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Warzones need a "forfeit" option


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Seems reasonable to me. Although there needs to a hard line for forfeit. Basically all hope of winning needs to be removed and some rewards penalized for the team that decides to do so. Maybe they keep medal commendations, but lose everything else.
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Seems reasonable to me. Although there needs to a hard line for forfeit. Basically all hope of winning needs to be removed and some rewards penalized for the team that decides to do so. Maybe they keep medal commendations, but lose everything else.


Nope. If they go with forfeit, they forfeit everything. All medals, all credits, all valor. Everything.


As for leaving WZs individually. My proposal:


Leave 1 WZ in 24 hours: 15 min debuff

Leave 2 WZs in 24 hours: 1 hour debuff

Leave 3 WZs in 24 hours: 24 hour debuff

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On my server, before the level 50 bracket was created, we had level 50s inspecting their teammates before matches and telling the low-level characters to leave. Occasionally they stood by while those low-level characters were farmed for valor and medals by the other team, telling them "You should have left" and "Quit at life." Even though I wasn't the target, that kind of behavior from my own teammates made me furious.



For me, the only thing that comes close to that level of frustration is a teammate who looks at the score of a warzone and says something like "Just let them win." Right now, the worst they can do is lurk in the warzone and complain or quit the match (and, unfortunately, drop the next player into a bad situation). I really don't want to install a system that rewards that kind of defeatism at the expense of the rest of the team.

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Forfeit could be interesting, yes. Would definately help with this Premade/Pug thing you run into.


Or even Casual Premades, like when I'm rolling with 2 friends. None of us really compliments each other class-wise, and we're not much better off than a pug.

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So, why do we have to sit with our thimbs up our arses for 5 - 10 minutes, or take the coward's way and quit the game so another unlucky bastard can take our places, after a 2 minutes long loading screen only to find himself in a lost game? Why don't we have the option to say "OK, it's over fellas. GG, let's move on."?


It takes you 2 minutes to load the game? Jesus what system are you on? I've got a i3 2120 with 8gigs of ram and a 6770 1gig it doesn't take me that long... Maybe 20 seconds TOPS.

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Huttball is 15 minutes long no matter how badly you're overmatched, if the other team refuses to score 6 goals and just goes into farm mode instead.




I just left one that was 0-5 within 6 minutes and they started farming medals.


I have zero fun in pvp as a result, but like an insane person I go back hoping that the next one will be better. I just want another WZ option. I don't care if it's Imps vs Imps, I just want something other than Huttball occasionally.


(Note: I do NOT hate Huttball enough to roll a Rep, tho, so that option is out.)

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I am emphatically opposed to this idea. Sure, in a perfect world it'd work great because people would only forfeit as a last resort. Here in the real world, though, people would start voting to forfeit after the opposing team scored one point in Huttball, capped 2 turrets, etc. I bet you'd even start to see people standing around, refusing to do anything to help, in order to try to "force" people to forfeit.


No thanks. I'll pass on that noise.

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