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This really bugs me. This is the first MMO I have ever actually roleplayed in, because its the first MMO where it seemed like your characters story really had a meaning. Personal choices influenced things. You can be a Jedi, but still fall victim to the emotions of the Dark Side, or be a cold and calculating Light Side Sith Warrior, always staying calm and in control.


But what bugs me, is that you can't play a character who is reasonable, and friendly, but still is willing to get his hands dirty if it comes to that. Playing a Neutral character really hurts you in the late game, unless you are going with a PvP character.


Current benefits of being Light Side:

Exclusive pet

Exclusive gear

Exclusive speeder

Exclusive weapons

Exclusive relics


Current penalties of being Light Side:

Not being able to use Dark Side exclusive stuff.


Current benefits of being Dark Side:

Exclusive pet

Exclusive gear

Exclusive speeder

Exclusive weapons

Exclusive relics


Current penalties of being Dark Side:

Not being able to use Light Side exclusive stuff.




Current benefits of being Neutral:

Able to use a green lightsaber alongside a red one


Current penalties of being Neutral:

Not being able to use Light Side exclusive stuff.

Not being able to use Dark Side exclusive stuff.

Only being able to access relics through PvP.



And thats it. A single bonus and thats only even noticeable if you are a Sentinel, or a Marauder.



My proposition is to add 'Balanced' tiers. For example, currently, you start as neutral, and if you reach 1000 Light Side points, you reach Light I. If you reach 1000 Dark Side points, you reach Dark I.


My idea, is just to add in a middle tier. It can't really stay 'Neutral' because then anyone could use it. Players who have never made a morality choice will be able to get this gear/pets/whatever, so instead, the Balanced tier will still advance as normal, requiring equal amounts of work as Light side and Dark Side do.


For example, a character with with 1000 Light Side points would reach Light I, as normal. A character with 1000 Dark Side points would reach Dark I, as normal. Then, a character with 500 Dark Side points, AND 500 Light Side points, would reach Balanced I.


Of course, this can't just be a 'leaning' to one side. You have to be equal to reach the next tier. A player with 700 Light Side points, and only 300 Dark Side points would not be Balanced I, they would just be Neutral still. However, a character with 1000 Light Side points, and 600 Dark Side points, WOULD still be Balanced I, because they reach the 500/500 requirement of it.


Any thoughts, or comments would be much appreciated. I really would like to see this in the game. I hate having to choose between KILL EVERYONE WHO LOOKS AT ME FUNNY or EVERYONE IS MY FRIEND FOREVER. It kinda breaks the immersion for me.

Edited by Halfwing
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ugh no "neutral alignment" neutral gear with no alignment requirements ys but no "balanced" gear because quite frankly if you're perfectly balanced chances are you're picking your responses oddly.


right now (and I've got a char atDSV) there's really no reason to grind out the alignment, the speeder is just another trinket and hardly worthwhile, the best relics in the game don't require an alignment. the alignment exclusive gear is mostly a joke, in short you don't NEED to be an alignment, there's some minor goodies if you do but it's unimportant

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I'm pretty sure that Bioware stated they plan to add Neutral content. I'm sure a few searches should give you the results. :o


I'm going for a neutral character myself now. Or well, I'm just going to turn off Alignment showing and see what my light/dark turns out to be at 50. Would be nice if I don't suffer penalties for that!

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Don't fret! It's coming! Already confirmed by the GD. Neutral items were in beta they were taken out for redesign right before the game went live. It will be back in a future patch. :)


As a fan of Jolee Bindo and Revan.. Neutral is the way to go.


As for the comment above me about making odd decisions that is untrue. As a matter of fact making odd decisions is being pure light or dark side as the effects have a strange moral compass.

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