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Whats the point of scoundrel?


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arnt they ment to go into mobs and drop 1 target fast? now its just pop out of stealth dont do much then lightinged / slowed to death




and im getting a lag from when i shoot first, it use to be instant on the ground now i wait a sec then hes on the ground


kinda boering me


sorces need to be nerfd


i cant 1v1 them and i just waste my time ttrying



i cant drop peopel fast anymore


i cant push people off bridges


i cant sprint whiel in stealth


i dont have that good of a shield ( compaired to others )


i DO have stealth


so what i get from this is im suppostt to hide from people? maybe dps a little?


plz i want to know how my char is suppost to do damage that would be awsome anyone comment?

Edited by mdironman
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