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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level healing or DPS?


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you can level as healing just fine.


Considering you still stacking willpower as your stat your not going to hurt your damage any at all.


I am not sure if eventually you will want crit/surge or power/alacrity (I think you want the latter) Someone else can do the math on that.



Anyway you will be able to have a DPS companion out and as long as you keep them geared you will be just fine.

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Go ahead and level as heals. You will actually like it a lot. I am all heals, lvl 32, and have absolutely no issues in questing. The only thing you might notice is that if you go all out and DPS hard, then you will use more force than a dps'r will, becuase you don't have the same spell proc regens going on, but it really only takes a few seconds to recharge and get back at it. Not to mention, soloing gold's up to 2 levels higher than you is way easier as heals. I just make sure to keep Qyzen geared current, as well as yourself of course.


I would also say that leveling as heals does not feel any slower, and this comes from leveling a BH to 45 so far and a marauder to 38, so yeah, heals is great for leveling.


Good luck with whatever you decide on, you really can't make a "bad" choice. Just make a fun choice.

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I levelled to 50 as heals with no problems. I did see my DPS noticeably slow down by the higher levels though. I was laughing that it took me 9 minutes to solo a champion a level higher than me, but I was using Theran and DPSing. Goes a little faster healing Nadia.


For me, strangely, silver mobs were much harder than golds or champions. I've seen 2 DPSers wrecked by a champion I could solo but then 3 silvers ate me for lunch while the DPSers could chew them up in packs.


CC is your friend, along with interrupts.

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Both totally work. And I swapped heals/dps throughout (lots of money spent on respecs...)


I generally felt like I went faster, but was much squishier as DPS. This meant more downtime in between fights, but Meditate only takes 5-10 seconds anyways.


I didn't have to heal too much to feel that I needed a full talent spread. Removing .6s from our 3s heal was more than enough to get me through 99% of the battles. I'd suggest investigating a hybrid spec, if you're sooooper curious and adventurous.


If you're just in the mood to level without too much pain, both are a fun ride.

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