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Can someone explain why healers get screwed


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I must say, even though I lack a lot of experience in high lvl WZ, that combining dmg and healing isn't that big of a problem.


As a Sith Sorcerer (healing specced), I have no problems getting 25kills, killing blow, solo kill, 75k dmg dealt, in addition to the healing medals.


Maybe in lower brackets solo kill is reliable, but I find it almost impossible to get a solo kill on my 50 healer. It takes too long so someone, ally or foe, invariably joins the fight.

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At least healers are getting the MVP votes they deserve. I never vote highest DPS for MVP b/c I only win if we have healers.


I've also noticed most people are voting healers as MVP.


This is my experience as well....


Usually, my vote for MVP goes to the person with the most healing, which is almost always accompanied by two or three other votes.


As a rule of thumb, Healers are pretty important in Warzones. Some of the complaints seem to be largely absurd (Ex. Trauma debuff is perfectly apropos), but I do feel for their lack of medal earning capabilities.

Edited by KraithFjorn
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Why are healers not rewarded for their efforts in pvp. i will use the following screencap to show you what i mean


Prim: 500k healing, 50k Dmg, 31 kills, 600 objective points = 6 medals

GrandTrooper:170k dmg, 37 kills, 0 healing, 300 objective points = 9 medals




Its obvious that i Did MUCH MUCH more work in this WZ and yet i get screwed.

What gives bioware?


Medals are for certain achievements, he spread out his achievements and you didn't. There are medals for getting a solo kill, a killing blow, a certain amount of damage, a certain amount of healing, protection (i believe), etc etc.



You focused entirely on healing and didn't even even break the 75k damage medal. That is why he has more medals. You don't keep getting medals for every 75k you do, or for immense amounts of healing. That is just how pvp games are (such as BF3 etc). The guy who does it all >ok< gets more medals than the guy who masters one thing to the max.




You helped your team more no doubt, but you only did one thing. Similarly, a guy who does 350k damage in a warzone with few killing blows, healing, or other achievements should get the same medals as you (and does).

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As a full spec Merc healer I can honestly say it is pure hell to play as a healer.


1. There is no "target of my target". All tab does is shift from one enemy to another. This does nothing to help you target who needs healing. As a result you either look at people's health bars in the area or you look to see who is in range with the party icons. And odds are even if they are in range, you don't have line of sight. But the point is all that takes time. Time that DPS / Tank classes don't have to spend as they simply target to the next target and move on.


2. To go full healer means you have to sacrifice combat abilities. As a Merc, I lose tracer missile and everything else has pretty lengthy cool downs. It is all but close to impossible for me to kill a guy now. When I go into a fight one vs one, my only hope is to last so long the other guy just simply gives up and moves on to another target.


3. Combat medals are simply out of the question with full spec healers. You have weakened attacks, fewer attack options, and those options tend to raise your heat so much they leave you unable to properly heal. Choosing between healing or damage dealing is never really an option. By going healing, I am a very ineffective attacker. So the odds of a full spec healer getting a 2.5k damage crit, 75k damage, or kill requirements is slim.


So can the hybrid classes get their medal counts? Sure they can. But the hybrids aren't much help in PVE HM or OPS. They lack the true skill of the core healer and they still have some weakened dps output. So although they may get higher medal counts in warzones, their character designs end up gimping the PVE groups they play with.


The point is that true healers get the bone with the medal counts. The only time a healer can break 300k in healing in a match is when the opposing team all but ignores them in combat. However, a person can easily get 300k damage if a healer is keeping them up.


So who is more valuable? The DPS guy or the guy who all but ensured he got those high numbers to begin with?


If tanks can get guard, then healers should get "protection" if they healing somebody taking active damage.

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Medals are for certain achievements, he spread out his achievements and you didn't. There are medals for getting a solo kill, a killing blow, a certain amount of damage, a certain amount of healing, protection (i believe), etc etc.



You focused entirely on healing and didn't even even break the 75k damage medal. That is why he has more medals. You don't keep getting medals for every 75k you do, or for immense amounts of healing. That is just how pvp games are (such as BF3 etc). The guy who does it all >ok< gets more medals than the guy who masters one thing to the max.




You helped your team more no doubt, but you only did one thing. Similarly, a guy who does 350k damage in a warzone with few killing blows, healing, or other achievements should get the same medals as you (and does).


this has been mentioned several times throughout the post so i will just say it again. DPS spells, namely the instants are VERY force costly. To 1) waste a global CD to put out a dot so that i can get a little more dmg or a kill assist i sa very large waste of a GCD, 2) the cost of a heal spell vs a dmg spell is about 1:2 ratio i am wasting about double my force power throwing out a dps spell, and at the same time loosing a much more effective healing spell to the GCD again.


In an evenly match team. wasting GCD to get a little bit of dmg out can usually mean that someone on your team is dying, on evenly matched teams unless both teams have 3 healers, this is a very rare occurring thing on my server. I am usually spam healing at least one person to keep the 3 people tearing his face of from succeeding.

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I am also a sage healer. I have hit over 1million in voidstar before with all the healing medals. I have recently started to abandoning healing after 300k as it is really easy to get then focus on tagging people for kills to get the 10/25 kill and 75k dmg medals. I know it seems selfish, but until they fix healing medals I am going to continue to do so.


I usually end up with 8/9 or 10/11 on alderan due to the defense points and depending if I get a lucky solo kill of someone trying to run off and heal who is almost dead as I can't really go toe to toe with anyone unless their gear is terrible without taking forever.


I would suggest:

2.5k/5k single heal medals



total healing medals


Aside from myself I rarely see people hitting above 400k and to hit higher than that I am working my *** LOSing people and smart casting my aoe heal to maximize its effectiveness.


I usually get between 2-4 MVP votes as well so I probably earn far more valor on average as a healer. The thing is you have to be a good healer to notice if you're averaging 150-300k healing you probably won't earn much valor but when you're putting up 500k+ people notice a lot.

Edited by Bloboo
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