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Concerning SS relationships in SW...


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To the Devs: I wasn't sure if this should go here or the Story and Lore forums...


To everyone else: I've noticed that because it was stated that the words "gay" and "lesbian" don't exist people are taking it to mean that it was stated that SS relationships don't exist at all, when that isn't the case, especially since it has already been stated that BW does indeed plan on implementing more romance options. In fact, a BW employee even posted something about this earlier in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=189316&page=47


It is a bit buried, so here it is again


Originally Posted by Qishari

Hello all,


Please note that this is not a debate on whether or not they should be included or not. Stephen's official statement on same sex romance arcs is:


Originally Posted by StephenReid

Official statement follows:


Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.


I would also like to direct people to this blog by the Executive Producer: http://www.swtor.com/blog/developer-blog-busting-bugs-and-fixing-exploits


This maybe the closest answer people have to why certain content hasn't been implemented yet, so I'd advise you to read it as you have time. It will most likely make some people mad, but people will be mad no matter what BW/EA does. :rolleyes:


Side note: Elexier is attempting to do a poll on this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=189316


There are a few good ideas posted. If you haven't looked at it, go check it out and vote.

WTB Polls for the forums.


EDIT: First: Sorry! :sul_embarrassed: I'm still new at this forum posting thing.

Second: The above links I posted so people are aware of what is going on.


Now on to the topic, which I didn't really have at first until Celticprince brought up something interesting. This particular poster brought up that romantic story lines have "no repurcusions and no impact on your class story."


Questions: 1: Who would you like to see as a romance option? (I'm sure this has been asked on other threads so I hope I'm not hijacking anyone's thread.) :sul_embarrassed:

2: What kind of repercussions would you like to see as a result of romance relationships?


This can be for SS or OS relationships. Post your thoughts/ideas.


Edited by LadyNightArrow
Changing the title to match the topic.
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I think once people realize the romances just drop off at marriage and you're done (I mean, what else can you do? The story has to end somewhere), they'll stop clamoring for this feature. So, so much else needs work in this game that I can't help feel people are being not only immature, but short sighted when they demand something like this be a priority.


Trust me, It's not that great, and once you're able to, you're going to find being able to romance the man/woman of your choice is ultimately pretty empty because the npc is just pixels. People really need to let "why can't I romance X" go, both from the heterosexual side, and the homosexual. Romance with an NPC should not be anyone's priority right now because all it is is a few conversations on your ship, and a few pieces of mail in your mailbox.

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I think once people realize the romances just drop off at marriage and you're done (I mean, what else can you do? The story has to end somewhere), they'll stop clamoring for this feature. So, so much else needs work in this game that I can't help feel people are being not only immature, but short sighted when they demand something like this be a priority.


Trust me, It's not that great, and once you're able to, you're going to find being able to romance the man/woman of your choice is ultimately pretty empty because the npc is just pixels. People really need to let "why can't I romance X" go, both from the heterosexual side, and the homosexual. Romance with an NPC should not be anyone's priority right now because all it is is a few conversations on your ship, and a few pieces of mail in your mailbox.


not only that but it has no repurcusions and no impact on your class story. it was just something tiny and interesting upto the mariage point then its nothing, can be achieved in a matter of minutes when you hit 50

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I think once people realize the romances just drop off at marriage and you're done (I mean, what else can you do? The story has to end somewhere), they'll stop clamoring for this feature. So, so much else needs work in this game that I can't help feel people are being not only immature, but short sighted when they demand something like this be a priority.


That's why I posted the link to the blog (it is also posted in Brosephiine's Guide to Being Patient with Game Devs). So, hopefully we can get people to read at least the first few paragraphs, if not the whole thing. Of course, that might be a false hope, but it's worth a try. -shrug-


not only that but it has no repurcusions and no impact on your class story. it was just something tiny and interesting upto the mariage point then its nothing, can be achieved in a matter of minutes when you hit 50


What kind of repercussions would you like to see? Hmmm....maybe this can be the topic of this thread. -goes to edit the first post-

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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Hmm. I would love to romance Risha on my Smuggler. It would open up a lot of NPC flirt options as well. Flirting as a female character is difficult to do, I didn't get any options at all until I hit Nar Shaddaa.



A female smuggler with a "girl in every port" story would be pretty cool. :)

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