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DON'T STAND IN FIRE...and other things true noobs need to know.


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Also keep in mind that decide early in the Flashpoint/instance/heroic whatever on CC symbol and who does what.


If the leader assign you a symbol (say lightning) when he/she marks it and say go (or decide that you will CC first THEN tank pull aggro that is fine.


Aggro mechanics

Most tanks have some taunts that can draw aggro, but generally as they attack, they generate threat. A DPS who outdamage a tank AND threat WILL pull aggro (it can be done. I don't know the math) so be careful.


Watch the AoE. When I play my Sorc or Merc, and I was told to CC first, I usually pick a place I can CC and run back TOWARD the tank. Most boss/mobs will follow ME and the tank will use AoE or an attack to draw aggo. DPS PLEASE make sure you map a key or use Target's target to concentrate attack on what the tank is killing (unless assign otherwise)


It is pretty easy when you have 2-3 champion attacking the tank and you are concentrating your fire on the WRONG kill order and pull aggro. It happens.


If a tank does his/her initial AoE taunt, then you are safe you attack the primary target the tank is attacking and won't pull aggro. The only person who may pull it is the healer (with all the aoe heals and such) but that is the tanks' job to keep reapplying aoe attack that will generate threat.


AoE: play around with your AoE and see how much distance it will hit. Death field is pretty big (says 8m but it seems I can get bigger area) when using your aoe skills, sometimes the actual area is BIGGER than the symbol on the ground (same for bosses)


most important thing (IMO) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE discuss your interrupt rotation. some boss will use special-super-oh-my-god-it-hurts attack that CAN be interrupted. Please use your skill that will take it out for 4 seconds (8 second cooldown) so maybe two DPS can rotate who use it. Some bosses use missile barrage that does massive AoE damage that can kill the whole team or orbital strike which can EASILY be interrupted by someone. I know the tanks can do it too, but sometimes people get into the "groove" and forget to use interrupts.


If you draw aggro use surrender as a smuggler.


If you are a tank don't forget to taunt the other targets while holding the boss. As DPS if you want me to kill the silvers/no colors first I would like to attack them without them running with a sword at my squishy body and me having to pop my defenses and start running and surrendering as a mob rushes me and the healer.


Wait. There is usually a rover around that makes an easy pull turn to instant death.


Finally, why are you pveing? You get a DP for that, no valor and you out level the loot...


If your a noob just que warzones for your fun. Flashpoints are for when you hit 50. They are a waste of time and energy otherwise.

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Thanks you are a saint!


My pleasure, and I just read the rest of your other post...


CC - Crowd Control - abilities that take a mob out of combat for the duration of it's effect


That symbol is a tool the operation leader and leuitenants have to 'mark' objects for convenience. "CC star and saber, kill gun, then saber then star." Only op-lead and op-Lt can place/remove markers.

Edited by Natarii
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If your a noob just que warzones for your fun. Flashpoints are for when you hit 50. They are a waste of time and energy otherwise.


To this I would say unkind things. :ph_lol:


No offense but some elitist attitudes toward new players is the type of thing I think of when I practice my Classic Mozambique Drill per Jeff Cooper. :p

Edited by DelphinHunter
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Very true stuff. Last week had a dps run through a heroic, pulled all the mobs, and then got me, the healer, killed (also the tank was overwhelmed and ther was no dps to help down adds and mob). I told him not to do that and he replied I should mind my own *expletive* business and let him do his "thing" (basically be a diptard). I left because the guy was a serious douche, and we wiped two more times (with him being an idiot).


One of those should be not to disrespect people when you screw up. It is common sense, but rarely practiced nowadays.

Edited by HinjuMaspo
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If you draw aggro use surrender as a smuggler.


If you are a tank don't forget to taunt the other targets while holding the boss. As DPS if you want me to kill the silvers/no colors first I would like to attack them without them running with a sword at my squishy body and me having to pop my defenses and start running and surrendering as a mob rushes me and the healer.


Wait. There is usually a rover around that makes an easy pull turn to instant death.


