S
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you want every tick available to go off per application of the bleed. If you reapply before the last tick you lose those number of ticks. The time between your last tick and your next application is made up by the initial damage before the ticks. In another MMO, it was changed so that reapplying a dot will carry over the next tick. That is not the case in this game. Reapplying too soon is short changing your dps.
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Rupture (and by extension Deadly Saber) do X damage over Y seconds.


Most people will assume that this means X damage every second for Y seconds, but it doesn't.


Rupture (and DS) tick for a flat amount over time and therefore, if clipped, will not do its damage per Rage.


If Rupture ticked for X damage every Y second for Z seconds, you could reapply it between the second to last and last tick (because all DoTs in ToR, to my knowledge, do one last tick as they wear off) and keep the buff running without worrying about losing any damage.

Edited by Kibaken
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