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Which tree to take? New to mara help me pl0x


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Well just made my Mara but wanted to know which tree would be recommended to go into. Can i get a little insight on each tree's specialty, wether its burst dmg, more dotting. Planning to do some decent PVP so hopefully this is enough to get some advice. My friend told me to go with the Anni tree
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Honestly threads like this frustrate me, if you just LOOK at the tree's they tell you what each one does. If you're doing non-hybrid builds then Anni is typically the most common because it's sustained damage, carnage is DOT, and Rage is the more Bursty gameplay. Also there is no "Best". it all depends on how you like to play, someone who loves to play Carnage and is really good, is going to be equally as lethal as someone who is really good + loves to play Anni. Don't look for the "best" when you play stuff,look for the most enjoyable.
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Honestly threads like this frustrate me, if you just LOOK at the tree's they tell you what each one does. If you're doing non-hybrid builds then Anni is typically the most common because it's sustained damage, carnage is DOT, and Rage is the more Bursty gameplay. Also there is no "Best". it all depends on how you like to play, someone who loves to play Carnage and is really good, is going to be equally as lethal as someone who is really good + loves to play Anni. Don't look for the "best" when you play stuff,look for the most enjoyable.


Someone else needs to read the trees. Annhilation has DOTS, Carnage has sustained Damage with occasional Burst.


For leveling, your best bet is annhilation, try the other specs out after you hit 40. We are squishy and the healing that is given helps us stay alive.

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Well just made my Mara but wanted to know which tree would be recommended to go into. Can i get a little insight on each tree's specialty, wether its burst dmg, more dotting. Planning to do some decent PVP so hopefully this is enough to get some advice. My friend told me to go with the Anni tree


I would suggest reading Kibaken's Marauder guide that is stickied at the top of the Marauder page. It was a big help to me when starting my Mara and I'm sure it would help you as well. And ignore the negative posts from jerks who tell you to just read the trees like the "gentlemean" above, they have nothing better to do than rag on someone who may be new to this stuff. Good luck!

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I would suggest reading Kibaken's Marauder guide that is stickied at the top of the Marauder page. It was a big help to me when starting my Mara and I'm sure it would help you as well. And ignore the negative posts from jerks who tell you to just read the trees like the "gentlemean" above, they have nothing better to do than rag on someone who may be new to this stuff. Good luck!


Welcome to the club.

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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Someone else needs to read the trees. Annhilation has DOTS, Carnage has sustained Damage with occasional Burst.


For leveling, your best bet is annhilation, try the other specs out after you hit 40. We are squishy and the healing that is given helps us stay alive.


my apologies, I haven't read too much into the tree, I was just quoting a valor 78 Marauder. But even though Anni has some DOTS it's not it's main role, same goes for carnage (i'm assuming, as this Marauder I talk to has been playing a marauder 9 hours a day 5 days a week since release)

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my apologies, I haven't read too much into the tree, I was just quoting a valor 78 Marauder. But even though Anni has some DOTS it's not it's main role, same goes for carnage (i'm assuming, as this Marauder I talk to has been playing a marauder 9 hours a day 5 days a week since release)


Annhilation revolves around applying dots and keeping some up for a steady flow of healing. Its great for leveling as you can stay up longer. Other abilites they have revolve around resetting the cooldown of Dot Applying abilities, and staying within range of a Target, as well as getting a nice extra interrupt.


Carnage does not rely on dots in any form, but instead revolves around the Ataru Strikes that all your melee moves have the ability to grant. It can grant a Rage point as well a nice little insta-crit on your Force Screams. They can also crit themselves giving each melee strike you do an extra 400-700 damage possible. Massacre makes the Ataru strikes 50% chance. Very good sustained damage, although this spec has very little ability to stay alive during leveling other than pots and Quinn.

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