Finally, why are you pveing? You get a DP for that, no valor and you out level the loot...


If your a noob just que warzones for your fun. Flashpoints are for when you hit 50. They are a waste of time and energy otherwise.



Personally I think it is better to run lower level Flashpoint early to get a feel what a group run would be like. MOST are kinda short (an hour or less) and you are less likely to have a total disaster if you make a mistake.


Level 50 FP HM tend to be less forgiving and if a player PvE all the way to 50 and then join FP, there might be too many "mistakes" made and just piss off the group.

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yeh thats what I was thinking. Good place to develop skills.


Yup. Also HM bosses tend to be unforgiving also (i.e. high damage and low survival rate). Unlike lower level FP, players can make mistakes and tank can recover and have some VERY close battle (I got into some pretty close one like Mando raiders where the dogs are not aggroable) those are good lesson on threat and aggro control.

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Thought of a few more pieces of jargon you'll hear:


Adds - any mobs that join the fight after the initial pull that need to be dealt with

Wipe - when everyone in the group dies (or if key members are down and success is impossible, the leader may CALL for a full wipe to start again - stop healing, and now it's OK to stand in fire!)

"Stand in Fire" - fire comes in may different colors and variations in MMO gaming; doesnt always have to be 'fire' per se, but anything bad that does dmg is often referred to this way - Dont stand in fire

Splash - some abilities do 'splash' dmg, meaning if you get hit, people near you will to - usually you'll have to move away from your team to avoid this

Soak - some abilities share dmg over all effected - more ppl get hit for less dmg, one person dies if taking it alone - stack up for these

Stack - literally stand on top of other members of your group - used to soak dmg or for AoE healing

Scatter - spread out to avoid splash damage and AoE dmg

Edited by Natarii
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lol you listed common sense. If you don't know this stuff then you really need to stop playing this game and go to school.


You would be surprised, for many players this is their first mmo experience. With that in mind they wont know what to expect. Plus there are those other players who arnt aware of many hazards involved in the "social" group experience as opposed to the solo experience. Many enemy NPC's that can be solo'ed dont have the same skill set of bosses in dungeons.

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See Im learning:

Yeh in that sense Ive stopped playing for the day and I'm here getting schooled. :)

I feel better now I'll stop ranting on elitists and focus on learning from you nice people. lol

Im a DPS, Let the Tank attack first to aggro then DPS the boss or Adds to protect healer.


Edited by DelphinHunter
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Since we are talking about running FP and Heroics


Make sure the group establish what they are planning to do in the FP/Heroic. Are we stopping to collect any Codex? (first time runners) Are we doing a full clear? (i.e. killing everything along they or just enough for bonus) Are we skipping any portion of the FP (via shortcut using Scavenging, slicing or archeology skills)


What makes life easier in FP?


CC - many non-boss mobs CAN be CC (crowd control) I will use Sorcerer and Bounty Hunter (BH) as example since I play both. Sorcerer have whirlwind. It is a purple tornado that will cause the mob to spin in place for ONE MINUTE as long no damage/taunt are done to them (yes. ZERO damage AOE taunt WILL break CC - example is Khem's aoe taunt ability) BH use concussion mission. The mob will looks like they are sleeping while standing up and head is drooped. Both class can reapply EVERY 1 minute if needed.


I know that some tanks may think they can take it all, but you will make your healer's life easier if you take advantage of using CC in fights. If you see like 3 gold star mobs with AoE capabilities (like missile launchers) better to CC at least 2 of them instead of taking all three. Missile type mobs does heavy AoE damage (missile barrage comes to mind) which make your healer work 2-3 times as hard ESPECIALLY with melee dpser.


Plus, using smaller fights is a good way to gauge how much your aoe damage (like Storm force or chain lightning) will hit in an area or mobs. If you break CC on lower mobs, it is not end all be all, but only "test" on boss fight can be disasterous cause the wrong time of breaking CC could mean a wipe cause while the mob is CC couple of thing happen in the background that I notice


- the person doing the CC has aggro initially. This usually mean the dpser or healer who initiate it. So when CC breaks, the tank have to be on top on that mob ASAP before it makes a B line to your DPSer/healer.

