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Warzones Are Still Not Counting!


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Why haven't you addressed this issue?


I believe they think they have addressed this issue.


The fact that they actually haven't SUCCESSFULLY addressed this issue may not be relevant to them. If it is relevant to them, I see no evidence of it, like, for example, a quick post by a dev or CS monkey acknowledging the problem.


But they really don't acknowledge much of anything.

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Have you tried not tracking the quest? That seems to be fine as a viable workaround from my experience.


Odd coz this works for me too.


Last night playing in guild pre made, we won 3 in a row and my PVP daily was UNtracked and got the update and my guild mates tracked and did not..


So maybe people can try this theory for themselves and start a post IF it works for them

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Have you tried not tracking the quest? That seems to be fine as a viable workaround from my experience.



Oh, and yeah, I've been doing this for weeks.


Honestly, I've not had a win "not count" since I stopped tracking the daily.


I've even posted about it.


But I'm being selfish in-game (because my low pop server may go 2 hours in PRIME TIME without a 50's queue pop) in the hopes that if other people have to queue 12 times for their 3 wins (by winning 6, losing 6), then my queue times may be shorter.


My only fear is that today's patch broke the not tracking "fix", but didn't put a real fix in.

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Have you tried not tracking the quest? That seems to be fine as a viable workaround from my experience.


I've tried doing that, it still doesn't give credit half the time. This bug has been around since early stages of beta and hasn't been fixed. Doesn't seem to be a big priority for them, or you could look at how long its been around and guess that they don't know how to fix it. Either way it's upsetting when you lose 5 games in a row and then finally win just to see that you didn't actually win because it didn't count. In my eyes this should be a high priority bug fix since their is a lot of people that are only here for pvp.

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devs are playing imperial side so they don't even notice that half of their 20 wins did not count each day...



seriously, if you're on the side that is losing mostly on your server then it really breaks the spirit when you finally win and it does not count towards the daily/weekly

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