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See Im learning:

Yeh in that sense Ive stopped playing for the day and I'm here getting schooled. :)

I feel better now I'll stop ranting on elitists and focus on learning from you nice people. lol

Im a DPS, Let the Tank attack first to aggro then DPS the boss or Adds to protect healer.



Wish there were more willing to read and learn like him.




As for the post about the retarded player that was wiping the group, first I would ask the group leader to kick him, If he doesnt, simply leave.

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Also, don't roll on gear you can't actually use. Need only when you can equip the item (i.e. as a Jedi Consular, you have no business rolling Need on Smuggler gear). Too many times have I seen gear lost because some jerk in the group decides to roll Need on everything that drops, or because the player just wasn't paying attention when they clicked on Need (my favorite was a claim that he wasn't wearing his glasses when he clicked his mouse). Even if it's a mistake, you'll be chewed out horrendously, no matter how apologetic you are.


If you're a DPS or a healer, you have no business leading pulls for groups. That's for the tank to do. Nothing is more annoying than an overanxious DPS who wants to set a record time for a Flashpoint, only to them blame the tank and healer if he dies, or at the very least overstressing the healer to keep him alive. If the healer lets you die for your stupidity, don't expect apologies.


As a DPS, if you pull a mob off the tank and die because of it, the fault does not lie with either the tank or the healer - it's your fault, plain and simple.




I've been burned so many times on a long flashpoint where a healer will NEED on tank gear and win it, to use for their companion. I think this is a common courtesy/sense thing that people should just know, but I've now taken to clarifying this at the beginning of the flashpoint. If I don't get a response from someone, I'm out. If you want something for companion that no one else can equip, always ask the group first if they're okay with you needing at item for your companion. Almost always they will be okay with it.


As also stated, please let the tanks lead the pulls. This includes a sorcerer casting whirlwind to start the fight. It puts all aggro on the sorcerer and means the tank has to work extra hard to try and get aggro away from the sorc and onto him. My advice, mark the target to be CC'd, pick one away from the rest of group (makes it easier to AOE without hitting the CC) let the tank go in FIRST and then whirlwind. The exception are classes that can only CC out of combat, like the operative's stealthed sleep dart. Those do not start the battle unless the operative is spotted. Mark the target, let the operative (or assassin, I think) cc first, then the tank can go in.


And yes, you may think you're a really good DPS by out-aggroing a tank but healing a squishy non-tank can be a drain on resources for a healer.


One thing I'd like to add: Sith Inquisitors (and Consulars), please, do not run up to the mobs the tank is fighting and use Overload (Force Wave) to scatter them away from the tank. I am a melee tank, and I hate this, because I have to be in MELEE range to use most of my abilities. Besides my AOE taunt, I use Smash primarily to help me keep AOE threat and I can't do that when you spread all the enemies all over the place.


Great post.

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9. Buff your group. A buff is a skill that increases your stats. Every class has one...it's the skill that lasts 60 minutes and adds something like 5% to one of your stats. When your group starts, use your buff. Also if you die, you need to reuse your buff. If it runs out, use your buff. It's quick and easy, you just have to remember to do it.


As an addendum to this:


It's polite (though by no means required) to reapply your buff your teammates after you finish your quest/fp, so that your soon-to-be-former teammates can enjoy an entire hour of having an additional buff for their regular gameplay.

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It's polite (though by no means required) to reapply your buff your teammates after you finish your quest/fp, so that your soon-to-be-former teammates can enjoy an entire hour of having an additional buff for their regular gameplay.


I agree wholeheartedly with this...

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One more suggestion about looting in flashpoints. This is not a requirement but I think it's gentlemanly (a gentleman never does things because they are required) if you are running a flashpoint with another of your same class and you beat your party member out of the first two equippable boss drops, I think the polite thing to do is to pass on any items dropped for your class after that.


Most people will not follow this suggestion, but I think it shows a respect for the group effort, and makes you look totally cool.

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